
Tuesday, 25 July 2017

Why Amputate When It Is Not Necessary?

This is a very serious matter as some of these amputations are not necessary, to me it seems to be another deceptive way to destroy everybody. 

One day on a visit to the hospital to get my son's cast taken off from his leg, I just found my self-walking into a section of the hospital in a room that was laden with amputees and at that moment my being just voiced its presence to say ‘‘ This isn't Right! 

Not only did my being had to let me know that it wasn't right but I as a person knew that it wasn't right. 

And as I stood there in shock, my eyes looked all around the room at everyone I felt as though a mad butcher was in the place just taking off limbs. 

I've never felt so uncomfortable as my being continue to voice its opinion on what I've seen, and I could not but asked a woman sitting in a chair near where I was standing ‘‘ What is really going on in this place that so many individuals are missing body parts? 

And that lady seemed just as concerned as I was as she was saying they are too much of them. 

It wasn't right seeing so many missing body parts, and I knew that something somewhere was dreadfully wrong. 

And most of the individuals that I saw looked so healthy and they just looked some someone took advantage of them and remove a part of them that wasn't supposed to be removed without identifying the real cause. 

I know strange things are happening but that day confronting those individuals in that room I felt as though I was watching a bad movie of some kind with a mad butcher just taking off individuals body parts. 

And I felt and still feel for all those that lost body parts. 

No one can replace those parts of themselves, what they lost but someone can sure speak up and today I'm speaking about it. 

Individuals really need to get a second opinion even a third when it comes to any kind of amputation. 

You see! Some of those amputations are not necessary, it's just an old way that some lazy doctors are applying to individuals by taking off whatever it is to fix the problem. 

But that is not the way of doing things as many of those cases can be treated with medicated care, only if they try to treat individuals instead of degrading them by removing unnecessary body parts. 

This is not a game, individuals lives and mobility is at stake, their integrity and their function. 

Why take away those elements of anyone when there is not really a problem, but a mere misdiagnosed from someone?  

Through my years of living in this earthly realm, I've met so Many individuals with amputated parts that told me that deep within their beings they knew that they body parts wasn't supposed to be removed but The doctor went ahead and remove them anyway. 

It's really sad to see such an inhumane act taking place right before our eyes without some even noticing what is really going on. 

Yes! There are individuals out there that have injuries and amputation has to be done, but ignorance is ignorance and it cannot be denied. 

Individuals need to take check and control over their bodies as to know what is going on with them, don't just put your bodies into some individual's hands that are just playing parts, that have no understanding of what is really going on. 

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