
Saturday 28 September 2024

Some youths are trying to become a menace to society

Some youths are trying to become a menace to society and some individuals are trying to find out the reason for such ways.

They tend to base the facts on numerous reasons why the youths have become a nuisance to society.

They try to look high and low and they tend not to look at home, where the seeds are planted and the nuisance behaviors all start, the bad influences the youth gathers and the mentality that they walk with.

Many factors can influence schools and children, such as bad environments, bad company, a child that was brought up the wrong way, bad management, and the will and strength of the child to decide the road it wants to go on.

Some people will argue and base their opinion on where the school is located, and how the schools are being managed, and yes there is a truthful reasoning that can be absorbed, it boils down to how the child was raised and the influences it gathers too. 

Some children walk around with the bully, bad boy or girl mentality and they tend to carry it wherever they go. In some cases, the management at the schools is too weak and shows no type of authority over the children and the children automatically think that they are in charge of doing whatever they want. 

I would say that overall it depends on how the child was raised, it starts from home, and if a parent or parents raised a ruthless and unmannerly child that has no respect for self or others, that just gathers to negative influences, that is how the child is going to portray itself in whatever environment that it goes in. 

It starts from home, and the strength and willpower of the child to know what's good from bad will determine the outcome of how it will carry itself through life.

Proverbs 22:6 

Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.

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