The tedious encounter that an individual has to go through just to get service at a polyclinic is so appalling.
I wonder why some polyclinics are really opened because with the harsh treatment and long waiting hours that individuals have to endure it's just not helping anyone.
From some unruly staff that always has their faces in an angry mode to four and five hours waiting for prescriptions to a patient.
And with three or more pharmacist in the pharmacy, you would think there would never be a go slow.
Individuals can be heard constantly voicing their opinions about the bad services and no one seems to care, as friends and family of the pharmacist are by passing cues as they go to a side door to get their prescriptions filled out there.
The arrogance I've seen, the staff members with a little or no appeal as they never seemed able to politely address anyone, it's always a harsh voice of words and a fast movement as they exit and hurry along.
And with the collection of prescriptions method that is so backwardly done, pharmacist behind a glass window shouting out names and most individuals can not even hear them it's the only movement of lips and no one can read lips and no one is dumb.
This is not a heath care system that cares about the people, I only see a building with individuals that are working just for the money, and if they could have their way, believe me when I say that they would choose not to help anybody.
I've had so many bad experiences at polyclinics that up to now I do not believe why some of the staff is still working there, and all that happens when someone complains is that the staff gets a transfer somewhere.
Some of the staff is not customer friendly and all of them seemed to be going through some depression state, and are constantly drilled by patients to get up and help somebody that was waiting there so late.
The most thing you can see them doing is walking around all over the place, never helping just talking and moving as a lot of time continue to waste.
The elderly the mothers with babies, the individuals who need help have to sit long hours like they are begging just to get some acknowledgment.
And they never do, it's only when someone makes a noise about the slow bad treatment that they are getting that you will see one or two staff members get up and help.
They just tell you to sit and wait until you hear your name called and after hours of waiting you enquire else where to find out that your notes or perscription was there at another desk waiting for you to pick up all day.
There never seemed to be any communication skills as staff never knows what is going on,you get difference views of information from everyone.
No one seemed to be accurate as each information they give you seemed to be wrong and if you don't listen to your intuition and make a move to ask somebody you would be waiting all day long.
You know! Reporters report about fake news and the real news that needs to be in highlight never seems to be aired, it's just pushed under some paperwork on a desk to be thrown away somewhere.
Government staff among others is always working slow and most of them just waste time as if the individual that want service has nothing to do or no place to go.
And they always go throw work mode so lazy as though they don't want to help anybody.
They make it seems like an individual has to beg to get a public service done, and the thing is that the same individuals that they are mistreating are the same ones that put a vote on a paper to get in a politician that gives the staff a job or they would have none.
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