Why is mankind so eager to end the world? Mankind seems to be channeling so many false ways, false news castings and following in every way.
And some of you are falsely predicting the end of world ways, to try and end the world that has so much truth and evolutionary ways to gain.
So much deception, so much false ways, so much manipulation in almost every way, as the devious ones try to put fear in some, by broadcasting events of endings that will never come.
Year after year these false one's try to predict a false end, from devious entities that whisper in their ears, and off they go like scapegoats out for a hunting being sent out as they try to do some manipulating.
Mankind should be evolving not manipulating or deceiving, they should always try to be existing and evolving.
Haven't some of you by now noticed how every year the devious ones change their tongue by broadcasting an ending of a world that never come?
And the next year they continue the same thing by scapegoating on some false events that the devious ones continue to be playing.
They should be looking for growth, they should be aligning with the planetary flow, not trying to brainwash some by mentioning false things that they don't know.
Mankind should be conscious and in a truthful state of being, not deliberately trying to overpower some by devious ways and devices that are so inhumane Yes! Mean.
There are so many planets in the universal realm and what mankind call Nibiru and planet x is not one of them.
None of the planetary systems of planets carry those manmade ignorant names, the devious ones among you just keep playing a manipulating game.
This Nibiru is just an infiltration of mankind's false and devious way to get control of the masses to try to lead them the wrong way.
Haven't some among you noticed how every year the devious ones come with some false distractive way?
And when Nothing happens they go and plan something else for the following year.
And this planet x never existed, mankind really needs to wake up from their false sleeping, because all that they are being fed is false manipulation of event happenings.
Why all the false flags? Why all the manipulation and deceiving of minds?
You know! If the world as everyone knows it had to end, no one would never know when it's time, so why all the false predictions of ways? No one knows the ending of the universal planetary days.
False ways have always been mankind's way of stirring up and channeling false news of dispositions that never happened.
Always illusions, manipulations, and deceptions, always a channeling of false ways.
Mankind Please listen when I say, no one cannot predict the ending of the universal worlds of planetary days.
Not even from your devious manipulating tools, that are stationed like beacons high above and down below to manipulate mother nature's elements, as they continue to be secretly used.
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