
Monday, 11 September 2017

Nature's Four Elements Are Being Copied And Used As Manipulating Tools.

Nature's four elements are being used as they are being copied and manipulated and placed into a sadistic play for distraction by the devious ones, as an agenda for full control of the masses. 

With much procedures that were put into place, and with rehearsal formed in anticipation for the present and coming manipulated events. 
The Wind, Earth, Fire, and Water are being used in manipulations as man-made hurricanes, earthquakes fire in the form of manipulated high heated sun rays and flooding. 

Mankind is at risk of losing stability and full control of self. 

Some among you have awakened to see the signs and are boldly speaking out, but still, there is much among you that is still in the sleeper's stage. 

Water is being used in the final destruction as a copy of a biblical scene, but it's not biblical it's savage thinking and doings, it's evil and it's a lie. 

All those with eyes will see and all those with ears will hear and all those with a true spiritual mentality will understand what is happening before their eyes, the biggest deception of the century is taking place. 

Don't Panic Show No Fear, Keep The Faith And Know To Whom You Belong.  

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