With the latest destructive trend of occurrences that have plagued islands and states this year with the fast evolving and high Richter scale earthquakes, high volume tornados.
And the high categorized acceleration of Hurricane Harvey, Irma, Jose and Katia mere tropical systems coming off the African belt and other places is more shocking as with much distraction they left in their wake.
And in my years of living in this early realm Yes! I've experienced storms, hurricanes etc but nothing of those multitudes as I found that the development of those hurricanes seemed to have a mind manipulation of their own.
Meaning! Those hurricane systems are not ordinary or naturally developed, they seemed to be manmade.
You know! An individual's being of intuition always knows when things are right or wrong natural and unnatural.
And a red flag is going off on mine, as this is not natural happenings or natural things.
And with the experiments of what I would call ‘‘ Mad Scientist ’’ and other individuals who are joined in groups of malicious deviance just doing devious things, individuals with cold hearts with much agendas in mind.
Mad scientists and governmental leaders that govern malicious devious experiments.
Secret machinery above and below as controlling mechanisms to be remotes for machines that channel false distractive ways.
First and foremost there should be questions of where exactly are these things coming from?
Why the fast acceleration? Why the fast evolving why the fast growth?
Is this an experimental stage of channeling pronoun weather systems as a weapon of warfare to bring mankind to their knees to have that control over all?
I've been monitoring some aspects of ways for quite some time and it all started with the chemtrails and the sun, as I've noticed the hundreds of chemtrails distribution in the sky daily.
And I've also noticed the sun's new way of spreading rays has been maximized in strength and illuminance that gave off that instant burning, not a healing like it use to do before.
When an individual had the need to get some energy from the sun rays on their skin as a mechanism for healing and energy, they would go out in the sun for a few minutes or so and get energized.
Now it has been reversed, so Instead of giving energy it's actually draining energy and burning at a distractive rate.
I remember days, when I use to feel weak and standing or sitting somewhere in the sun's rays, would immediately fully energized me, now as I said it's the opposite, as the sun no longer energized and heals, it drains, damage and your skin it burns and peels.
On the skin, it feels like a chemical acid of some kind, the same radiation effect of feeling that I can feel when I'm sitting in front of the television, computer or phone when they are directed to my body.
It's a burning, discomfort that makes one feel nauseated and weak as the skin starts to feel a burning and uncomfortable sensation.
And even the atmospherical air has the same deposit and distributions as the wind, which no longer refreshes but It burns, it just tainted with some kind of chemical out burst.
An off balance in the air, like a wide spread flow of an energy that has been distributed in the atmosphere.
And I've noticed that almost everyone is complaining of headaches, nausea, burning skin and unnatural feelings when they go out in the sun light.
And I for one know fresh air and I know tainted wind as my senses are flowing in high gear.
A lot of individuals called mankind is still being fooled into much manipulation ways, as some individuals are behind the scenes controlling and manipulating the weather.
And they have many agendas in mind of trying to control mankind as they try to put more manipulative procedures into place.
For years Africa was and still is a place conducted for many experimental procedures as its inhabitants are being used like guinea pigs, mere animals in a science lab.
And I wouldn't put anything past governmental and scientific deceivers, as the controllers behind these unnatural weather systems like a hurricane, earthquakes, etc that seems to have a human trace controlling mind.
Why now? Why the horrendous distraction? Why the high volume of lost life and possessions?
Something must be on the agenda to just destroy, clear, rob and remove some inhabitants from places they inhabited.
They just rob individuals of their habitations, family, integrity, a life of living and will power, and then to be diverted to a mere controlling commanding way like animals waiting on hand.
Why now? Why the sudden burst of weather overrated systems that are causing heart ache that's on a destructive trail?
I'm an individual that like to ask questions and I like details, to give and to receive of every aspect of the way that does not identify itself with a clarity of truth.
And individuals called mankind needs to adapt to the same way, to gain an understanding of what truly is and what is not.
As not to get blindsided and manipulated by and with what some devious individuals on the agenda scenes throw at them for them to believe.
Individuals need not be so vulnerable to accept what lie of infiltration is pushed at them as information to divert them from understanding what truly is, and what isn't.
By now individual's intuitions should be going off like sirens as to let them know that what they are being introduced to and bombarded with is not real authentic natural weather from mother nature's elements and it's not her evolving way.
Mother nature is all about newness, birthing, refreshing, comforting, bringing goodness and beauty, helping and comforting with and from her elements aspect of ways.
She doesn't voluntary hurt or destroyed, damage or weaken, as I said she is for growing with always an agenda for a newness and a comforting of way.
That's also why there is a call for everyone to get a truthful conscious awakening so that everyone can be aligned with the universal truth, as to be able to understand what truly is and what is falsely portrayed for them to believe.
And what is now happening in places around the world just seems like a sick devious scientific governmental joke, as individuals are now being rounded up like cattle to be distributed to man-made controlled barns.
Fear and panic is a factor for these devious individuals and that is what they are working with to try to bring mankind to their knees.
Fear and panic are weapons of warfare that lick away the mind and mental understanding of heart and soul's intellectual intelligence of mind's way.
As a means just to have individuals vulnerable to be controlled at command.
And with fear and panic mechanisms being put in place, individuals will be hurdled cattle that will be distributed in controlled elements from their normal life of free-living.
Why the desolation of lands? Why the uprooting of individual's natural living? Why are some places being permanently made desolate? What really is the scientific and governmental individual's and others hiding, up to and doing?
And believe me when I say that some of these places that are being desolate will not be desolate for long as scientific and governmental alliances have agendas for those places, and if they didn't find something of value they are planning to stage something from those locations as a beacon to draw in more devious works.
Yes! There are universal ways that each and every planet has as alignments to have with evolving and evolutionary ways, and destructive elements of atmospherical destructive happening are not the universal way of doing things.
The universe's way is always suttle and calming no destructive, manipulative, harming and destroying, it's a reproductive rebirthing of new in beautiful stages.
There is a big difference in the universal way that devious individuals among mankind can not copy because for one thing they don't have genuine loving hearts for each other truly care.
These strains of false biblical happen are not true and clear biblical occurances and some of you are reading into false words and works.
These false elements that are showing up everywhere are not universal, and they should be questioned by all conscious awakeners.
As these happenings are not what they are portrayed to be, they are not natural elements, they are not channeled from the universe for a changing evolving world.
The acceleration is too fast and the destructive way is too major.
Yes! Weather elements have a way of removing other elements that stand in their way as to gain a free flow, a clear road to maneuver to their works of helping mother earth to achieve her evolving way.
But what is happening is not what I just describe, what is going on is a major destructive and disruptive plan for forced rehabilitation for mankind.
And that is not part of a natural occurrence for mankind, they should evolve not be destroyed, damaged or tainted and unrooted from their true state of living.
Oh, what lengths devious individuals among yourselves go through to get what they want, Yes! The greedy, cold and dark ones.
Spiritual understanding always leads to a truthful spiritual way.
And it's a way that much of you ‘‘ Mankind’’ needs to adapt to as to get and gain a great understanding of the universal governmental way.
With a truthful spiritual understanding that with its true elements, you the individual will always know and identify the truth of everything that is.
There are four seasons that produce goodness in clarity to all, and they are evolving ways that are aligned with a universal way.
And now mankind, Yes! Some devious Individuals among yourselves is trying to clarify storms, tornados, rain, earthquakes etc as seasons of their own.
And with these manipulated, deceptive false ways comes much destruction for mankind, the norm for mankind's false elements of wares.
As most of them are always on the side of robbing, destroying, controlling and manipulating instead of healing, building caring and evolving to bring in new and better ways.
There is always a branding on these man-made elements as they leave a trace of their devious scientific elements embedded inside, Yes! Again a norm for mankind.
As I said before, Yes! Things do happen as an evolvement to open up to new and a natural way.
But a premature launch is just going to bring individuals called mankind, distraction, pain, and fear.
Devious elements that want to steal them of their will power and allegiance of a true way.
The weather prediction I used to question from an early age, as every year a man-made prediction of description is channeled to everyone.
A number of storms, tornadoes, earthquakes, hurricanes etc and their effects on the mainlands, Yes! Are always put forth on a timeframe.
Hmm! Seems to me like there is information transferred to and fro from the devious ones behind the scenes doing the manipulation.
A question to be asked is, how do they know the elements of the pattern of these systems?
And please don't anyone tell me that they have sophisticated technology that can predict atmospherical events, because right now I will be looking at you with this :| A Straight face, Seriously?
Yes! They do have the sophisticated technology but they are not telling the truth of how those technologies are being used and for what purpose.
Such freak weather that is happening now is being controlled and penetrated as destruction as its main control tool of agenda, with manipulation and control as the hearts behind its works.
Natural elements are always about newness, birthing, refreshing and evolving, Yes! An evolving natural way of a natural nature that knows how to control itself without glitches, damage, and errors.
Something mankind's mad scientist and governing bodies are unable to do and acquire from their man-made tools of manipulation.
Natural elements are all around you but the devious ones among you are trying to turn them into some things that they are not, with their manipulation and man-made devious ways.
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