
Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Is Your Relationship-Draining? Or Building?

Yes! Individuals have their differences and to commit to a serious relationship most of them seems never able to do.

Yes! Committing to a relationship takes a whole lot from a diverse of energy, time, effort and poise, to being genuine as one continue to maintain a true stance.

And we do find some commitments are not what they seem to be as some are much draining of energy and time wasting.

And with two individuals on different pages of a commitment book, some always seemed to be on two different paths.

With one going on to productivity and the other to a dead end road.

Yes! You do like the individual and you have tried but having a liking for someone is just not enough, as it has to be deeper, it takes more than just liking to be applied.

It takes a true sense of love's essence and all it's committed ways.

And some individuals in relationships need to learn much consideration when it comes to life, as some needs to understand the significance of living life in a truly beneficial way that would direct them to full growth passages instead of playing the school boy and school girl games needing teachings on a day to day basis on do's and don'ts.

As most of them just seemed to be still in a childlike stage as they never take things seriously, and they are always in the following mode.

Children will grow up sometime and some will learn when to put away the childish toys.

And if anyone is in a relationship with anyone that is still playing life's games, the fact of the matter is most likely you had a kiddy on your hands.

And having an immature partner is having a lot of time going over the same things sometimes with results and sometimes not.

If they are willing to try things might work, and if they are stubborn it wouldn't.

And in relationships with an immature mate, you will find much deliberation from both parties on if that kind of relationship is what they really want.

And what I can say here is, if it is not working out just walk away, why waste any more time on something or someone that can not be fixed?

As it doesn't make sense draining yourself of energy, wasting time, effort and a true standing when the other party is determined to be and do something else that would only put a strain and stress on the relationship?

What sense is it staying around? Unless you enjoy having headaches, sleepless nights and trust issues?

Helping someone all of us should do but it depends on the individual that you want to help.

If that individual has made up his or her mind to do what they want without getting scolded into reality norms.

It just means that you will be wasting your time and energy on a lost cause, and who needs that in a relationship?

A dependable mate is a freestyle living, a life with many productive ways ~Marcelle Hinkson

An immature mate is an erosive life with much bleeding and tears to patch ~Marcelle Hinkson

And no one should put themselves in a relationship that continues to bleed and tear, it just would not go anywhere.

Leaders will always be leaders and followers will be followers.

And two leaders in a relationship will make great works, as they will know to go the beneficial ways of life, and their relationship will withstand much.

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