
Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Digitally Dumb

All systems of technology are on the rise but when It comes to some individuals they have locked off their brain function and their attentiveness of eyes.

When will some individuals open their conscious eyes to see that this technology of wares ways is just putting a stumbling block in some of their pathways?

What essence of intrigue as nearly everywhere you go you can see.

Individuals in societies all over the world caught up in this digital world way of technology's wares and ways.

Technology for some is now taking over their lives, brains are idling bodies are suffering.

The multitude of never attentiveness when you see individuals displaying strange acts, of not being coherent of their surroundings or who may be walking up behind their backs.

Why are so many brainwashed in this way, with these digital devices of wares that are putting hindrances in some individual's way and has them acting in strange ways?

Before it was using the brain to get an even wise wisdom flow, that makes the brain cells excel is now closed and a digital false flow is present at each open door.

So now brain cells would not be working only idling, as they wouldn't get time to be enhanced as they figure things out.

No growth will be happening because the false digital wares for answers are just finding them out.

So who really is suffering here and who really is gaining?

You know! like the engines in vehicles when not used they do seize up rust and go numb, just like the brain when not in useful form will be seized up and go dumb.

And with no body of movement to live healthy ways most individuals are just lazing around with some kind of technology's device in their face.

Don't get me wrong!  I am all for progress, meaningful positive productive growth, but the channeling of some of these devices are just wasting time, putting a stumbling block in some individual's lives and making them worst.

No longer do you find individuals using their brain of thinking to solve simple things.

As now just a touch of some buttons, they can get information on anything.

On someplace, someone or a mathematical sum worked out, the name of places far away or the latest trends to wear out.

And my question is, What is civilization really coming to when almost everyone that used to have a conversation and talk to you, is just now passing you by because they are so caught up in this digital technology lie.

Being digitally dumb in all aspects of ways as they now seem to display robotic ways.

With some ears all plug up, eyes glues to screens no attentiveness of being and fingers fastly texting away, isn't this digitally dumb ways?

And they movements cannot be ignored because nearly everyone is displaying these digitally dumb ways that any conscious eyes can see.

What such ignorance are displayed when these days it's not a shaking hand, smile or a wave.

But a robotic walking and staring in digital wares, without noticing anyone or where they are going on their pathways.

The intrusive act the lawlessness of never attentiveness the disturbing volume of bad language in the text is really enough to make any teaching facility that taught these individuals to vex.

What is this all about when nearly everyone is glued to these digital wares?

And with little or no communication they just passed robotically on their way.

Saturday, 27 May 2017

Negative-Viewers-Thinkers-Readers-Talkers It is Time to Positive Up.

With all the different mentalities of thinking I just want to air my view as you know me, ‘‘ I am just saying’’ as this is a clear and true spectrum for wise understanding :)

In life, some individuals are always speaking gloom, and they need to understand that they should try to go a good, true and positive way.

Some places I go and hear individuals talk about depression about how they feel, what they heard, saw or thought.

And what I can say here is that those individuals are allowing the negative vibes of elements in.

Why read articles, listen to the news, watch television etc when all you are absorbing is sad, lies, false,  manipulation, depression and negative news?

Why not wear a clean suit each day instead of wearing the same stained one each day?

Why indulge yourselves in reading, listening, talking and watching things that do not make you grow,  that will only manifest and pollute you?

Why not try to indulge yourselves in positive feeds that would give you a positive way which will make,  your spiritual, mental and physical being clean?

Some individuals cannot blame anyone but themselves because they just like to follow depression's way, as every article, video, talks etc that highlights world's intrusive wayward of ways, they are just in taking each day.

And how would they think they would feel after a negative washing?
It's not a positive cleanse for sure as it's just filth and depression ways that they are just taking in.

Some individuals keep saying that things are getting harder and right there and then they speak with thinking thoughts to manifest its ways.

And the question I want to put forth here is, why would anyone put forth negative works in their path of a way?
Are they so Ignorant to the fact that what they speak will on them travel right back?

And what they need to know is that words spoken do manifest, and in this new realm of dimension shift of consciousness words are just like time and Yes!  They are moving faster.

So Please watch all words from a mouth, thinking thoughts and hearing of absorption that only positive will fall on you.

If only Individuals would get conscious to understand that negative things that they are reading, watching, hearing, thinking and taking is just manifesting and working its way to hang around and be a suit on them to wear on their path each day.

Why read the news when all they have is false ways of manipulation and depression?

Why listen or be in conversations when they are not helping you grow.?

Why watch anything on tv or other when all you see is negative ways?

Why listen to bad lyrics of music when it does is filtered through your being each day?

Why listen to a wayward way of a governing world when all they do is try to manipulate and darken your days?

Everyone really needs to be conscious to really see truths in everything, to walk their true paths of ways and accelerate to a path of winning.

You know! Things will get better!  This time is controlled by a much higher powerful power and he knows his creation and what is meant to be, he is just waiting for individuals to be conscious and set free :)

And mother nature doesn't need any more bad talks of days that individuals think will manifest on her, and if they would look around they would see the products of their speech.

As they are the ones that are carrying the suits with depression, negative talks etc that is only making them weak.

ATTENTION! What you speak is what You will get, because with each word you put out whether words or thinking thoughts will only manifest on you as you will get it right back.

So Please used your thinking words of talking talks wisely, because each negative word you speak, to you it will be pricey.

And I hope that you the negative viewers, thinkers, readers and talkers realize that the negative feeds you pull in and put out is just falling back on yourselves.

And anyone with conscious feeds is just rising up as they hold their heads up high because the truth of The matter is that they do know about the despicable lies.

And by now individuals should know to understand what saying negative words out of mouth mean, so Instead of letting out wayward ways of world's depressive ways please try to be positively clean.

When you look around you will notice as you can consciously see and identify the individuals that are doing right, from the ones that just seemed miserable and negative.

That is just living a life of repeating every negative scene that is pushed they way, and with repeats of bad days is coming and things are not changing.

And what these individuals are really doing?

They see it, think it, absorb it manifest it and Yes!  Wear it.

So individuals PLEASE View, Talk, Hear and Speak wisely next time.

Negative viewers, thinkers, readers and talkers just look at your life and you will understand what I mean, you see what you input on yourself is just a dimming your light and taking the smile off your being to give you a frown instead of a gleam.

So Follow more positive ways that will have a true impact on you each and every day.

Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Is Your Relationship-Draining? Or Building?

Yes! Individuals have their differences and to commit to a serious relationship most of them seems never able to do.

Yes! Committing to a relationship takes a whole lot from a diverse of energy, time, effort and poise, to being genuine as one continue to maintain a true stance.

And we do find some commitments are not what they seem to be as some are much draining of energy and time wasting.

And with two individuals on different pages of a commitment book, some always seemed to be on two different paths.

With one going on to productivity and the other to a dead end road.

Yes! You do like the individual and you have tried but having a liking for someone is just not enough, as it has to be deeper, it takes more than just liking to be applied.

It takes a true sense of love's essence and all it's committed ways.

And some individuals in relationships need to learn much consideration when it comes to life, as some needs to understand the significance of living life in a truly beneficial way that would direct them to full growth passages instead of playing the school boy and school girl games needing teachings on a day to day basis on do's and don'ts.

As most of them just seemed to be still in a childlike stage as they never take things seriously, and they are always in the following mode.

Children will grow up sometime and some will learn when to put away the childish toys.

And if anyone is in a relationship with anyone that is still playing life's games, the fact of the matter is most likely you had a kiddy on your hands.

And having an immature partner is having a lot of time going over the same things sometimes with results and sometimes not.

If they are willing to try things might work, and if they are stubborn it wouldn't.

And in relationships with an immature mate, you will find much deliberation from both parties on if that kind of relationship is what they really want.

And what I can say here is, if it is not working out just walk away, why waste any more time on something or someone that can not be fixed?

As it doesn't make sense draining yourself of energy, wasting time, effort and a true standing when the other party is determined to be and do something else that would only put a strain and stress on the relationship?

What sense is it staying around? Unless you enjoy having headaches, sleepless nights and trust issues?

Helping someone all of us should do but it depends on the individual that you want to help.

If that individual has made up his or her mind to do what they want without getting scolded into reality norms.

It just means that you will be wasting your time and energy on a lost cause, and who needs that in a relationship?

A dependable mate is a freestyle living, a life with many productive ways ~Marcelle Hinkson

An immature mate is an erosive life with much bleeding and tears to patch ~Marcelle Hinkson

And no one should put themselves in a relationship that continues to bleed and tear, it just would not go anywhere.

Leaders will always be leaders and followers will be followers.

And two leaders in a relationship will make great works, as they will know to go the beneficial ways of life, and their relationship will withstand much.

Monday, 22 May 2017

Is It Attraction?

All over the world men and women find themselves connecting to each other for all different aspect of ways known to them.

And the basis of the allurement to each other is base on some kind of emotional alertness of feelings.

Attraction? Maybe or maybe not as there are quite a few reasons why individuals get sighted by each other in some kind of affectionate way.

It could be lustful, for appearance, financial benefits or other, as I said it's only known to them, until what ever the reason gets a highlight.

I am an individual who doesn't get attracted by individuals from their appearance, I get attracted to their heart, mind and their ability to put truths into focus and perspectives as they distribute it.

Yes! The positive aspects that lay within themselves.

It's not a mere attraction that I look for, it's uniqueness, intellect with wisdom and a way to carry me as an audience into meaningful conversation.

Yes! I've seen attractive men and Yes! I see men as God's fine specimen of creations.

But I'm not directed to looks alone as the heart has to be in the right place also.

And a genuinely loving heart is what I always look for.

You see! With a genuinely loving heart, all aspects and essence of the heart will flow.

Feelings Of Joy.

The feeling of Joy of companionship also means that something or someone interacted with you to cause the friction of your emotions,as there always has to be an interaction of some kind to make the manifestation come to light.

Who Is Guarding The Guards?

All over the world, some security firms are now finding themselves with stained reputations as when it comes to a trusting firm of employees for security,
some have dropped very low in the category of being trusted.

And why is this constantly being displayed among some security firms?

Why do some guards need to be guarded?

Why does some security firms distribute untrustworthy individuals in business or other establishments when they do not meet trusting, physical and mental requirements? Why?

For some security firms it is always about the money Yes! The big contracts and then they go and fill the employment passages with who ever they could find.

Through the years I've noticed a drop in standards in some security firms as some look as though they went to senior citizens homes or prison facilities to do recruiting there.

Don't get me wrong and please don't have bias thinking about my dictatorship okay readers.

Senior citizens! I do salute you for your trying efforts of job area distribution.

But security firms need sturdy, efficient, fast, focus, trusting and mobilized individuals with much-experienced poise with a clean background and much reliance to needs.

And as far as the prison looking aspect of displayed distributions of individuals in some security firms.

Again don't get me wrong or have bias thinking of my area dictatorship.

I know that one should never judge a book by its cover and I am not judging as always I am just ‘‘ Saying!  as I get my areas of views out there in free speech of distribution.

And as far as not judging a book by its cover, one do need to make sure that the appearance of the book is of strong growing content, with clean pages to understand, not falling apart, and that the main element content of the book is not fabricated to be what it's not, never soiled with remnants of it that does not have clarity of true intentions, or that it does not display illucent tears.

What need is a damaged book when one can not require the distributions of its contents in an organized and satisfactory way?

Yes! and again this question I put forth to you,‘‘ Who is guarding the Guards?

An interesting aspect of a way as this question should not be left unanswered.

Some with talks of experiences from others where the guards need much guarding, I found myself faced with a situation of the sort.

What does one do when they find themselves faced with a situation with someone who is supposed to be your guard in service, with an allegiance to guard and protect no matter what?

Then it is revealed to you with much-showing evidence that the guard was the culprit of the burglary.

One thing that I can tell you is that it really leaves a bad taste in your mouth, and I do not literally mean that your mouth has a bad taste.

I mean that your whole aspect of being just goes on an emotional high, as you start to feel invaded by having a break in trust, with much deliberation of questions of Why? How long? How did? How could?

And with all that happened and the questioning, the main fact is that all errors and devious manipulation of ways have been shown up and everyone's eyes are now opened to see that the question does hold relevance of being asked Yes! Who is guarding the guards?

Wednesday, 17 May 2017

A New Day

It's a new day a new a new morning and I opened my eyes to see, the beautiful surroundings and clouds in the sky that's layered so neat.

Birds chirping away as they embrace a new day.

I can see the ocean live in view, as I see a day opened up to new.

A new day new blessings new hopes and never wishes, you see there is no genies in bottles around only a loving Creator Father with a presence and eyes and ears that see and hear all around.

The sun is softly setting and the moon has dim her light, the sky is now lighted as the sun gives off her light.

It's always a blessing when you can wake up and open your eyes to see, a new day birth right before thee.

And from a precious breath of life within, that always makes your heart of soul to a new day sweetly sing.

A new day a new way a natural precious thing to see, a breath of life that I am grateful and thankful for as my creator has his breath of life in me.

I know that I am special to get such a beautiful gift and I have faith faith and hope and never a wish or a wish list.

Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Relationships-Dealing With Indecisive And Immature Ones

All over the world men meet women and women meet men and some carry on a relationship to full bloom.

Others meet halfway, some put everything and every way of themselves into it while others are undecisive immature, and still in a play discovery childlike mode.

Relationships are relationships and they all start the same way with a potential mate trying to soothe the other into companionship with different means and ways of seduction.

Or ways that they think the individual will be pleased with as they try to use their masculine or feminine way to entice the individuals well being.

From dinner to dates etc individuals are seduced into a way most familiar to some as the potential mate tries all that they can.

And some may achieve what they wanted to achieve and that is having a relationship with his or her mate.

And when it comes to relationships sometimes the ending is not as sweet as the beginning as sometimes the individual that you once knew just turned into a Jeckel and Hyde right before your eyes.

And it does go both ways not only with men but with women also, as some just start off a relationship on good terms of interest and after a few days, weeks or months they just start acting so differently than before.

And men and women never noticed at the beginning because they were so caught up in a whirlwind of days of being treated like a prince or princess by what they taught were a very interested potential individual who may be that one.

And they just go along to see the scenario of play and what the ending will be to work out for them.

Going into relationships can be very stressful at times and I do understand why so many are living a single life.

Also going into a relationship is a very serious thing and sometimes you may find yourself fully committing to someone that has no interest at all in the relationship or you, just a fling.

As they are so immature and still in that stage of discovery in a child-like mode.

And any individual still in this kind of stance of ways will just be a waste of your time and energy because these kinds of individuals are never the seriously committed kind.

Maybe you taught that they were in the beginning, but things always change around for you to see clear as day.

And these kinds of individuals should not be allowed to enter your life as an ongoing serious relationship way.

Yes! Some do act mature in the beginning but as always his them bringing all they've got to the table to make you please, interested, and amused by them to think that they may be the one.

Always playing a part to get you all caught up with them for you to get a good viewing in your mind thinking of heart.

But things may not be what it always seemed to be as in a day, week, month, or two that same individual you got to know may end up acting so different.

There are all kinds of attitudes and personalities' in men and women and some individuals are out there still looking for that authentic individual that would be a potential and committed everlasting mate.

Sometimes I wonder if everyone took the same pill as to me most act the same immature and indecisive ways.

From being indecisive, intimidated by other's stance structure of life, and living to some that just could not make up their minds.

Then there are others that always seemed to be in that"trying to find self in life" mode.

And the eager beaver child-like mentalities of pursuing meaningless ventures that is just not beneficial at all.

And with the most common one attitude of the "Jeckle and Hyde" changing of personalities right before your eyes.

And the ones that are always saying things to enticed and all that is ever coming out their mouths is false hope and big lies.

Yes! They are all out there and I know that it's not men alone but women also have these kinds of changing personalities, immaturity, and indecisive ways.

That only put strain and stress on genuine individuals that are just looking for a companion for a committed relationship to spend their life long days.

Being immature does not help anyone going into a relationship all it does is back up production of your life.

As it tries to put a stall in your days of potential maneuvering to deal with an immature one and meaningless ways that are not defiant to your growth aspect of ways.

And it does add strain to your mental state.

You know! Someday individuals have to grow up and put away the childlike ways, and unfortunately, some don't.

They just go through life misunderstanding their life.

Just playing silly child-like games as they seemed never to be serious about anything not even to commit and have a proper relationship with a genuine and mind-heart individual that wants all growth and productive potential means of living.

I can see in so many ways why some individuals remain single because there are so many others out there with the reluctance of not trying to stabilize themselves in life.

As they are just on their life's merry go around the wheel of indecisiveness and immaturity.