
Thursday 16 May 2024

The fake Sun-Nature's natural elemental reactions always cause reproduction, healing etc. not destruction.

This is a topic that I know everyone should know about as it's literally blazing everyone in their faces.

Now, some individuals may try to call me a conspiracy theorist, but I'm just a discerning and highly intuitive individual who is connected to God and nature.

So believe me when I say that God knows what he created and nature knows what belongs to it, so when there is an intruder or a manipulation it would be a knowledgeable thing to pick up on.

And what I can say here very bluntly is, that shit that is above us blazing us with that microwave heat is not the real sun, the sun does not act like that.

First and foremost years ago, the real sun was an element for refueling, I remember going out in the sun when my energy felt low, and instantly by standing in the sun, I would feel and see my energy rise to my head.

That was then, now whatever in the sky portraying itself as the sun is not the real sun, but some kind of mechanism that's being used as a weaponized technology against the people. 

And it's filled with radiation, because as soon as I stand in it my skin burns, my head hurts and I feel nauseated

When I was at work, the staff members were always going home sick because of the sun, as their duties allowed them to be in the sun constantly. 

And I would always tell them that something is going on with the sun, it's now the real sun.

Of course, some individuals would strangely look at me or question the disposition of my theory, but I know that I know what I'm speaking of. I'm not dumb I'm not ignorant, I have a full-capacity working mind.

Through the years I've been to places, big 5-plus story buildings, etc., and as soon as I enter, I just pick up on whatever is in the air, whether it be dust, mold, etc., I pick it, and nobody else doesn't. I would always mention it to whoever is in charge.  

And low and behold, days or a week after, the buildings would have to shut down and get a full clean because of mold, dust, etc

I'm saying this as a form of reference to state that the sensitivity of which I flow in is 100% working.

So when I say that something is wrong somewhere, know that something is wrong somewhere.

We've seen patented prints and projects of sun simulators, we've heard and seen people planning to block the sun, and by now people should know that when those people say that they going to do something like that, they already did it.

And it's not a secret, you can find legit pictures and videos online that show dates way back to the present with individuals finding strange ways of the sun.

It's been years since I've noticed the change in the sun, and for years I've kept out the sun, through the years, I've been telling people that "the sun is not my friend" because it hurts when I go in it.

We must not be ignorant of the fact that the wicked government, scientists, and elite clans are manipulating things that they get their hands on, to weaponize against the people. 

All weaponized technology that can be used as a bargaining method to gain financial as a trade-off to get things done.

Anyone who knows God and Mother Nature knows that every element is working with each other as a base to flourish, provide, bring into new, birth, refresh, soothe, heal, love, refresh, etc.

Nature's reactions always cause reproduction, not destruction. 

So the destruction is coming from the minds, hearts, and hands of evil men and women with evil intentions.

Look around, at all the resources, elements, ways, etc. that governments, scientists, and the elite evil clans have established, no part of reproduction helps the people, there is always a destructive motive.

For those who don't know, when the rain falls, when the natural wind blows, when the natural sun shines, the earth and nature embrace it, and people embrace it also because their inner being knows where it's coming from, they appreciate what nature gives in nature's natural true elemental ways.

Nature doesn't have weird storms, weird tornadoes, weird plasma lightning, weird thunder, weird snowfall, etc. all those things that cause destruction to the people and nations, are being pushed by evil hands. 

And those evil individuals' intentions are about controlling and trying to get individuals to fear nature, nature is not to be feared, we are a part of nature, why would we fear what we are a part of?

The people need to wake up and see through the deceptions that are being pushed, sooner rather than later.

People must not be ignorant, they must understand and see that everything the government, scientists, elites, etc. get their hands on is not being used to truly benefit the people as a whole, in good productive, healing, etc. way, but those things are being used as weaponry against the people and selected nations to make government scientists elites, etc. rich.

And those who cannot see what is happening would have to be in denial, bewildered, manipulated, spiritually unconscious, or just part of the evil clan.

The wind, sun, and atmosphere are not supposed to feel like acid on the skin, it's not supposed to burn your tongue, they should not feel like poison is in the air, those effects would only come when poison is actually in the atmosphere. 

I see the poison in the atmosphere, I can taste it, I can smell it, I can feel it, and I can sense and hear nature crying for help because it's being poisoned.

One thing I know for sure is that, just as some individuals are to nature with pure love and acceptance from their soul to embrace and appreciate Mother Nature's natural elements, so does the earth, it responds to everything of nature's natural form that is based on its reproduction and healing stage.

The earth and everything natural in it are aligned and working together to help each other, unlike the evildoers who are just trying to bring the earth and people to an end.

And I know that I'm not the only one who can sense the poisons and the man-made manipulations.

The people must wake up, it's now or never. Those that lay in manipulative sleep, "WAKE UP"

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