
Wednesday 15 May 2024

Knowing Natural happenings from orchestrated man-made manipulations

Individuals need to be Spiritually conscious and aware. know what natural and man-made elemental ways are, and who are the wolves in sheep's clothing. 

What are natural weathering systems and what are weaponized manipulated elements?

Throughout the years we've been bombarded with man-made elements, viruses, etc. that have nothing to do with a natural build-up or a natural flow of origin. 

And some people because of the ignorance of their minds, are willing to embrace and adapt to the deceptive agenda without even knowing what it truly is, and they fail at trying to question where it came from.

I feel that some individuals are too gullible as they can be too easily swayed and manipulated through the mind. 

People need to adapt to a more conscious and aware resilience, they need to be strong in willpower, mind, and movements.

They need to be able to identify what is True and what is not, what is natural and what is man-made.

Too often are individuals pulled and pushed into a deceptive realm of make-believe, the evil ones make it, and the gullible people believe it.

It is a structure in which, individuals put themselves to eagerly be teased and introduced to things that do not benefit their well-being but are suited with weaponry to do them harm.

When will people learn, when will they adapt to a more Truthful manner of their spiritually conscious self to be aware of what's going on?

The breakdown of this scenario is just what it is, some people are just being played.

Just imagine the scenario behind the closed doors of the evil ones when they institute weaponized elements on the people and the people rejoice to see their form. 

That's a show that they will be having laughs and fun viewing.

It not only shows the ignorance of the individual's mind but also the lack of understanding,  being aware, and seeing through such deceptions.

The awakening call has been continuously echoed through the timeliness of time, an existing trail that pushed individuals to wake up.

The Truth is staring many individuals in their faces yet they fail to see it. 

They must wake up, and their spiritual consciousness must be able to identify, it must be aware. to know the Truthful elements of everything.

They must be able to align with Love and nature itself, the knowledge must be able to be inserted before they are lost.

Walking with an aware and spiritually conscious being with a self-controlled mind and willpower makes it very hard to be contained and controlled, it puts an individual in a position to question everything that is thrown at them especially when they know the Truth of each matter.

Being aligned with God the Creator and nature makes one adaptable to the Truth as a whole.

No longer will you have to go along with the deceptions, as you would know, your senses should always be on high alert, you feel, see, hear, and taste what it is, if it's not of natural happenings and Truth, or just orchestrated man-made manipulations.

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