
Thursday, 16 February 2023

Pay for what tax?


The man-made taxation constitutions to put a tax on almost everything that is to be free, adequate, and easily accessible has been laced with man-made terrorists and thieving eulogies that just put a damper on what and how individuals are supposed to truly live.

The comfort, stability, and ownership of what individuals have gathered throughout the years are being targeted by a greedy and selfish political body called the government.

Individuals' rights are being abused, blindsided, and stolen by arrogant and greedy governments that are playing the "pushed to always tax" agendas.

The dysfunctioning of the nation's structural systems is not coming from the people but from the government.

The government's greedy and selfish ways to mismanage what is not theirs but the nation and its people's benefits and rights, governments try to rape the nation and its people of their worth. 
Their greed is trying to push tax on everything worthy of usage and comforting factors to the people, the government just doesn't know when to let up, and the government is collecting more than is legal from the people profiting from breadlines.

The rich are not complaining, they are not going to complain because government tax rules are based and pushed at and on the poor man's hands.

The greed of the governments will come to an end when they are removed from the earthly realm, greed does not go to heaven it goes to hell.

Taxation is theft it's the taking of property without the owner's consent, which makes it the equivalent of theft, with some governments as robbers, political theft and the perpetrators are the state of governance.

Taxes were made to push a structure to uphold the nation and state, but in this case of ruthless governments, unfortunately, the people were left out.

And any institution that is based on pushing hardships on the people, their comfort, resources, savings, and livelihood is not for the people but for the ones that planned the institution to be pushed to try and sabotage the people.

The neglect of the people must be highlighted there is an abuse of the people themselves, their rights to institute growth on themselves, their rights to work and fully benefit from what they worked so hard to achieve, their rights to live a comfortable life with true governing structures that will help them evolve to their potential.

Has become a treasonous governing system that preys on the people and what they have and are supposed to get rightfully. 

The greed and thieving government tax institutions that continue to take from the people in a scam act of what they call taxation, must be abolished.

For the people taxation does not have any moral significance, it's just a thieving government basing tax rules on crises that they have made themselves through mismanagements and other ways, of the nation states funds. 

The government laundered money from the people through taxation, to benefit the government and it does not have any benefits for the people. 

Governments need to understand that the nations are the people, the people make the nations, and not the governments themselves, without the people the governments cannot stand.

Taxations are just political Ponzi schemes used to rob the people blind, a system that is trying to rob the people of their comfort, resources, savings, life structure, and will to live.

We must not be blind to the fact that the governments are mismanaging the nation states funds and are pushing the scamming taxation agenda on the people to cover their discrepancies and mismanagements and fill their bank accounts and lavish lifestyles, as we have seen by many governments and political leader who have been charged with corruption for misusing nations funds and resources. 

The lands on which the people were born on which they carry citizenship, through years of working hard to position, build and structure themselves, their land, home, property, their resources, savings, and comfort of living, should not be targeted by greedy and selfish governments.

Greedy and selfish governments with constitutions which try to target individuals for what is rightfully theirs, through taxation and other tarnishing systems that do not look out for the welfare of the people.

Taxation is a terrorist and it needs to be removed, taxation is trying to drain the people of their rights to live a comfortable and efficient life, taxation is trying to kill off the mere existence of the people and their will to live comfortable and profitable lives.

Taxation is a form of slavery, it results in an unfree society in which individuals are forced to work to enrich the government and not the people.

Taxation is extortion, individuals go to work, produce things, create wealth, earn, buy, and build property from the sweat of their brow, then greedy and selfish governments take some of it without earning it.

There is a need an urgent call for governments to restore the virtues of fairness, honesty, and foresight as the foundations of national prosperity, for the people and to the people to be able to withstand life's hardship and get to their potential growth.

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