
Friday, 3 September 2021

Try to be at Peace and Calm in times of trouble

Recent episodes of happenings, due to the covid19 pandemic and its variants have caused many individuals to have a sudden burst of emotional trauma, with many brainstorming and emotional, overwhelming fatigue.

It also placed fear and panic in many individuals that lost sight of themselves, who they are, and their will to stay strong.

I know that not everyone is the same, and individuals all handle things differently than some others, but still, I am not going to make that an excuse to invite or let trauma in any way shape, or form gain relevance in anyone's life.

We as humans go through structures in life and everyone should hold themself up on the stable ground, with a mentally stable mind and structure that could eventually gain back the ability to help themselves.

If you fall, try to get back up, brush yourself off, heal and go again, we must always use the testings times as tools and stepping stones to gain entry unto the better ground and help ourselves up into a better version of ourselves.

Being faint at heart isn't going to get anyone anywhere but in a mental institution or hospital somewhere.

Fear and panic can hold on very tight to the mind, and there is no movement to gain from them, no understanding to help self, just a traumatized mind, mixed with emotions and confusion without end.

We all know what's happening at this time in societies around the world, and all we can do at this point is to try and keep our loved ones and ourselves safe and out of harm's way.

Protocols are in place, and with some self-disciplinary actions, we can help ourselves to stay safe.

Through the weeks, months, and years we've seen the many individuals who lost their lives in the pandemic, we've seen it happen.

But still, we should not let this be the cause to envelop fear, panic, or any stressful or overwhelming trauma into our minds and our lives.

Also, the recent weather formats have also hammered many with unprecedented horrors of freak weather, that cause lives to be lost and many living structures to be uprooted, but you know what? Still, we stand.

I am not going to go into any debates on who is causing what, to do what, as always everyone has their willpower to hold, intuition, a mind to think, and a heart to accept, they have their own beliefs to know.

To understand and be able to sense when something is a natural happening and when it is not, and to come to a conclusion and act on behalf of it.

That is why the senses were placed within us, they are tools to use to decipher what needs to be deciphering to gain truths.

Try not to lose yourselves in the avalanche of pressuring movements, that has come upon us so suddenly. 

Always hold on to the Faith of Hope, the will to go on, a strong heart, and emotional stability help you to be in a place where there is peace of calm.



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