
Sunday, 19 September 2021

Governing Bodies-Who can be trusted to see a Nation of people through?

Are individuals fighting a losing battle against the rising cost of living, are they driving less and making fewer trips to the supermarket?

The people always have the power to push for a better way, to get a good chance, but sadly to say, for some, they never utilize the thoughts to gather themselves to push for the changes.

An island like Barbados in some areas should be producing for its food consumption, vegetables and produce, beef, chicken, lamb, and fish from the seas.

 Barbados government imports over 80+ percent in food, why? That's a question that needs to ask.

 I do know that things are changing etc, but still, that is not a reason or excuse why agricultural services, etc, can not utilize the lands for better performances when it comes to food distributions for the island and its people.

A change is good when it can be employed to be a relevant source to always help and put things into a better kaleidoscope of reasoning etc, not a change that just puts everything in chaos, it should always be a change for the better and never worst.

With all the taxes that the government is pulling in, they should never be constantly borrowing from foreign lands, and with the recently added tax for the sewage system, etc where exactly is all the monies going? 

How can a nation survive if it cannot help itself to naturally stand by itself?

They need to hold off of the extra giddy head spending of building structures that does not serve the Barbadians with adequate dispositions and stop investing in grave dead projects that flop so easily to the floor.

Monies need to be spent on worthwhile projects that can help people as a whole to help them secure themselves in better ways, not to break the individual's back or pockets.

A trenching system can only go on if the people stay numb, voices must be heard as a unit, bodies must join together to get movements for a better way.

Unwanted procedures "Must be Questioned" Barbadians should never be daunted by a government's movement, individuals all have the right to speak up and say what they are against and what they are willing to comply with.
Individuals do not understand that the power to see a better change is in their hands and the movements of which they are willing to take part in for a "Better Cause".

Governments should always remain with the source that they were rooted with, to maintain a balance during a crisis, but many always get sidetracked when seeing big and bigger views.

The public comments have more sensible reasoning than the government and politicians themselves.

The people are all about helping each other, and the government, etc, is all about foreign affairs, etc, and building a safe face.

The overall benefits of locally produce crops will remain as benefits for the island, individuals will be able to gather more instead of less, the imported margin line is way different from self-growth beneficial aspects, nothing is lost, to foreign traders.

How can a people of a nation stand up when the governing bodies that are supposed to be handling their welfare, continue to try to push them down?

In a world of societies, with governments and presidents as aids, many of them have lost themselves and many have the hardness of hearts.

Many only look out for their family, friends, business partners, and those in their inner circle, etc, as for the people they see them as naught.

And as for the same people that voted them in, promises bellowed out in voting rings also went through the doors with the people after voting closed.

There is a crisis going on and governing bodies refuse to help the people that are being pushed into the lakes of circumstances.

 Instead, they are just adding more to individual's already straining backs every day.

From this end, it looks like no one is going to help the people but God and themselves.

The trust individuals once had for governmental bodies no longer stands, individuals now see them as the bad guys, that are out to try and make their lives a living hell.

 I know that the people are trying to deal with a lot around this time.

Some individuals have been employed in governmental arrears for most of their lives, ten, twenty, or more years, and still today after years of employment, they remain in a temporary position without any acceleration to be a permanent staff, that right there is a wrongdoing and it's a mere diplomatic slaving trade.

This job forum, I am going to leave for my next article, as I have a lot to say

People Please Stay Strong in this time of crisis and try not to lose yourselves in the pushing oceans of deceit, manipulation, and control.

Stay strong people.


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