
Thursday, 30 September 2021


Some time ago, everyone was talking about ‘‘ No Bullying! And Yes! It is a terrible and bad thing

Now I realized that when you look at the area aspect of bullying some individuals want to pick and choose with a double tongue they use to say and now they giving a sleazy devious grin.

You know! Bullying is bullying and it should never be icing coated when hate- racism and envy etc is coming from them and your, destruction is their motive.

Bullying is bullying and being pushed by a bully is bullying the same way.

Bullying in school is always highlighted and so is bullying in life in relationships from a husband or wife.

Bullying from social media is a way that stirs up hatred and continuous strife.

Bullying from an intruder that approaches you with some weapon or a knife.

I don't argue politics or religion I aligned myself with what is truthful and right, I speak with Loving words that heal and open the unconscious eyes and always avoid anyone that has angry spirits that may want to fight.

Arguing religion and politics always has a circulation of argumental ways, and sometimes it causes a stir of confusion that goes on for minutes hours months days, or years.

The constant bullying of innocent people because a man got in, into an arena of political leadership that from individuals made him win.

The constant bullying of innocent lives that are being bullied every day and what I can not understand is that the same individuals that were once in the highlight that so constantly voiced their opinion about bullying are now silent like snakes hiding under a bed of grass, waiting to see how much on passages will eventually pass.

You know! Individuals speak about wanting peace and on weekdays and Sundays in the church buildings you see them go, and it seems that they are praising some superficial demon, God, because when their trueness appears you can see the demons in them as its ways manifest and shows.

The behavior of these individuals in their place of worship and themselves is a big joke, as you don't have to have eyes to see that it's all a devious show.

The eyes and behavior of some individuals change in minutes and you see a different person, not the same camouflage ones that sit in those church building seats but Individuals soaked with demons.

The uprising that causes bullying to hate envy racism fights and arguments are not called for, the air just stinks with demon ways and the smell of their sulfur.

True Love is about helping mending healing caring, helping your brotherman in a true way not bullying them for wanting a clear true way but Lashing them with your filthy tongue or dirty hands.

Wanting what is right and pushing for the truth, and individuals out there is willing to hurt or kill you.

When a conscious mind really looks at this picture you know, hate always hate love and that is the devil for you.

Pushing for individuals that will genuinely help others as they will help you is always the right and beneficial thing to do.

Living in societies in this world by now everyone should know what is right and what is wrong, but they are a slowness is some sleepers and their minds are still unconscious to what is going on.

There should be no false spectrum of why truth is read and delivered to you day by day, there should be a true understanding in some individual's lives for them to show true love and for each other always show care.

Everyone should want what is right for each other, why all the selfish attitudes and the ignorant waste of time hating and bullying, your sisters, and brothers?

Why the discrepancy of ways?
Why the government pushed base bullying?
Why pollute the air with your voice of ignorant selfish ways?
Why treat your sisters and brothers like dogs when you throw them to the ground?
Why all the racism spurs?
Why the sudden burst of an evil attitude of actions and words?
Why the hate of choice?
Why the ongoing days with ignorant foolish noise?
Why the bleeding?
Why the pain and hate?
Why the condemning of ways?
Why participate in the hating games?
Why settle for bad when good is reaching out to hold your hand?
Why the bullying why the hating? Are you a seed of the God of Love or the devious seed of the devil Satan?

This world of individuals called ‘‘ Mankind" needs to change their ways, and really need to think about their behavior before they run out of days.

‘‘ Mankind’’ is your description and all of you are built up the same, so why all the hatred confusion noise envy, and name-calling towards each other, why are some of you causing so much ignorant unnecessary pain?

You bleed the same red blood and earthly bodies you all have.

It's time now to stop the hating and shaming, and the ignorance of ignorant name-calling


In Depths Of Debt Or Spending Check-Doing Worldly Instead Of Priorities?

I once tried my hand at debt collection as a bailiff at an agency after I got a call, and I didn't stay there long as within four days I was gone.

You see!  I have a heart for the people and deep within me, I knew that it was just wrong to harass individuals for payments that they didn't have.

Yes!  I know that some individuals do overdo things but trying to put fear into individuals isn't going to make things better.

There is a fact that some individuals do find themselves in a bad situation and whether it's because of bad government structure or others, leniency should be put in place.

I know that they are individual who like to impress others and spend wildly, and sometimes doesn't think about their priorities.

And I do also know that they are individuals who don't have but Are willing to pay and some that have that is not willing to pay.

And I think that some businesses need to work with their customers and find out how well they can go about handling bad debts instead of enforcement of fear.

It's not for anyone to judge anyone, people do go through things and they mature.

And when the time comes for some individuals they do learn to do better as they go on.

In that office, I went through thousands of files of documentation and letters upon letters based on the different direct methods that individuals are addressed with to prompt fear into them to make them produce the payments.

And what really caught my eye was the final warning letters and the going to court ones.

They really made me think about what I was doing as I sit at my desk as examined each file that was before me to put procedures in place.

Those letters were letters of harassment to put fear into individuals, and I'm not here to help implement fear into anyone, but True love and a way of understanding that will help individuals to understand how true and positive to live.

I left that collection agency because it doesn't carry the essence of a true love passage, and like any individual out there that has debt or had debt.

 I know how they feel when they find themselves in certain situations and are being bombarded by threats from individuals that try to solicit monies etc.

And it's never a good feeling, it just comes off as a burden of fear being pushed at you.

And if I don't want that for myself I cannot do it to others, that is why I left the agency.

Someone told me that some people need fear to make them do things, and I say they don't.

Individuals just need a true directional way that will allow them to understand right from wrong.

To know the things and areas that will benefit them and the ones that wouldn't.

True directional passages of aspects of ways instead of blinding worldly elements that they are bombarded with daily with the elements of materialistic things and ways of procedures that constantly beguiled them.

That only leads to some individuals doing worldly instead of priorities.

Fear should never be cast at them, only communication with true knowledge in the directions that will make them understand how to put their priorities first.

Think about it! Instead of businesses bombarding individuals with materialistic wear etc that only robs some of their finances.

And implement direct and true ways that will help individuals steady and build their lives financially.

Just think how much individuals will save and get themselves financed well enough to stable their living of life and family.

The millions of dollars spent daily on materialistic wares devices etc that robs individuals daily, with just a mere usage in days months, or a year, and then it's not trending or wanted anymore, just to throw away.

Then a new line is replaced much higher, it is just a beguiling of the masses but instead of an apple, it's the materialistic wares.

Yes! This is a new era and the apples are all on the trees all around you in the material things that you see.

And the snake is the businesses that pushed those materialistic things in your face.

Also, the voices in your head that tell you I must get this because I want it.

I do know that everyone has their own willpower to do what they want, but being controlled by making bad decisions based on what false elements certain institutions in the world push at you isn't anyone using their willpower it's just individuals being brainwashed, beguiled, and control.

A lot of individuals sometimes find themselves dealing with a bad financial situation because of the element structures that are implemented by some individuals of businesses to get whatever they have.

When you look at it, it's always to get more of what an individual has, and if they can't pay it's always to go after all that they have.

So who is beguiling who? With the first entrance of making things and aspects of ways to look so significant and grand?

And then after a few days months or years, the same system wants to take every cent from your financial stand.


Climate Change? Or Mankind's Manipulating Ways?

Climate change was described as a terrorist and that is the craziest thing amongst mankind that I have ever heard.

Mother nature and her elements were around before mankind existed and she knows how to control and evolve the world.

The universal structure was not made by man, so why does mankind keep doing ignorant things to try to push God the Creator's hand.

Truth must be heard and it is the time that it is heard because this wayward falsifying of ways are just leaving mankind to go around in circles among themselves.

Climate change was never and will never be a terrorist, it's some among you with a manipulation of worldly vessels that tries to intimidate structures of ways, that produce bad weather through the months and sometimes days.

It's the forecasting of entities of bad government structure.

Yes! The earth is changing as it continues to evolve in ways naturally recommended by its Creator that has been doing through the ages.

And Yes! The climate is changing as it's an umbilical reform structure to adjust to his partnership in the changing world.

But In no means does climate change represent a weapon of destruction as stated by the ignorance speaking of some governmental leading entities that pushed false wayward ways.

As falsifying ways manipulate the weather system structure by wicked machinery that is controlled by hands that invest millions of dollars to generate billions more amongst themselves.

Climate change isn't a threat it's just another attempt to put a devious veil over mankind's eyes by their own that distribute controlling ways.

Mother nature knows when and how she will maneuver in ways to adjust to a changing world as she adjusts herself in the universal realm, and she does not need a chaperone, she has been doing it all through the ages without the help of man.

Help is needed in areas of healing her wounds from hands that caused her to be affected by the raping and abusing of her elements which she produces to help her maintain her stance.

It's so intriguing to see how governmental structures can follow each other in a falsified way and place a title on mother nature's natural system forecast and can not put a title on their destruction of manipulating ways.

The climate is not the reason for panic or the cause of territorial destruction, it's individuals among yourselves called mankind that weary the world and its people with much hardships of weapons, laws, and structures.

With the destruction of ways with weaponry that erupts a premature launch in the earth's atmosphere and hemisphere to produce panicking and fearful effects that just lead to transmitted ways to intimidate individuals among you into their hands.

From manmade machinery that is situated above below and around the world, is channeling effective ways that manipulate weather behavior as to cause an outburst that changes climate mobility to channel ways that do depict harsh weather.

But It's not naturally borne, it's just made up of mechanisms of man's superficial elements of destruction, to gain control of the masses and to direct billions of dollars into their own pockets.

Mother nature and her evolving system of elements are innocent of what they call a threat to mankind.

Some among you robbed mother nature of nearly everything that she is and now they are trying to rob her of the adequate and healing reputation that she uses to evolve protect and maintain individuals in the world.

There should never be a guilty verdict placed on her head, with all that she keeps enduring by malicious hands and entities of ways, she is still trying to maintain her stance her structure, and her truths, and you know what? She will speak out!

Mankind has gained entry into an extraordinary world of manipulating software and weaponry that were produced by tainted hands.

And they try to control, as they use elements of ways to try to dictate how mother nature's climate structure should work.

And mother nature speaks today and she is saying that she will not compromise with mankind's reckless behavior that continues to taint her name.

There are hands that control buttons of large structure of systems, wheels that are driven under your feet that maneuver through deep tunnels of basements with secret doors, and space eye metal of wares that maneuver where and how they want their devious plan to eventually be displayed in the lives of individuals as to try to disrupt their days.

Mother nature's climate system is not a terrorist, she is not here to cause harm, she is not a weapon of destruction, she is just here to keep mankind safe, happy secured alive, and warm.

Some territories are causing massive destruction amongst themselves as they push massive disturbances into the hemisphere and atmosphere all around the world.

Everyone should by now have the knowledge wisdom and understanding of what is going on among you, from others with manipulating structures of ways.

For instance Japan! That months ago produce an earthquake from using a piece of their weaponry.

Some individual's eyes and ears are open but they do not see or hear as to be conscious enough to comprehend that they are standing in a world with individuals like themselves that has seeded many manipulating elements of aspects of ways just to control them.

And these are all done by those among you just like you with deliberate acts and not mother nature's natural changing ways. 

An Author's Guidelines

Being an author is not for everyone it's a distinctive feature that one adapts to be a writer and an author.

As one would put it,  ‘‘ A Passion one has been endowed with’’.
It's a gift of understanding brought on from birth to maturity and evolution of evolving words.
The necessity to listen to one's voice within and adapt to an intriguing exploration of words that dominates one's intellect or character becomes words of the passage.
Meaning words produced not by thinking but my soul and heart.
As one reflects one's passion for creativity to produce works of art that coincide with the production of a published book or article of content.
As one's story should be interesting one could change up the contents into an awareness of theme aspects if one chooses to do so.
One should always base a story on something alighting and always trust one's intuition when writing a book or an article if one does not trust one's writing why to write at all, always have good motives for writing.
As a young writer or author one must be still and listen for one's words of context, when writing distractions one definitely doesn't need, it's all about keeping one's head on always.
It's only when one has experienced the method of attentiveness to one's voice that one will be able to balance the distractions so that they would not be distracting, one would then begin to see distractions as mere echoes in the background.
You see as a young author or writer there tend to be a lot of distractions when one sits down to write.

One has to do is minimized the distractions and quiet one's surroundings, so as to hear one's words of context that is being produced by the inner voice, it's something like archeologists uncovering stories.
Some authors need peace and quiet to make their words flow easily instead of straining to hear their voice of words.
Some used soft instrumental music some ambient music to calm themselves and yes this kind of procedure works sometimes.
I can also work through this kind of procedure but all in all I prefer silence as I get a lot more done in a short space of time.
One should always let the words flow as one would adapt and be attentive to the voice of words, without distractions of any kind.
And guess what? One will then be able to produce a good book or article based on one's content of retrieval.
So continue to listen to and hear one's words and don't let one's muse come and go, always listen for the low voice, not the high voice, as a lot is also driven by mood, always position oneself to be attentive to one's standing.
Listen to the heart soul voice of words rather than the mind words, as mind words sometimes confused the operation, just arranged your surroundings to suit.
It's a bit different from how some may think, but I am speaking based on what I experienced as a writer and author.
And as one meets other writers and authors one would see how different each one approaches the craft.
A young writer or author may do what I called "Surfing" to find out what really makes an author or writer tick and produced works of elements, but one should and must adapt to one's own style and expertise, as a writer or author.
Everyone is different and what works for me may not necessarily work for you, it also has to do with experienced and what makes one tick to produced works of art.
There are a lot of writers and authors out there and yes a lot of books and articles, some fictitious some not.
Authors and writers also tend to base their writing on experience as guidelines to produced good work.
Some based theirs on events amending political or others, it's a diversity of methods that are used to produced works of the content. 
Some on the other hand just used their imagination to write a fantasize world of words to produce their work.
That method does not work for me as I find myself adapting more to positive awareness in truth as all positive aspects highlight my writing and author skills.
It's a passion that I have been endowed with and I will continue to write and produced as my voice continues to distribute words of content. 
As, "My writing passion no one can tear, my writing passion just makes one aware" :)

Friday, 24 September 2021

Of Convenience-The No Bullying and the Rights of the People Factors

Governments, unions, alliances, and other representatives just months and years ago, was speaking, lecturing, and broadcasting worldwide, about " No Bullying"  and "The Rights of the People".

With days of present happenings, it seems that all lecturing, etc aspects have gone through the door.

"Bullying is right before our eyes in the lives of many individuals that are being bullied into doing something to their bodies that they don't want to do.

As far as I can see, governing bodies, alliances, unions, and representatives only see "No bullying and The Rights of the People" factors when it is convenient to them when they can gain from it in some way shape, or form.
The constitutions that some alliances push at the people are false with much trickery and is not manage to help the people but as a broadcast that goes away after the script is broadcast by the individuals that's pushings the lie in the faces of the people.

How can, the rights of the people be for the people, when the people are still trying to get the rights of themselves?

How can there be "no bullying" when the head people that proclaiming the "no bullying" factors are the ones pushing bullying at everyone?

As far as I am concerned the rights of the people should still stand and there should be no bullying of the people, no matter whoever they may be.


Monday, 20 September 2021

Falling In? and Out ! Of Love?.


So often do we see societies of  individuals alledgedly falling in and out of love, and one can not but ask, Is this real Love or just a false lustful manifestation of the mind and eyes attentive way of depicting love? 

The mere fact that these individuals fall in and out of love so easily, we can but only acknowledge the truth of the matter and that is that it was never loved, it was never true authentic love but lust and a false direction of the mind. 
As I said, it's just a mere means of an illusion manifested by the mind and eyes of these individuals, who for one reason or another think that they are in love.

They are so easily blinded by what the mind tells them, and their eyes portray love as what? Lust, financial gain, financial independence, or sometimes mere companionship.
We have people in society who no longer look at love for its true value, but also try to manipulate the meaning of love for their uncouth and undignified ways.
As a mere means of getting what they want to achieve as and for a standard in life.

Mankind no longer see the elements of love as a true emotion, they no longer use the true benefits of true authentic love, and they no longer acquire the significance of what it brings and that is self alliance.
True authentic love is a heart's true authentic way of showing love in more ways than one, it's a true heart that shows real values of its way.

A true heart depicting what it is made of compassion, commitment, peace, unity, guidance, caring, sharing, solitude, a strong foundation, motivation, and encouragement.
A love that is not based on these fundamental aspects of love's true ways is not loved at all but a mere mind and eye illusion Yes! And a mockery of self. 
Real authentic love is cherished, it's embrace, it's an ongoing connective love, a love that you don't want to miss or depart from.
On the other hand, this love that seems to be embodied by people in society in this world just seems to be acquiring a fake love.

One that is not manifested through the Father's heart and hand but is a love that was produced from the depths of hell.
It's a false love that lies, hates, torments, a love that throws back and gives false illusions to individuals of a people in society a false love that kills and destroys each individual's mind standing and health.
Tell me, people!  Do you see this as true authentic love? Or should I be asking!  Do you know true authentic love and can you identify true authentic love?
As a people living in a society in this world, we shall all make true authentic love the foundation.

What do some have? All some have is a shallow, weak and false foundation that can crumble and fall apart at any time.
That is why we have people in society who are allegedly falling in and out of what they think is love so easily. 

It was never real and true authentic love but just a mere means of a false way copied by the enemy to administer conflict and disconnection on a people in society.

I Like?- I Love? -Does Anyone Know The Difference?

The meaning of these two words of emotions sounding alike but one differs from the other in so many ways.
The percept and concept of what some may call a living word but yet when you say them they somehow define the elements of speech and what it is directed to.

Yes!  These two words but so different, sounding so much like the other but when you can really used them and know the essence of the words you will be able to say them and appoint them to the necessary accolades without mishap or perspective of view.
What is the meaning of "Like? You may be asked, Well for my view and answer to
the word "Like" I would say that liking something or someone is a mere appoint of view.
You like it but it's not an important factor it's just a playful gesture of emotions.
When liking something or someone it's not deep or damaging meaning it does not control you, whatever your liking may be appointed to.
In mankind's dictionary, you find the meaning of the word "Like" as used to draw attention to the nature of an action or event.
I think that my meaning of "Like" sounds more appropriate as a defilement.

I have a matured mind and my intellect and mentality have evolved tremendously, I no longer see words as by words of everyday usage words. 

I now see words and used them for the true essence of meaning. 

I have learned and yes I am still being taught :) of how to feel, know each word of vocabulary meaning of emotion, and use them appropriately.

That way when you hear words being said, you can actually feel the word, the emotion behind it, and know the conclusion behind i. 

That is, if it has an idolized meaning behind it or if it's just a mere look like a gesture of emotion without harm.

I can say that I like something, but can I say I love it? No! Not really. 

I have to know which words to use, and how to appoint it to its right to structure of phrasing. 

I can not say I love something when in fact it's a mere infatuation and not bonding. 

I can say that I love my creator, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, because I know the essence of the word love. 

I know why I say it, when I say it and where it comes from, and how it is defined when I say it.

I would not use the word ‘‘ like’’ in this process because it would be a lie. 

And I would not just like my creator who brought me into being because I know we have a bonding a truly authentic love bonding. 

And I used the word love here as it is and was meant to be used in the inmost genuine and truthful way.

Now again I can say I like a dress or other but that doesn't mean that I am in love with it, no way, no shape, no how. 

I like it by means or a mere fact that it fits right, it has the right material, style, color, or price.

I would not say that I love it, because it's materialistic, it's something that changes in style, fashion, and era.

I work at a retail establishment and the way some customers used these two words of content is appalling, sometimes I have to voice my opinion by saying "I love that dress, shoes, jewelry to death? Seriously?

Do they know what they are saying? Do they know the difference between "like" or "love" or the outcome of the consequences that they of predictions that they manifest on themselves? No, they don't.

Why would anyone want to die for a dress or any fabricated piece of materialistic wear? 

I say to some of them, really? For just material, you love these things to death?

Or your heart would break if you don't get it?SERIOUSLY???

Isn't that appalling? Yes, it sure is, think about it! 

If these people used to love for a dress, jewelry, actors, singers, I wonder what word and how they would use love when they have to say it to God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit or to someone that they would say they truly cherish.

It's When, Where, and How.

(1) When to use the right word as it should be directed upon, to describe a mere element of usage.

(2) Where to use the right word and direct it for its useful and appropriate construction.

(3) How to define, that is, how it was appointed to, to clarify your true emotion of clarity and not for waste.

Every day these words "like" and "love" are being thrown left and right in speech sentences, and no one seems to know the difference. 

They used them just as words of context, and never for they meaning just words of false gesture.

It's a way of mankind's false interpretation of Love, and they need to know the true value of the words Love and like. 

So on seeing a dress, shoes, bag, jewelry, etc, that you think that you would die for. 

I beg of you! Please look at these things, really look at them. 

Think of your words of predictions that you put in the atmosphere on your selves, don't ever forget that the mouth speaks life and death.

Search and feel deep within your heart and soul, and get the true authentic meaning of your actions of admiration. 

Don't let it be a delusional eyesight attachment but let it be a true authentic harmless viewing of liking that you can just look at and turn away from.

So when next you go shopping or another test your ability to know the difference between "like" and "love" feel the words you used, know why you are using them for the true vocabulary meaning of emotion and used them appropriately for their true worth.