
Saturday, 16 February 2019


Life! It has leverage, it's long with maximum growth for much potential.

The misconception that some Individuals continue to voiced about the shortness of life is a mere illusion of transverse misunderstanding of essence that they have no intellectual description of.

As they are just basing their conclusions on what others said, an event or events that happen, a premature ending or experiences of someone's life, etc.

Yes! Some Individuals continue to push forth a stigma about life being short, with a mindset from copied events etc.

As always any premature life ending always has a lucent cause for the proceedings that always coincide with how and why the Individual's life ended in the first place.

False accusations on life being short because someone based their opinion on an accident etc isn't going to end well for that  Individual that continues to boast and manifest false proceedings about life being short, as all that will happen is that the individual will be self-predicting a short life on themself also.

You know! Words do speak volume and that volume will go with the barer that boast about the shortness of life.

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