
Thursday, 12 April 2018

Stop The Hating And Blaming Game Just Truly Live Your Life Be Happy And Free.

The component here is the structure of everything the embarkment for individuals to live their lives and be free.

The essence for some among you, mankind's inner being to interact with a truthful sense is lacking,
As mankind continues to be swayed away from the truth of their true intellectual being.

In life, there will be obstacles but the truth is that individuals must be able to pass and go on and try to remove themselves from each and every meaningless obstacle in their way.

Staying in passages that do not benefit yourself is a mere pause in life, in production and in grow as they will just be putting flaws in your life.

Everyone will have challenges but it's for everyone to maintain themselves, yes! their true structure to stay strong going forward and never to linger on what their troubles were.

Much among you have and continue to be stranded in their own ways because some of them choose not to go on.

And with experiences pending their just live their lives hating that part of themselves and others, a mere stumbling block that they continue to put in front of themselves.

Everyone can be perfect but some hardly try, some just give up so easily and stay idling and never see the true and conscious way to continue to get by.

An accelerant is always needed in life and that is the true willpower of self, strength, clear consciousness and the need for self to go on.

Many have passed and many continue to pass their obstacles and continue their journey on the paths of their true way.

And with others that continue to fail, there is a  stationed false mentality.

A surrendering body cannot do anything for itself if it does not have a growing potential in mind.

The structure of everything is to be its original self and to be able to stabilize itself in whatever passages may occur, some individuals continue to play the blame game and the finger should only point to themselves.

Yes! Some went through hardship, yes, some had experiences that really challenged their growing but that is not the reason that some among them should just give up and throw themselves on the curve.

Mankind's mentality is very strong and their inner beings are stronger but they need to station themselves, they need to be able to drive the vehicle of themselves on truthful and worthy passages.

They need to put themselves in meaningful accolades of self-worth, the dominant being and a being with full clarity of implementations, the highlight to push themselves to the true structure where they belong.

Laziness is not a factor, hate is not going to help you, as everyone must release all unwanted wares that are attached to them, that does not get them anywhere.

Carrying heavy loads is just keeping yourself in a wayward twirl as you cannot see where you're going, as the stiffness of self they just would not be conscious of what is truly happening.

Yes! Individuals can help pull themselves up and others along the way, but they must also be cautious as not to hold onto a hand that might try to pull them in, into the trench that they can't get out of.

A conscious mind is needed to identify what and who will need help, who is just targeting and who is willing to do the self-helping with just a little help from some motivation.

Being stranded doesn't just work by itself it comes with many battles and giving up, and being a true warrior for self, you will always know that you want more and will always try to help yourself from all stranded ways and you will always push yourself to get up.

Blaming is not relevant living and growing are, it is not healthy going through life blaming everybody and missing out on your life.

Everyone is entitled to be free and conscious to understand where they are, and individuals that cluster themselves with much blaming and hating is just not going to get very far.

Your structural understanding must be always willing to truly make yourself growth, not just give up on harsh experiences, doing that an individual wouldn't have any growth.

Individuals need to move on and stop blaming themselves and others, they are just making themselves weary doing nothing but blaming everything and everybody.

Where can any of them go from there if the just keep sticking with themselves unwanted and meaningless wares?

Individuals with blaming ways always have the need for acceptance but why ask for acceptance when they are just not accepting themselves.

It's best to let go of weary unproductive and meaningless ways that just try to put stumbling blocks in individual's ways. 

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