Not only is the movie industry doing it but the music industry is also doing it to fool you.
Making individuals pretend to be who they are not, to send false messages to you.
The music industry has been pushing music in all avenues of passages to entice individuals of all ages, from music lyrics that are written by others and from some that produce their own works, and it's never what it appears to be it's just individuals playing parts to seemed to be that good that is merely a big joke.
Music today is about describing female and male genitals in the rawest and uncouth way, with sex, money, big living, huge possessions and fancy cars is what they are portraying in all ways.
And when they sing about love it is never a true way, as they love is never forecast for a woman or girl as most of the male singers singing false love songs always end up to be full blown gay.
So much is hidden behind the scenes, in this world of wayward ways and in the music and movie industries.
Individuals are forced to hide their true identities as they suffer from very low self-esteems.
As they have to play a part, to get their music out there and get noticed to get their careers off to a running start.
Music has it's false mentality of ways as it manipulates individuals each and every day, to see that they think they see, but a false devious way is always behind the scenes.
Just like the movie industry the music industry has many secrets and eventually they too will come out, and individuals will see the false pretense ways that singers and actors play when the trueness of themselves gets show out.
In all my years of seeing the music industry push songs out there to portray what they call love by individuals, they make up to be sex idols for women of all kinds, and when the truth comes out those individuals are not attracted to the female gender but men of their own kind.
The false mentality of the music and movie industry to get individuals entwined into their false works are just playing individuals along like puppets on a string a way that is barely a big joke.
When will individuals see and be conscious of the lies, the manipulations, and the false ways, the wayward ways of the industries that are pushed daily in their face?
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