How much of us carry a burden bag of hidden feeling tucked away secretly inside, feelings for someone that you call a friend.
Someone that you constantly spend time with and your insides blossom and blooms towards the individual that you got to know so well?
Once mutual feelings that day by day evolved and grew into something more.
A spiritual attraction to someone that brings you much joy when they are around, and you wonder to yourself how can you handle the friendship and how long.
You try to say Hi! To the person but You don't want to be overwhelming to them, as you try to determine their mood and when you should call them up at what hour and when.
Their company you really enjoy and don't want to spend time with another, and when you're out with your friend you just hoped that the outing last forever.
Your heart constantly speaks to you and every time you meet the feelings just sparks away, and you can feel those feelings being returned to you but in a spiritual form from the person that you so long now knew and they feeling are also hidden and to you, they just wouldn't say.
And somehow the both of you just keep your feelings hidden and as days, goes on to weeks to months and years still, no one would say.
But the feelings from each other both of you feel them really strong but still, no one says a word because they don't want to say anything that will get in the way.
You somehow sense fear and you know that they truly care the true feelings that they have inside, that they keep hidden away out of the light.
It's been over a few years that you know each other and as you grow closer the connecting bond to them grow even stronger and higher.
Is it shyness? Is it fear? Yet you can't wait another day, to see the one that you have feelings for and show them secretly how you care.
You are not attracted to anyone else as you just see the individual as the one, someone that every day you grew into someone that showed you fun.
It does not take someone to make you happy as happiness comes from inside, it's you being emotionally stable and if anyone wants to input on that happiness and they are worthy to they can.
And the commitment from the right person isn't bad, as it helps to comfort you the times you spend together and the fun that you have that they show you.
You see! You go through life needing someone that you are truly attracted to and sometimes it may be different in their mind's eyes, they somehow might think of you as a good friend and never as a husband or wife.
And in some, you can see something different in their eyes as it is not the same way as your other friends look at you.
You know! Uniqueness comes in everything every day and in every way even the words that are dictated when said.
The unique attraction that you may have for someone an individual, not like the others but unique in every way
And you may have thinking thoughts of starting something with someone new because you don't want to jeopardize your friendship.
But most of the time those thinking thoughts are not your own just confusing voices that want to confuse and divert you.
From finding someone unique and different just like you, someone that have a strong connection of way that rightfully and truly connects to you.
A gentle unique loving soul that wants to be truly loved, that has a passionate passion that is all for you and only you to have.
Yes! You found individuals before but they are not like the person that knows you, and you did try maybe once or so but It never worked out.
You know! Some people say that two individuals in relationships should never be the same that it is best to be different, but I say in a connection of love way between two people both of them must have a real love of connection for it to work the both of them should have it.
Yes! Everything is just for a time and you should look at the big picture, and you must also test the waters to see who is for you and not for you.
You must test the waters to make sure that it does not contain sharks, you have to be cautious and aware, to make sure that you are not being played.
You should not just jump into a relationship until you knows the person well, no one wants to be connected to someone that will cause them stress like hell.
You should not go with anyone because they approached you with an appearance of lust.
The most important thing is that you are the one to choose your mate and you have to be attracted to them, not just in looks as it's about the heart that speaks inside it's about the connection of spiritual way, it's about the long loving stare in their sutle calming eyes that show you they genuinely care.
You tend to miss each other and no one wants to say, and you think that if you let out your true feelings that person may just run away.
But when there are two individuals that feelings for each other is connected the same, fear should never have a place shyness or shame.
The days of analyzing between the two, of what and if they should approach each other and make their feeling be true.
The true heart feeling of each other and how that person would react to you.
And sometimes it happens that you may go for a drink and the beer might push out the true feeling that was so long hidden, and the next day you think if Your friend will go into hiding.
As you might have to wait minutes, hours days or maybe a week to see what happens to find out if your friend is still your friend or is it that your friendship had a sudden disconnection.
What I can say is that fear has no place in consciousness, speak always from a truthful heart and the right words will come out.
Don't go around hiding your feelings for someone that you truly care about.
Let them know how you feel, let your heart get flushed and heal.
Ge those hidden feelings out so that you would understand if your friend will be your loving soul mate as they take your precious hand :)
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