Well after thirty one years after graduating from Secondary School I now got the privaledge to attend the University, " Never to late and Never to Old ! Right ? :))
The first semester started on Saturday and it was no differents from School in any ordinary Schooling Institutions .
Of course a teacher is always presents to present him or herself and the talking never stops, they are there to teach and they sure do.
I felt no different as in class there are all different age groups, some older , some younger and some the same age.
And everyone is more concentrated on doing what they came thete to do and that is " Emproving themself with more understandibg to be in the work field of individuals in workmanships.
And I can relate to that because I am there to do the same, to emprove myself for better undetstanding in workmanship.
With the first semester entry we had a short test which by the way was a shocker to everyone :)) but it was embraced after a while by all :))
New student! We now got there and test it is :)) well it looks like tests it's going to be! And that the teacher clarify.
Tests was handed out and done, introduction of teacher, offiers and students was done and we all settled in for a group introduction of self to get to know each other in class and what each one is about.
Guidelines of rules that was in place was also introduced to everyone as to get them familiar with the Institution's understanding of ways.
No Religion! No Politics! No discrimating of different gender, No Negative Feeds of any sort was allowed.
To tell the truth it brought a normalcy and comfort to me because these are areas that I embrace in my life of living and what I eempower others about.
As to not get caught up in, I do the positive and Love way, Yes! I Love evetyone, I just hate the evil and igorance some are doing.
I believe in my True Creator God and Father and I have Faith that he put me here for a reason to do good and positive things and walk the Loving positive way and that is what I try to do daily.
In terms of this gender issuse I can talk to anyone what they choose to do with their life is their will power to do so, Yes! I motive other but I can only say as to direct them the positive way, it is for each and every individual to act upon what they know and feel in heart is right and turn to the right channel of passage.
I force no one, as I said every has a will power to do what they will themselves to do.
And as for the Politics and the Religious part I don't discuss the two because they just go around and around like a wheel from the circus just around with a debate of confusion and anything the channels confusion is the wrong passage to go and a very useless and meaningless area of loss energy for every and anyone.
But as far as day one at University I can say thst it was an interesting day :)
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