
Friday, 2 December 2016

A Boss Of A Contractor That Will Forget You And His Work.

You know! I'm speaking on the business side and in this world amongst societies of individuals that we live in,everyone wants to be a boss.
Not that I'm bashing anyone, as being your own boss is a wonderful thing.
Being your own boss takes responsibilities knowledge and a heart to help to with- stand and present your business well.
What I can say based on my experienced and believe you me when I say that a lot of experiences dealing with individuals on this title base I did.

You see! There are a lot of individuals owning businesses without the business heart or heart,some have the finances to open a business and they do, some do it for fun while there are others that open a business to impress someone or others.

This blog is based on one of my experiences and this one is dealing with a contractor that did minor renovations to my apartment building.

What I can say is that I had the worst experience ever as I found myself having to remind the contractor what has to be done.

This is my experience dealing with an individual that don't have a business head,not that I'm being bias or anything but as a business person it's about maintaining your business,making sure that your business is being run in a very professional manner,the staff is up to par and the jobs are being done on time with efficiency.

Well, none of these descriptions was implemented in the business as everything was just a big mess of disorganization with staff issues and a lot of forgetfulness and never team- work,and this is a business that belongs to a contractor.

First, the problem started with lies and a double tongue as the time stated for the renovations were nothing near the due date and it was a constant tale of I didn't mean this week I meant the other week of which was a constant replay.

From the rudely staff that doesn't seem to understand individual's privacy of peace to loud music being played ,the smoking of weed, constant abusive language and the disagreements amongst themselves and the boss.

Disorganization and no team- work or communication as the employee didn't seem to have a clue what to do or what was going on,which resulted in half work being done with 
much delay of work,and materials never available to do the needed work.

Work was being done and it was left undone as no one had the thought of checking to see if they had finished work.

With a double work between the workers and dismantling already done work because no communication was in effect.

No one knew that the elements weren't put in place on the finished work as it was just a constant disagreement with staff.

Which came down to me finishing off long-standing unfinished work myself, as the team- work was not efficient or present with the employees or employer.

As always I watched as I analyzed and then I voiced my opinion about the matter.

I told the owner that if he was doing a job elsewhere he would have been sued and that he was the worst constructor of a businessman that I ever met and I give him a big zero .

My question is! How could a self-claimed contractor that contracts employees for a business do not know what is going on,on the job site, if the work is finished,done properly or at a stand still?

If all work has all their elements of systems in place and there is a finished product of work.

Number one priorities are making sure all work is done on time in good works and a finished work is presented.

As always it was about the money as everyone made it clear,slow work,no experience, and selfishness.

These are the aspects of ways that this contractor carries along with some of his employees in his business.

A question I ask him and anyone like him is “How are these individuals 
 Still, in a business with these kinds of mismanagement ways and with a cold heart a double tongue and just sees dollar signs?

Friday, 16 September 2016

Guys Why Do You Panic And What Is It About A Commitment That You Don't Want?

Guys! Why do you panic so, why when you meet a lady your bodies and mind always seemed to go on a go slow?

This is something that I have noticed for some time.

It's like! A guy meets a lady and everything seemed sweet , but when she ask for commitment you guys always get weak knees :))

And today I just want to make something clear, you just need to sit down longer and listen to your lady before you decide to run away :)

Ladies do ask for a commitment meaning to have a strong relationship, so don't think that it is always that the lady want a ring to be put on her finger that quick.

Some women likes to monitor their relationships if they think they have found a nice man, they will like to know how you will play your part and in the relationship and if you could be that potential man.

It's not always about the ring, Yes! Women like security but that can come in different ways, like you being the strong loving man and show your woman that for her you truly care.

Some woman like to know their man loves them from a genuine heart and with a true heart you will always know your duties, not just a man that goes around all dress up to entice other women looking pretty.

A woman should not have to teach a man how to take care of his lady, he should already know that part from his mom or his smart and caring buddies.

No woman that has a man should be asking him for together time, he should know what kind of woman he has to know when to stay or visit her instead of going out with friends and lime.

Men seemed to be always looking for that special lady and ladies always looking for that special man, but when you do meet her after a few days they just decide it is time to run.

Then after a few weeks, months or so you call her and want her back, why all the confusion of way why don't you guys try truthfully with the relationship instead of just walking or running away? 

Sunday, 28 August 2016

Back-To-School- University Entry.

Well after thirty one years after graduating from Secondary School I now got the privaledge to attend the University, " Never to late and Never to Old ! Right ? :))

The first semester started on Saturday and it was no differents from School in any ordinary Schooling Institutions .

Of course a teacher is always presents to present him or herself and the talking never stops, they are there to teach and they sure do.

I felt no different as in class there are all different age groups, some older , some younger and some the same age.

And everyone is more concentrated on doing what they came thete to do and that is " Emproving themself  with more understandibg to be in the work field of individuals in workmanships.

And I can relate to that because I am there to do the same, to emprove myself for better undetstanding in workmanship.

With the first semester entry we had a short test which by the way was a shocker to everyone :)) but it was embraced after a while  by all :))

New student! We now got there and test it is :)) well it looks like tests it's going to be! And that the teacher clarify.

Tests was handed out and done, introduction of teacher, offiers and students was done and we all settled in for a group introduction of self to get to know each other in class and what each one is about.

Guidelines of rules that was in place was also introduced to everyone as to get them familiar with the Institution's understanding of ways.

 No Religion! No Politics! No discrimating of different gender, No Negative Feeds of any sort was allowed.

To tell the truth it brought a normalcy and comfort to me because these are areas that  I embrace in my life of living and what I eempower others about.

As to not get caught up in, I do the positive and Love way, Yes! I Love evetyone, I just hate the evil and igorance some are doing.

I believe in my True Creator God and Father and I have Faith that he put me here for a reason to do good and positive things and walk the Loving positive way and that is what I try to do daily.

In terms of this gender issuse I can talk to anyone what they choose to do with their life is their will power to do so, Yes! I motive other but I can only say as to direct them the positive way, it is for each and every individual to act upon what they know and feel in heart is right and turn to the right channel of passage.

I force no one, as I said every has a will power to do what they will themselves to do.

And as for the Politics and the Religious part I don't discuss the two because they just go around and around like a wheel from the circus just around with a debate of confusion and anything the channels confusion is the wrong passage to go and a very useless and meaningless area of loss energy for every and anyone.

But as far as day one at University I can say thst it was an interesting day :)

Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Prescription Pills.

My experience with some medication that was given to me for headaches from the doctor.

This is another pill that I am surly going to stay far away from .

The name of the pill is CINNARON  and instead of making the headache ache go away it gave me a bigger worst headache than I had before.

I took this pill the night time and the morning I woke my head was so dizzy and I felt so light headed I felt terrible not only in head but in being as well.

I slept for seventeen hours from the night and back to late evening getting up in between feeling dizzy and weak.

I had experience the same effect while taking another pill and I really want to know what is going on with the medication of today that it's not healing but making individuals sicker than they were before.

And I am not just saying this base on my encounters with medication but I am basing my knowledge on other individuals who took medication and had to atop taking them because they were not making them well but was in reverse and doing more damage than good.


This blog is going to be about my day to day view about what I see, hear, feel Yes! Experience as an individual living among socities in this world.

My view of happenings will be based on my truth of understanding, not bias thinking of ways , as I will relate what I as a person think, know and feel.

IIndividuals are free also to respond as to air their views, as so many are silent because they they don't have the passage to produce and release the voice within.

This blog is not for argumental individuals or profanity of words this is a clean blog and I want it to stay that way so please “ No Trolls Allowed!