
Monday, 3 July 2023

Give Your Life and Life a Chance


We as a people need to do better with ourselves and others, life is not short as some low-minded people keep saying, life is as long as you want it to be, premature death is not a short life its assassination, it's murder, it's a suicide, it's any way that removes individuals from living their long life. 

The lifting up of others that is in dire need of a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on, or a helping hand, has now been fused with the need to bully, to get back something in return, to backstab and neglect. 

When will people bear True and loving hearts and mentalities to help others without having an agenda connected? It's sad to see so many just give up on a precious life because of hate, bullying, not being strong enough, not having enough, not being loved, etc.

 I know some among us have been going through the trials and tribulations of life-testing, but that should not give anyone the ok to take their own life. 

We as a people of individuals must be strong and not give up so easily, we must continue to fight the fight in life and keep going forward, the arrogance of some people to push hatred intentions should not be allowed to damper individuals' lives.

Individuals need to make themselves past the bullying, hatred, deceit, etc, they must see those things as just ways to stop them from achieving what they must, good potential is in everyone, it's the voices, people, etc that they listen too that try to push them to sabotage themselves, most of us walk pass those but unfortunately some give in and also sabotage themselves. We all need to be stronger and be wise. 

If bullying is being constructed online, leave the app, if it's a school, leave the school if nothing is being done about it, if it's a home, find better accommodations, if it's people find better people to trust, just don't put trust out there so quickly, know the people you go around before you get caught up with them. 

The fight in life should be about staying alive, not sabotaging yourself, giving into a demonic push, by giving yourself a premature ending because of demons that infiltrate some people to push negativity at you. People Need to be stronger than that.

 I'm 55years old and with the help of God, I was able to push myself through life, and I pass all the negativity and got myself away from people and places that weren't giving me growth, mentally, physically, and spiritually, the "Connection" to God is what helped bring me this far in life, the problem with people these days is that they don't know God, and the torments by demons in life just used them like a football. When you are grounded in Jesus Christ.

"Be strong in Christ and you will be Strong in life", you will be able to overcome a lot of obstacles, especially the demonic kind, a lot of people are having demonic attacks and they don't know what's really happening to them. 

When you seek God, and connect to God, you gain knowledge and wisdom to understand, what was and is happening. 

The Love of self should be a mandatory aspect for everyone, not in a pride puffed up, but in ways that will institute a knowledge to help keep self safe and going forward.

Be Strong People and Seek Jesus Christ

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