
Thursday, 14 October 2021

True Self Help and Growth-Happiness!


What is your happiness, does anyone really know the concept that one can align themselves with to be truly happy?

The dormancy of clarity in some individuals to understand what happiness really is has been blinded by so many materialistic wares that individuals cannot comprehend the true value of happiness and how to get to maintain it in their life of living ways each and every day.

A pair of shoes, a bag, a car, a home, etc is not going to bring you happiness as all those things bring is temporary positioning, they are just items and ways, etc that help accelerate pleasing and comfort.

Some may argue that a house can give them happiness and there might be a little truth in their speech, as they would have to know the position that their life is in that a house of their own could contribute to temporary fulfillment.

But as I said it's a mere temporary positioning that a house etc can bring, as one can move into another house and another and another and the same goes with any other materialistic wares, as the individual can change them for something new.

An individual should understand what happiness really is, some individuals want happiness but they don't know what it is or how to get it.

Happiness is being emotionally stable, to understand what is really necessary for and in one's life of being of living, and things and other individuals can only add a temporary base.

Some may agree with the logistics and some may not, but it's all about the clarity of self to understand self and the necessary accolades to truly adapt and live by in one's life.

The monopoly of gaining entry into happiness is finding one's true self to know and understand the true fundamental fulfillment of being.

The structure of some individuals' minds that is just basing happiness on materialistic wares continue to be overshadowed by a false way, as materialistic wares can only bring a temporary positioning, why would you settle for a false way when you can have permanent reasoning?

The base for understanding must be established for individuals to understand the true way to be truly emotionally stable and happy.

"Happiness is being emotionally stable, if others want to input on that Happiness and they are WORTHY too they can".

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