
Friday, 23 April 2021

The True and Loving Creator God is not the bad guy!- Know Truths!

Many individuals are blind to the truths of what they see, the infrastructures for individuals to find God on their own has been laced by many manipulations from the man working with devious entities to lead astray.

Individuals run to man and they run from God, they don't look for God, they don't see the sovereign part of God within themselves known as the Holy Spirit of God and they never listen for the voice of God.

They push God's presence and voice aside, just to hear mixed and manipulated words from others, that is always pushed with a self agenda and a pride puff-up body that is only out to seek fame.

Individuals need to recognize God for themselves, they need to know God for his genuine Love, dedication, protection, tender care,  passionate guidance, and promise.

The contentment that one gathers when they have fully recognized what God has given them is what keeps them knowing that it is sufficient until more is delivered.

The constant push of the fear panic agenda concept, that most individuals carry, is not what God is about.

Fear and panic should not have a place when you are aligned and resting in Gods protecting arms of Love peace and calm.

Some individuals see things differently, I see the entities behind their notions, that try to make them think that fear and panic will push them to God, but the question should be, is it God that they are running to?.
No, it is not! fear and panic are what the enemy strives on, it is what the enemy lives for, the confusion of the mixed emotions, it's the energy that keeps the enemy afloat.

Why push fear and panic when you can push peace love and a sense of calm?~ Holy Spirit

Many false preachers have intercepted God's true way, they work with devious intentions to try to overthrow, and they are just making it a self agenda to pull in fame and fortune on themselves.

Individuals must understand that God the sovereign God, is a God of love peace, and care, God is not a God to destroy his people, that is the enemy's agenda.
Look around, it is not a secret, look around at the destruction and you will see the evil intents and the ones carrying them. 

God is not going to rob you, decrease you, manipulate you, or lie to you, God is not going to put panic and fear in your heart and confuse your mind.

Please notice! Mother nature's sequences are also based on a platform to heal, care make peace, and a sense of calm, that nature comes from the creator God of Love, etc. also.

Mother nature is a subsidiary. with the same accolades as God, to bring on peace of calm, to refresh and make new.

Any interruptions always come from the deviousness of the enemy and his agents, devious hands and mouths that try to cause a tear in the peace of serenity that all elements of creation are based upon to repair.

Many individuals have been blinded and many need to be awakened and gather themselves to know truths, they need a knowing and understanding of the omnipotent and sovereign creator God, God's works, true loving ways, and clarified directional works.

Demons cant stand truths and truths will never allow demons to stand, it is the unconscious that does that.

For the people that passionately want to know God for themselves, their true and loving creator.

I pray that God opens their eyes to see him, opens their hearts that they may know him, open their souls that they may gain him.

Open their spiritual and physical intellect of true reasoning that they may understand.

To have the true knowledge, the wisdom to understand what truly is, as to go in the right directions.

All over the world in societies, there are documented works of individuals being saved by real angels, individuals being protected by damaging effects, etc, the list goes on in societies worldwide, on how many people are alive today because there had interventions from God.

I have many experiences and many cases are being told in societies around the world, and many stay in the secret of his holders because of being scrutinized if told.

What each one of those people that experience God and his true works will tell you, is that they were protected, kept calm, and guided to be safe.

Fear, panic, or confusion was never given to them it was taken away from them. now, people, you decide.


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