
Sunday, 17 June 2018

The Last Government-Corruption Uncovered.

The combative way that the losing party lambasted individuals from the other party was a mere cover-up of their treasonous ways.

Individuals did not see a platform of representatives voicing help directives that would lead this country of people forward with a much meaningful representative structure.

As all they saw was a mere platform of individuals that sent out intimidating and bullying ways, what structure of a so-called alliance regime like that can build a country of people when they are all based on criticism?

And with so many loopholes everyone will only drown, and why based biblical structure on such treasonous doings? individuals always missed their target when they are focusing merely on financial gain.

You can not rebuild a structure that has been depleted, you can not regroup a structure that has lost its mobility to join forces as one alliance to help a people in need, you can not rebrand a structure that showed no growth, you cannot be rebound from a situation that continues to be propelled by inside contaminates.

Barbadians did not find REFUGE in the DLP collaboration, Barbadians REFUSE to be puppets on a string and they got tired of the REFUGE that kept spilling from the losing parties' mouths.

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