In a world with individuals living in diverse societies, sexual harassment, etc has plagued certain individuals and has been echoed through passages for years.
With some individuals of leading disposition just sweeping it under the carpet as a way to channel the accusations from others as never happened, which is a mere manipulating and deceptive way.
So many individuals would be able to relate to this secluded horrific trend, this appalling procedure where they are targeted by other individuals with cold hearts of sexual appetites that crave on everyone.
I too, was a victim of that sexual harassment regime as I was sexually harassed at a very young age so many times in my life of living mostly by family members or individuals that entered in my life through family, business, or personal.
At a young age, I was also a witness to an abusive relationship that someone very close to me had.
With my first encounter, I was very vocal as I made it clear to let the relevant people that were in my life know.
But nothing came out of it as the perpetrators lived in the same house as I did.
I felt like a prisoner, as I was told to make sure that I was not in the house with the individuals by myself at any time, to always stay outdoors until the relevant individual came home.
Which was an intrusion and replacement for me an innocent child.
When something like this happens to anyone the feelings inside are so mixed up as the body seemed to go in a wild eruption of nausea, thinkings, questions, doubts, and a degrading of self.
And the guilt of having something like that happening to you with the assaulter lying or getting away only leaves the victim with the humiliation of self.
What happened to me after the second harassment was that I lost my voice to say anything to anyone.
I just kept everything inside and used a book, my diary as my personal aide, a friend of some kind that I could empty all the pain of emotions that were building up inside and the episode of what happened to me and by whom.
It didn't take long before a very close relative found my diary hidden away and read all that I wrote.
They told me that they were directed to look in that spot where my diary was by their intuition.
And after being questioned about what I wrote I had no choice but to tell of every bit of experience about the intrusion in my life.
After we had a long talk, something happened that made me so surprised.
You see! That individual stood up for me, they confronted the person that sexually harassed me and after asking the individual why he did it, his response was ‘‘ Whatever is in my house is mine’’ that individual took the next step and not only removed themselves from the tainted environment and relationship but they also took me along with them to keep me safe.
After that I got back my voice as I was strong enough, I grew from the strength of that individual that stood up for me.
I never thought that I would have found myself in such positions as those individuals were people that I trusted, some I looked up to, and they just saw me as a meal, a target to satisfy their sexual and aggressive appetites.
And today through all my experiences in a life of abuse, sexual harassment, sexual assault, and abusive relationships I am free from all tainted people, surroundings, and passages and I have the strength and a voice to say.
And anyone out there that is going through or went through any kind of abuse, or harassment whether it's sexual, mentally or physically or verbal, I say to you!
Do not let whatever situation destroys your inner being, when you keep silent the culprit wins, your silence is like a disease that will eat away at you from the inside that's going to eat away at your life piece by piece.
Speak out! There is always someone out there to help you, it may not be that individual that you taught had your interest at heart, it may be someone else that's guided by true hands and a caring presence of direction to truly help you, So Speak Out!
And every voice that speaks out about these harassments, abuse, etc will make a ripple effect, the voices will be like a stone that is thrown into a river that ends up making an ocean of waves.
Be bold, be courageous, free yourself and speak out!
Every strong individual that speaks out and compels others to also speak out will be that voice.
Every voice will combine as each voice will be voiced, and together everyone will speak out, to be that voice that needs to be heard, to show up a manipulating wayward way that has been hidden away and silenced for so long.
Along with the voices of other individuals, many of them were innocent and kept silent, that suffered from sexual abuse, sexual harassment, abusive relationships, or other abusive ways.
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