
Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Team Players? Or Business Wreckers?

In an emasculate field of businesses all over the world, a team player is the criteria of description that most businesses asked for before one gets employed.

One must be a team player, an individual with the team playing mode.

And some individuals enter establishment of companies to add diverse roles to the game but no team players or team work is in effect, none is present, or presented as it's just a business with much confusion and pretense of employment ways.

Where is the team players? As it seems that everyone is for themselves.

Everyone wants to be a boss of somebody and some used their title of authority to harass others.

So I am asking some companies, Where is the team for the team playing? And Why is everyone for themselves?

Some always feel intimidated when new staff arrives, and some try to use their title of authority to intimidate new staff, Why?

Why the dysfunction, why the call for team players when in most of the companies it's all about pretense? 

Businesses! Sometimes Try Helping Your Needy Staff Of Employees Out.

Some businesses all over the world carry a massive inventory of stock, and some businesses carry cafeterias while others participate in as they input with the restaurant industries.

And all of these businesses do discard items of wares etc that can come in handy to help their staff of employees out, in terms of things that they can use each and every day.

And instead of some employers telling their employees about them, they give strict orders to destroy all items, take them to the dumpster, Yes! Just dump them.

What type of mentality, what type of sundry thinking? What messed up dark hearts that some employers walk with, instead of helping needy staff each day they prefer to ignore them and their needy ways.

Why do some businesses find it hard to help feed their own?

I'm not saying to give your businesses away, I'm just saying that there are needy individuals in your companies, some that can not afford much with their little salary.

Some of them go without food and some just used the same things each day because they can not afford to get another for the coming days.

Helping the needed staff in some companies instead of dumping things each day, is not businesses that care about their employees well being, it's just companies that want individuals to work hard each and every day.

Why not try helping the needy out with food, etc that you prefer to throw out, make your employees feel wanted, don't just have them like work horses.

What kind of companies do that, when inside some employees are hungry, as some may not have eaten in some days, they just have a job to help pay bills and help maintain their employment ways.

You know! Some businesses say that they are all for their staff of employees, but yet feeding them food or giving them items some days seems to be out of boundaries.

Some businesses claim to be the godly type and most of the time when some loving staff of individual help out another with something the owners get all flustered and heated and want to start a fight.

Is that godly? Godly doing is all about helping your brother man out, not turning an eye when they need helping out.

Why do items and food gets thrown away when they can help out the staff of employees each and every day?

Why the harshness of hearts, for staff that works hard in some companies as they continue to do their team player part?

It's sundry thinking, it's messed up dark hearts, it's a no caring of ways when companies could throw food and items that are not sold instead of helping out their staff of employees each day.

Saturday, 5 August 2017

The Clarity Of Definitions.

In an emasculate field of compromising challenges, enthusiastic individuals find themselves looking and searching for something more. 

Something new, an upliftment with an achieving way, directions of passages that will help improve their life of living days. 

And some do go after what they want as productive fields opens up for them to help themselves. 

There are ‘‘ A Minority and a majority ’’,  a minority of individuals that just lazily lay around and the majority that sees their life and themselves with a worth to go a long way further in life to achieve productivity and goodness in their life. 

What does some think of this cause,  a relevant view from individuals that want nothing old in a life of a struggling way but want good alliances of new? 

It's never up for a deliberation as it's a standing it's the will power that makes individuals on a knowing. 

A will power in full motion from individuals that wouldn't put their lives of potential beneficial standing at a lazy pause. 

Tuesday, 1 August 2017

The False Mentality Of The Movie And Music Industry.

Not only is the movie industry doing it but the music industry is also doing it to fool you. 

Making individuals pretend to be who they are not, to send false messages to you. 

The music industry has been pushing music in all avenues of passages to entice individuals of all ages, from music lyrics that are written by others and from some that produce their own works, and it's never what it appears to be it's just individuals playing parts to seemed to be that good that is merely a big joke. 

Music today is about describing female and male genitals in the rawest and uncouth way, with sex, money, big living, huge possessions and fancy cars is what they are portraying in all ways. 

And when they sing about love it is never a true way, as they love is never forecast for a woman or girl as most of the male singers singing false love songs always end up to be full blown gay. 

So much is hidden behind the scenes, in this world of wayward ways and in the music and movie industries. 

Individuals are forced to hide their true identities as they suffer from very low self-esteems. 

As they have to play a part, to get their music out there and get noticed to get their careers off to a running start. 

Music has it's false mentality of ways as it manipulates individuals each and every day, to see that they think they see, but a false devious way is always behind the scenes. 

Just like the movie industry the music industry has many secrets and eventually they too will come out, and individuals will see the false pretense ways that singers and actors play when the trueness of themselves gets show out. 

In all my years of seeing the music industry push songs out there to portray what they call love by individuals, they make up to be sex idols for women of all kinds, and when the truth comes out those individuals are not attracted to the female gender but men of their own kind. 

The false mentality of the music and movie industry to get individuals entwined into their false works are just playing individuals along like puppets on a string a way that is barely a big joke. 

When will individuals see and be conscious of the lies, the manipulations, and the false ways, the wayward ways of the industries that are pushed daily in their face?