
Sunday, 4 June 2017


In a monopoly of leadership, there are individuals in the world of societies who decided that they should implement themselves to lead.

And I for one know that some elements of leadership that some seemed to portray are not represented in themselves or as leadership distributions.

Some are just not genuine leaders, as much of them is just puffed up with pride, own agendas and selfishness, that would just want to put individuals on bent begging knees.

Leaders get their hands dirty despite what measures of elements they have put in place in a productive field, as they oversee a business, individuals an institution of structure etc get through in many unlimited passages with much productive growth.

I've encountered individuals that have to confess themselves as leaders and the main fact that some can not distribute themselves in simple elements of tasks that they think would not fall into their jurisdiction of a leader is just plain ignorance.

All leaders should be able to maneuver in passages that can help their potential business, individuals, institutions of structure etc get through.

And a leader that is not equipped or has a consistency of unaverage distribution of themselves should not be a leader.

Leaders are not Cinderellas or prince charmings put up in a glass house or on a shelf.

Leaders should lead in whatever capacity that they are channeled through as leaders.

Some individuals have this thing of when they get to a prominent position in life, that they should not be among a certain selection of individuals as they just want to be in and go on the elite scene of passages.

That's ignorance displayed by ignorant people who need to know that what goes up must come down, and it does harder than it went up.

And with all the elite mentality of attitudes among some I've seen some fall back to reality, and then what? They fall back among the same individuals as themselves Yes! Mankind.

Even in the world among individuals in societies they go around with this pride puffed up mentality of a way.

Everyone is human and despite what height of elevation some might have achieved, everyone is still human, Yes! The same build up of a people.

Mankind needs to stop separating themselves from each other and come together as one, it's only then that they would achieve unity and see full true productive ways.

Yes! There are some individuals that do carry and showcase a stained passage in life that produced defying disruptive ways.

And if correctional procedures do not change these individuals the best thing to do is just pull all representation of self from them until they learn, accept and will themselves to go a truly positive way.

Going a positive way should never be diverted by the negatives of what or whoever may want to apply its disruptive ways of works.

Don't get me wrong I don't represent tardiness I represent a truly productive way of an alliance that shows most attentiveness for the people as a whole.

I want to see more truths, individuals happy, being taught truths of positivity and to see that they can get conscious to know that they can help themselves instead of tying themselves onto individuals and institutional structures that do not carry or represent true ways of growth potential for themselves and their living.

Some individuals call themselves leaders and they just don't want to, quote on the quote! ‘‘ Mingle with the crowd ’’.

Instead, they are stuck behind some office room of building etc with closed doors locked off from? The People!

And they just push forward elements of procedures of different dictatorship from different passages to someone to push to the forefront, Yes! Scripted false words with no essence of being.

If these proclaimed leaders can not input true aspects of themselves into meaningful dictatorships, passages, and alliances that they should be equipped for?

Instead of using what I called dummy writers or speakers to portray false words, thoughts and intuition feelings of a dictatorship of directions?

Why the reliance of absence? Why no physical dictatorship or standing for viewing?

A true leader is built on always being a present focus, strong, bold, with a caring motivational heart that attains to full growth passages of ways for all.

Leading is soaked in their being and blood they never buckle down, never fearful never hide as true leadership aspects are boiling inside, not made by self or some other false aspects of ways.

Not false leaders that just want to get individuals into businesses, institutions etc that does not carry or represent the true leadership of ways, and what they fail to represent.

I watched as I monitor some individuals confessing themselves as leaders and you know what?

They are just puffed up with pride and own agendas with much selfishness inside, and they are afraid of the people, to be with the people,  hmmm! Why is that?

Don't want to get your hand's dirty leaders? Or should I say, Don't want to get your suits dirty leaders?

That kind of representation is not a leader's leadership but a false bias individual with devious manipulation and deceptive ways.

Leaders should be able to do things with their comrades and with saying this I mean with the people, instead of playing king or queen to be carried around.

Some of them need to take off those suits get comfy, roll up some sleeves and join in, do ordinary things that people do.

Know the people see the people, gather with the people and hear the people's views.

A leader can find true things out stuck in an office etc behind closed doors or in driven vehicles coated with fur-floors unless they have a poly parrot that channels back words of information that may be lacking some aspects of truths.

Does this represent a leader, readers? You decide.

Leaders leading should be bold, with many motivational aspects, a comrade for the people with a heart of true caring ways, wear and wares.

With some, I don't know where that part of leadership qualities are because all I see Is suits of pride with stone cold hearts that does not apply true love to anything just false ways and false documentation of ways.

True leaders give that strong heart of hand to pull individuals, businesses, institutions of structures on the right and true meaningful productive paths for much alliance of way.

And the absence of any individual portraying themselves as a leader that is absent from applying themselves into areas of leadership is not leaders but a bare mockery of themselves, imposters portraying leaders Yes! Dummy bells.

And for the ones, that is alway jacked up in suits in a tight pride portraying way, I say, loosen up and get to know the people.

Respect is due to anyone on a respectable stance but Ignorance of self can not be denied~Marcelle Hinkson

Leadership is not about giving orders it's about implementing change and growth~Marcelle Hinkson

That is what so many of the portrayed leadership structures failed to understand.

And when mankind understands this effect then they will be able to move on to better living and ways of structures.

Some never input themselves in true genuine leadership ways.

Everyone on this earthly realm is the same and with some that are not (Yes! Another area of dictatorship I will sometime get into)

And the individuals that carry a true stance for the earth is called mankind, to be always kind to each other, the name carried is the base for their existence.

It's just that some has evolved more than some, with some achieving a higher standard with much financial gain, knowing and unknowing to others, and some have evolved to gain a higher intellectual reposition of themselves.

Then there are others who have not attained full evolvement because of slow structures and progress and finds themselves struggling to go.

And some attained themselves to follow and tie themselves onto individual or structures professing leadership goals to see paths that they can not make it true.

But every whistle does not blow the same tune, it's the blowers behind the whistle that makes it a true blowing instrument to be heard in the right beneficial ways that individuals will understand the alertness.

Leadership is not about prestige or self, it's about a full true and building motivational alliance with and for the people and structured institution.

It's about helping, apply help to those needing help and see things get through, it's not the fiasco that some may be applying.

True leadership is not a puffed up with pride way, with a false dictatorship that some bring to the table from diverse passages of intellectual individuals that do not carry a leaderships heart, just a paid to script elements for conversational ways.

A true leader should never be trained by a world of false elements.

A true leader should never be about that, but should always be about channeling all growth aspects in all kinds of ways with a full beneficial alliance of ways.

It's about getting the job done in the right consistency of ways, not just air words that are written for the mouth to go through passages of ways.

Leadership is about helping the people, leaders are leaders, they are there to help implement change with true directions for growth.

Leaders should be individuals that direct truths etc in every aspect of the way that will be a bridge to help others cross that field of encouragement.

By motivating themselves to be a better people, structure institution or business to be in a better place to help themselves positively and beneficially grow.

Why try to lead when one can not mobilize individuals etc for maximum growth?

For instance, in some governmental institutions of leadership, individuals are never seen, the people place their votes for an individual they think would benefit them in a whole, and then what?

No leader, no voice, no vision and no words just false promises from a wild mouth of dictators that tells lies to the people as a manipulating tool just to get in power.

And as I said before, it's all for prestige, own agenda of ways and nothing more, and everyone should by now noticed that as soon as some reached that stage for leadership.

They are never seen, heard or viewed just scripted manuscript of documentations is read to them by a tag-a-long.

That's not leadership! That Is individuals playing games with the people, businesses, and structured institutions, with much manipulation and deceptive ways, a very wayward and false way for a leader.

I don't argue politics or religion as here I just mentioned this part of leadership representation as a reference to identify the structure that my article is based on, when it comes to leaders, leadership and their aspects of ways.

Individuals called mankind needs to be true and positive leaders and join together in the most positive ways, that is when they will see results of change, full structures of growth as a unit of a whole.

Leadership is leadership and true leadership should never be denied~Marcelle Hinkson

A true leader should always implement growth potential of ways in all aspects of ways coherent to the relevant parties, whether it's governmentally structured for the people, motivational for the people, family or institutionalized structured for business.

It's always for the people, or individual fashioned as a people for productive empowerment to them etc on the right and positive paths of ways.

That's the relevance of true leadership, a strong individual with much potential of true motivational ways that is will with a passion for helping the people etc go forward in much reliance of ways.

Anyone can say that they are a leader, but can they lead?~Marcelle Hinkson

Leading isn't about blowing hot air that just pollutes anything it touches, that is not what a true leader is about, that's the disposition of individuals stuck with much instructional ignorance of mouth.

A shepherd in full control of his flock does not let them stray away onto bad elements that would be a harm to them, he always watches over them and makes sure that they are on green pastures always healthy, strong and watered on a good productive and beneficial field.

It is that true essence of a leader that makes them lead~Marcelle Hinkson

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