
Monday, 27 February 2017

Eating Yourself To Bad Health By Using Food As A Weapon.

All over the world millions of individuals are using food as a weapon and half of them don't even know that they are just setting up themselves for distraction.
As you look around you can see the effects of the fast food chains as individuals weight is going up in the hundreds.
All over eating from monopolies of fast food outlet's easy availability of food that is just fuel to ignite individuals teasing taste buds that leads them to over eat.

In a world of today with individuals with a "All about me"mentality only the strong will survive.
And some individuals basing their eating habits on .
 (1)Not having a job.
(2) Just staying at home doing nothing.
(3) All ready over weight so what more food can do.
(4) Food is affordable to buy.
(5) Food special of getting more for less. 
(6) Low Self Esteem. 
(7) Bullying
 Well what I can tell these individuals is that" You are using food as a weapon"
These aspects of ways that I just highlighted should not be the reason for any individual to eat themselves to an unhealthy state. 
Just staying at home eating gaining weight then to do what? Stick to a chair or bed then to can't move at all.
And with this new technology of world wide web, some individuals seems not interested in doing nothing else. 
Some are just in a lazy stance just staying in front of television etc with a bowlful of food at their side.
Some individuals need to keep themselves busy instead of over eating and jumping at every cheap fast food special that is just making thing worst.
Just staying home doing nothing ?Seriously?Hey read a book ,clean the house,get rid of the clutter or old stuff you don't need in the house,do exercises just do something other than eat your selves to an unhealthy state.
Put down the food, the game controls, turn off the movies on the television and get yourself in a active state.
Why wait for things to escalate when you can do something about it now?
As I look around I see individual size escalating and it should never be like that.
Food is good for the body healthy foods that is, oil and greasy butter foods that maybe filled with steroids of all kind isn't.
Oily foods just clogs your body and stays as it build up, and the steroids adds more weight gain, so why eat those unhealthy foods?
Food has nutrients for the body but when food is abused as an addiction it's dangerous just like drugs etc.
One should be able to eat food as it is meant to use in proportion.
The reason for so much obese individuals in this world is that the food is available at their fingertips and they can access it where, when and however they want.
 But the fact of the matter is that every individuals has to decide on if , how and why. 
 If it's wise to eat so much food?How it's going to leave them looking or feeling and why do they want to eat so much food?
Water is the main resource for the body it always refresh and purify the body, and not much individual use water to purify their bodies. 
Why plug up the body by eating huge amounts of unnecessary food just to make oneself immobilized?
To much individuals are overweight and this is much need for concern because it will just leave these individuals in a sad unhealthy state.

Territorial Ambition

Are you restricting your desires to achieved by doubting yourself and your creative aspects?
Talent lays within everyone but it's the way and the direction that one directs they talent that allows them to be able to be seated in an achievement chair.
There are a lot of doubting Thomases out there who continued to doubt their abilities to achieved and soar into and onto higher pastures of passages.
I always say that "Independence breaks the chains of doubt", and one must always have independence in them selves to go to the next level.
No one knows the altitudes of height they can fly unless they try, as always it's try and try until you succeed.
And who don't want to be tested in areas of expertise?
But how would one know the magnitude of one's talent if they don't try?As I said,"Hidden talents lays within everyone and having the ability to lock into one's talent to bring it to light in an evolving alliance is what makes your ambition grow.
And no doubt will be able to present itself in one's mind,as one will be walking with the mentality of ,"I know I can do it and I will try".
And this mentality is good for the heart,soul and mind as these words will continue to be a push of motivation to push one into new aspects of areas of talent.
Finding one's place is essential,just knowing one's ability ,using one's talent will continue to be more gratifying when one can lock into them selves and used the keys of confidence,independence and resistance to unlock the chains of doubt.

Everyone Wants To Be A Leader.

Some individuals in this world wants to be a leader but what qualifies one for leadership as to be a leader?Is it good looks ?Good will?Huge finances?Intelligence? What?
''As intelligence is a mere means of building one's intellect and focus it's wisdom, knowledge and understand that is the factor that attributes to one achieving one's place in society to be a leader and a guide''- Marcelle Hinkson.
So does every one with the title of leader and flowing in leadership distributes these skills? 
And then the questions is ,A Leader of what? Of Good or a Leader of Bad?
It really varies and depends on if one is a leader of good or bad and if one carries the devices of leadership and in what capacity are the leadership flowing in.
As so often I have to tell people that ''I would rather be a leader of good than a follower of bad''.
Leadership is a big commitment and it has to have a strong standing of foundation, and a heavy and determined commitment that puts one onto his or her standing.
An unmovable mentality that attributes to one doing one's duties of leadership without being hindered by words of indecent exposure by others.
So to all leaders I say lead but lead in the right and truthful way of your directional course. 

Friday, 24 February 2017


First and foremost I'm not judging just Saying, It's called Freedom Of Speech. JUST SAYING. 

Transforming is a way that things changed themselves from what they were before into something else. 

Just like the movie that everyone watched each day.

The word and ways described is right and it's in everyone's face.

But yet no one seems to be conscious to notice because they are so bewildered with no minds of their own to focus.

Unconscious individuals are so caught up with a wayward way of world's protruding false laws.

That some of them are not conscious enough to see the truth.

So many despicable wrong ways of deception are being pushed at them daily and they are so bewildered that they can not see the deception behind it all.

This transgender issue that seems to be trying to push itself into individuals lives is just another deceptive false way of dark devious elements are trying to control individuals minds and lives.

TRANSFORMERS they are called not transgenders, as they are elements out of this world-changing individuals into something else, a very crazy false doing when you consciously look at it.

This is a spiritual thing and for you to overcome it you have to be in full control of your being.

It's you being aware to consciously see and control your mind and body over a dark matter, it's gaining full control of your body and mind as you will be able to know the false element that is trying to intrude.

I saw an article about a grown man dressing like a child and calling himself six years old, doesn't anyone see this as crazy and where are the straight jackets at?

Some individual's minds are so tainted by the touch of deception that they can not see the false ways before their eyes.

Why would anyone in their right minds allow a confusing and deceptive act to protrude in individual's lives?

Unless they are gaining something from those dirty deeds.

From a child's view it is really confusing and we by now should know where the acts of confusion come from.

The man was made for woman and woman for man, so why are men changing to women and women to men?

It's just a false outburst of defying ways with dark elements that are flying all over the world of atmosphere's air.

It's all a deceptive and confusing way and if only Individuals would get conscious to look around and see.

Everyone needs to be conscious and in full control of their being and mind, with a strong will to overcome this thing.

To be able to control their bodies so that everyone can live free safe conscious and happy.

Tell me?  What are the truths behind anyone transforming themselves into something other than how they were made? What are the truths of it? It is just a deceptive lie.

There is a lot of confusion going on in transformers minds as they continue to battle with themselves.

It's the little consciousness of themselves that is trying to fight the dark matter but some of them are so confused and just hand over themselves over to the dark matter on a platter.

You can not even sit down and watch a good movie without this transformer kind of way being pushed in your face minds and into the innocence of children.

The truth is a tangible tool and if used daily it can get a lot done~M.Hinkson

If only Sone individuals would push truths instead of lies, this would be a better place and individuals will live peaceful and respectable lives.

Individuals can beat this thing and if you look around you will see cases where individuals have indeed put their mind and a strong will over a dark matter to take control of their original self.

To know that they was made a man and should remain a man, and made a woman to remain a woman.

When speaking to some of these individuals they will tell you that it feels wrong and but yet they are doing it.

Hmm! Shouldn't you be seeing big red flags in your face.

Nothing that is truthful and right don't be wrong, and wrongs don't make a right just remember that.

Wednesday, 22 February 2017

A Business Workfield Discrepancy Of Multitasking.

In some businesses in the world that we live, in you can find so much work field discrepancies in every bias way with a hidden agenda of overworking staff.

Businesses where individuals are being bombarded with overwhelming multitasking work.

With some just having half an hour lunch with sometimes not getting it because they have to multitask.

With this introduction of multitasking, some individuals are really been taken advantage of as there is never a time for resting or eating only hours of hard working.

Individuals all over the world are looking for a well-paying job that will help their families and themselves to maintain their stance in the society that they live in.

And no one should be taken advantage of just because they are looking for work.

I always tell individuals that are looking for a job at any establishment that any business that changes their employees on a day to day or other basis is not a business to work in.

And most of the time those are businesses that like to overwork staff with this multitasking of way.

And in these businesses all, you ever find is angry staff voicing themselves of the displeasure of overworking themselves in a business that doesn't have a sturdy and functional stance and doesn't pay well.

An individual who gains employment at an establishment for a particular job description should never be bombarded with overwhelming work that they did not apply for.

And some businesses are using a low economic status of the worldly way to intimidate some individuals in overworking themselves for low pay.

Why are some businesses pushing this multitasking mandate on some individuals without agreeing on it just because they are looking for work?

There is a discrepancy in this area as it should never be in effect.

It is unfair to some individuals being pushed into doing multitasking with a huge among of work and their pay packs do not represent the workload being done.

The hours of hard work without a lunch hour because the system does not have a functional base.

In businesses, some systems really stink and it's only about the money and not the well-being of employees.

And with all the multitasking, businesses are saving from hiring other people to do the jobs, but yet no consideration is seen when it comes to paying overworked employees more or getting input on their decision to multitask.

It's just a slaving system in a biased way, that does not direct itself at helping employees, but it is just a way to stress and overwork them.

And it's always a hidden agenda as employees only find out when they have been selected for the job they applied for just to get bombarded by an overwhelming workload that they never applied for.

Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Always Be Leader Of Good And Never A Follower Of bad.

In a life of living, there are some individuals born with a conscious mature state of being, with eyes already opened to see what is meant for them to see.

As some elements like to play around, to try to get individuals to fall on their false negative devious way of ground.

It goes like this!
You are birth into this earthly world and then it starts for you to understand right from wrong.

Which by the way, you already knew even before you came here, but you are now in an earthly realm and need to be earthly aware.

Along the way, you will meet people or it may even be even your family that may try to break you out of your peaceful stance.

As they try to lure you to try things or go wild places to dance.

But deep inside you will always know that it's not the place for you, as deep inside your being will start to alert you.

And discomfort will start to flow in, as you will know that it is not your place or thing.

I just want to say that these are just individuals planted to try to set you up to lure you on a path that will harm you, and those things are not what you are supposed to do.

It's a way they use to get you off your true path of a good way, to continue to channel the negative in the ways that they wear.

But as always your true being of light will let you know, that you should not stay and shall leave as to go through the door.

As you fight with all your might and stand up for your worth and your trueness of light.

You must always follow what is good and positive and stay away from doing bad, as it's a way to distract you from doing the good on earth that you have to as your destiny purpose as planned.

You must always be a leader of good and never a follower of bad.

And you must always recognize the true heart that you have.

 Always listen to your truthful being, that has ears opened that always hear and eyes that always see.

You know! Eyes see and yet they don't see and ears hear but yet they don't hear.

It's right in everyone's face to see and everyone should be able to identify and understand that individuals have been lured into others life as to help push them to change their good stance.

From being a good individual to a bad one, so always know your worth and recognized those individuals devious plans.

And you know what!This knowledge is so out there, but some are so caught up in a world that the are bewildered and some others just don't care.

Just look around your neighborhood, look at your family or other and you will clearly see the signs.

Look at the negative people that lure themselves in individuals lives.

Look at the drastic change that some of them do, look at their behavior before and after the bad influence how they now look to you.

Another example is to look at the artist in the music industry, look at their changes look at their ware, look at the innocent faces they once carry and now after getting lured into devious look at their wares.

They were all innocent before and somehow got lured in by devious individuals on the scene, with elements behind them to try to bring mankind to their knees.

Individuals assigned as handlers, or false friends, that try to change individual's true hearts, to group up with their dirty doings as each individual is so bewildered and eventually take part.

The imagery that some are now portraying would make you do a double look, as they change happened so fast maybe in months or so it took.

You see! Everyone does have a willpower, to be a good leader and not a bad follower.

To will yourself to truthfully lead and not foolishly hand over your willpower to someone and follow they dirty deeds.

By now each and every one of you shows be conscious of knowing, to know your true values, but sadly so much as been bewildered and has changed to bad attitudes.

By handlers that changed them and put them to negatively change others,a big deception going on,to try to make a big false devious play ground.

But a mighty change is coming and it's going to do good, to wake up the unconscious sleepers to know what they truly and willing should.

‘‘ Thank You, Is Always Well Appreciated-How Much Of Us Use This Gesture Everyday?

Sometimes in our lives, someone does something to help us in some way shape or form and it is good to show appreciation as to appreciate a well polite cause Yes! It should be the norm.

Some individuals just pass by without saying a word or polite gesture of some kind.

As it will really make an individual feel needed and their efforts of helping really appreciated.

Just saying something nice to them from a heart that shows much care, will show an acknowledgment of attention to someone that help carry their day.

It will really make their day complete, just to hear genuine words from a heart that is so sweet.

What do you say when someone holds a door open for you? Do you just push past them as you look in their face just being rude?

Principals are principals and Yes! Manners start with you, so if you don't show it to someone, why would you react when someone doesn't show it to you?

In today's world in societies that we live in so many individuals go about their day to day life of living ways without showing.

Some appreciation of care, as some don't have the wares to show appreciation to anyone as some just walk around with their faces all angry to scare.

"Thank You! Is hardly given from individuals that seemed so hard to say this gesture of appreciation of saying.

Why is it so hard for them to say when a kind person does something for them along the way?

Is it that individual's hearts are hard and broken or just that they are too busy in a world to take the time to notice?

It never hurts to be nice it just helps you along the ways, and it shows your true ways and attention of showing others a genuine care.

Monday, 6 February 2017

Words Do Speak Volume.

Words of sentences that are spoken from the mouth and written by hand can be spiritually felt and seen.

The way the individual distribute them with a knowledge whether of love, anger lies or hatred to the reader they to will feel.

They will feel the author's every word, their experience and their heart.

The emotions that they formed each word with as from their mind body spirit soul and heart from its destination the words will depart.

Words do speak with volume and they are felt by all, from a little baby in a cradle to someone a long distance walking down a hall.

Words do have movement and they can touch as they can be seen.

Out of positive ways or negative ways you the reader will always feel.

Words are for reading and from each word and sentence from the author you the reader can also read.

Meaningful ways of directions with passages that will only put your soul of being to feed.

Or meaningless words that are not needed.

Negative sentences of words that for your growth of being is only tainted.

So always know that words do speak with volume and as each passing day goes by what you read is what your soul will intake.

Words that will put you down or words that will make your soul conscious and aware.

Good meaningful positive vibes, or negative words that will flow with anger hatred and strife.

And you will and should know the feeling, behind whatever you the reader is reading.

Sunday, 5 February 2017

Why Are Some Individuals Intimidated By A Size?

With the influx of bombarding ways that some places photoshop and portray bodies as they try to send this false message of mentality to everyone that they should be small like their photoshop dolly.

I'm not saying that individuals should let go of their bodies that will only put them in an unhealthy state.

You just eat healthy and try to maintain a good healthy body structure of weight that suits you.

Shopping for clothing is a thing that everyone does each day and it is a way that should never intimidate anyone.

As each day I would experienced individuals looking for clothing and when they look at the size tag they push it aside and get upset as in a dramatic way.

With small size dress tags of description, this size everyone seemed to want to wear, and the first entry in a store, the small section you would find them all going that way.

Just pass by a small selection section and you will see, individuals, standing in the row picking up pieces of small clothing to buy to wear in the one's twos and threes.

Small Please! You will hear constantly from nearly everyone's mouth, and if you try to assistant them with a bigger size they will tell you No! With a repulsive look. in their eyes as if to say ‘‘Small is my size".

With a sudden look of daze they will look you in your face like you just said the worst thing, then they will bypass you as if they are going to look. for some other thing.

Medium dress tags of wear individuals also go that way you see if a small don't fit, they would assure you that the medium is going to guarantee to fit.

You can not even mention getting them a larger size, as they will look at you with wide open eyes.

Like you said a disgusting word to them, and some will tell you "large? Oh gosh No! "I don't wear large and it's way too big it looks like it has a long looking hem!".

Don't even talk about extra large as some individuals think that this size is an over do.

What I am saying is that some individuals need to know their body structure of size as to know what will fit.

It makes no sense fooling oneself into buying something small when basically you need a medium or large that will sure to fit.

Always choose the right size piece of clothing, and stop trying to force into sizes that don't fit your body structure because yourselves you are just fooling.

I don't know why the low esteem and intimidation of individuals with a size other than small why do some women and men make such a fuss at all?

Phones And Technology Are Getting Smarter And Some Individuals Are Getting Dumber And Things They Can't Remember ". -What Is Up With That? "

"Phones And Technology Are Getting Smarter And Some Individuals Are Getting Dumber And Things They Can't Remember ". "What Is Up With That?

A Cunning piece of ware that technology has built to wear smart wares of media flow and the human brain memory seemed no longer to known.

The Epic behavior of individuals in this wayward world and the technology of devices that they evolved themselves in with much unawares.

Phones and other technologie's devices are getting smarter and some individuals are getting dumber and it's going so far that certain things some don't remember.

Imagine before individual's brains was working to full capacity with the remembering of information all stored up in their head.

And the constant usage of brain memory was growing and getting stronger now with this new technology no one seems to remember.

As it looks like individuals are getting dumber and some seemed to get brain burn as things they once remember they now don't remember.

You know! The brain is storage for information that will make the brain cells expand and grow with enhancement with neurological natural memory enhancers.

Now with this new technology, some individuals seemed never to remember as their devices are now getting smarter and some individuals are getting dumber.

With never a cause to think anymore, it's a pick up of a device and a search engine will go.

Never a try of teaching the brain to work out the information that it stored.

Brains are going blind because they are not being used, technologies ways have now put them aside like some old refuge.

As some can not remember a number etc without looking in a smart device.

The audacity of some individuals using these new technologies of a device is leading some individuals down their own demise.

Once before it was individuals putting their brains to work as they try to figure out things, now it's a swipe, click command or texting they go to search engines.

And it's a laziness with this new technology of wares, as some individuals don't move they now find themselves staying one place each day.

Some don't do no excercise,just technology in hand with wide staring addicting eyes.

Why So Many Selfies?

Why take So many selfies and what is this sudden trend all about?

Just taking all those pictures of yourself and sending them all about.

The wayward trend that some individuals seemed to adapt is just becoming a nescience of a meaningless cause.

As nearly everyone seemed to be doing a selfie with masks of makeup on or some just showing off their flaws.

What is this place really becoming as some individuals in society just keep wasting their time?

Over and over by just taking selfies every second and minutes Yes! All the time.

This selfie way that is so meaningless with the imagery that they constantly display.

Who are they really chanelling, what do they really want to do?

As each day selfies of someone continue to bombard you.

If these individuals would take up a positive book and read to get some positivity and a good out look.

That would eventually help lead this wayward world up instead of going downhill, everyone needs to really focus Yes! Everyone doing this selfie thing.

Yes! Positivity will be sensibly flowing instead of constant pictures of self, being feed.

It's not the face that needs seeing it's the brains that are meaningfully in need.

Why not take up a book a meaningful book and put something relevant in your brains?

Instead of all the selfie pictures that are being taken daily flooding the place like water does from a downpour of heavy rain.

The vast array of some individuals in society that waste so much time taking selfies, and so much of them has taken up this trend, and it seems that they don't know how to stop doing it or when.

This selfie thing is on the wayward side as now everyone seems willing to give their camera and others a big fake smile.