
Sunday, 23 February 2025

The devil comes to steal, kill and destroy-What this says about government leaders and how they govern a people of nations.

This has been an ongoing thing throughout history and we should know in the bible which teaches from early Genesis to Revelations, that the enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy.

So let me put this into a governmental viewpoint.

A nation of people, they are supposed to be governed by a governing body that upholds the constitutions, rules, and laws that protect the people.

A leader should not at any time hold biased intentions against its people, to cause a rift in their livelihood, damage, hurt, or pain.

So whenever a leader goes into office, and that leader does not bring any functional and meaningful representations and applications for the people, that leader should be put into question, scope, and removed.

It's all about building the people and utilizing resources to help everyone and the nation out, it should never be about greed or control to rule and imprison the people like birds stuck in a cage.

The people should be free to live their lives and maneuver as seen fit for them, without being a burden or threat to anyone else.

The armed security forces of the law should be always in place to keep order, and work for the people, not for themselves or be bribed into a political arena ring of greed and corruption. 

If any leader goes into a leadership status and begins to deplete the lands of that nation and rob the people, while channeling funds into their bank accounts, that is a means for concern.

I think by now a blind man should be able to know a thief from a mile away because his working cognitive senses will alert him of incoming danger.

So why is it so hard for people not to see a thief, or I should say the enemy, that is out to steal, kill, and destroy, trying to lead their lands?

Any government that goes into leadership and does not bring a growing consistency to the people, for the people, needs to be removed.

Any government that is fixed on greed and corruption that only helps its family, friends of friends, evil sidekicks, and elite clans, to get their bank accounts full and to get through in life, while forgetting about the people, needs to be removed.

The greed, and corruption in government need to end, and the abuse of the office and people needs to come to an end.

The selling out of the lands, nations, and the people to the highest bidder needs to come to an end, the evil, corrupt, deceptive, and greedy leaders need to be removed from office.

People look within your nations, look at the state of your nation, the people, look at the leadership, look at what meaningful applications have been done for the people, look and see if it signifies growth potential in all areas or if it doesn't. 

Look at the depletion, the theft of what belongs to the people and nation, the theft of the lands, and the heavy tax invasions, of which the government ply on the people to try and rob them of a comfortable life and hard-earned money.

Look at the amount of people that have died because of health care not being up to standard, look at the government-implemented systems for the people, to take hazardous medications, for viruses that are knowingly manmade to hurt them.

Look at the body-harming medications, and food supplies that continue to flood the land, look at the amount of people who have been pushed aside and robbed of their heritage lands.

Look at how your nation has been depleted since that individual took leadership office.

This is a common sense thing, and everyone should be able to value a situation for what it really is.

If a leader is not building you, clearly he's taking from you, and if something is not being built it's being depleted. 

So automatically the people should know that the enemy is in the government.

The stealing, killing, and destroying should be so evident, for everyone to see.

Stealing, killing, and destroying is the trademark of the enemy, that it's suited in, and just like a snail that leaves a trail of its slime to indicate its presence being there, the enemy also leaves a trail.

People need to wake up and see the truth of all matters that are right before their eyes. 

Why have eyes that don't see and ears that don't hear, the significant things in life?

The people have the power to stand, the power to move, the power to help make the change, the power to say, they have the power to remove whatever standing government that has turned against them, a government that does not protect them, care for them, keeps them safe and comfortable, with a life that is full of growth.

The people have the right to remove any government that pushes them on the back burner, and then to let their evil sidekicks or elite clans and evil governments step in.

If a government cannot uphold a truthful caring acceptance for the people, the right rules, regulations, and constitutions for the people and nation, without dipping into a pool of greed, deception, and corruption. 

And just wants to steal, kill, and destroy the people and nation, then that leader needs to be removed, sooner rather than later.

This is a new thing, the new era of removing the enemy from within your camp, the governing leadership of which the enemy had tricked the people to put him in.

Matthew 7:16-20 "Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit, a good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire, therefore by their fruits you should know them" 

People! What is so hard about these verses that you cannot understand, are your minds so not your own, that you cannot comprehend for yourself? 

These verses are so evident in how to identify the wolves, the enemy among us, so why does it take so long for the people to compute and recognize?

Wherever an individual goes in life, whatever or whoever positioned themselves to that individual, in whatever capacity, and that person, that area, that way, that leader does not show good fruits, clearly that's a red flag to know the enemy is in camp, and the enemies works will be noticeable wherever it is stationed. 

The Bible has a lot of information that people can learn from, and for those skeptical of using it, I say this to you, before you read your bible, pray over it, and rebuke anything in it that does not belong to God.

The Bible is the word of God but just like everything else, the enemy has found a way to manipulate the bible in sequences to try to control the masses.

That's why when an individual reads something in the bible and further on, reads the same thing, that reading somehow contradicts the first reading, those are verses that have been manipulated, and if you have the Holy Spirit inside, the Holy Spirit will direct you to the Truth. 

An individual can learn a lot from the bible and applied to life, to be able to understand, how to live, how to identify the wolves in sheep's clothing, how to grow and sustain self and finances, but most of all, how to keep the enemy out of your camp, your life. 

This is a time when we find individuals trying to find themselves, they are tired of the old worldly way of everything they have been through, and now they just want to find self and purpose. 

And in order to do that, one must find God, the source of all living, they need to connect to God and get to know God for themselves. 

A relationship with God, not religion, is what it's about, then you will find your purpose in why you are here. 

I hope this article brings a clear understanding to all that's directed to read it, as it was given to me for the people. 

And to the governments that try to set up God's people and try to abuse them and keep them in bondage.


Monday, 17 February 2025

The Dissonance of Demons and Divinity: Can You Serve Two Masters?


We've all heard the phrases: "walking with God," "a person of God," "filled with the Holy Spirit." 

These terms evoke images of peace, love, compassion, and selfless service. 

But what happens when the actions of someone claiming this spiritual connection starkly contradict the essence of the divine they profess to follow? 

This is the troubling dissonance of claiming God's grace while behaving like a demon.

It's not about perfection, we are all flawed, human beings prone to stumble and sin. 

The Christian faith, in particular, hinges on grace, forgiveness, and redemption. 

We are all works in progress, learning and growing in our relationship with God. 

The issue isn't the occasional misstep; it's the persistent, deliberate, and unrepentant display of behavior antithetical to the teachings of love, humility, and compassion that form the cornerstone of most faith traditions.

The outward manifestation of inner turmoil:

When someone claims a deep connection with God yet consistently acts in ways that are cruel, selfish, judgmental, or manipulative, it raises significant questions. 

This isn't simply a matter of hypocrisy; it suggests a deeper internal struggle, a disconnect between professed belief and lived experience. Are they genuinely connected to their faith, or is it merely a convenient label, a shield against accountability?

Consider the following scenarios:

The outwardly pious bully: Someone who quotes scripture while simultaneously engaging in bullying, intimidation, or spreading gossip.

The self-righteous judge: Someone who claims to represent God yet condemns others with harsh judgment, lacking empathy and compassion.

The spiritually abusive leader: Someone who uses their position of spiritual authority to manipulate, control, or exploit others.

These behaviors, and many others like them, are deeply problematic. 

They not only damage the individuals affected but also tarnish the image of the faith they claim to represent. 

They sow seeds of doubt and mistrust, hindering the growth of genuine faith and spiritual understanding.

The importance of accountability and self-reflection:

True faith is not merely a declaration; it's a journey of transformation. 

It involves a commitment to self-reflection, accountability, and a sincere desire to live by one's beliefs. 

If one claims to walk with God, their actions should reflect the values and teachings they profess to uphold.

If you recognize these behaviors in yourself or someone you know, it's crucial to engage in honest self-reflection or encourage that person to do the same. 

This may involve seeking guidance from spiritual leaders, engaging in therapy, or simply acknowledging the dissonance between words and actions. 

It requires humility, a willingness to change, and a commitment to aligning one's life with the principles of love and compassion that are central to most faiths.

Ultimately, the claim of walking with God is a powerful one, carrying with it a significant responsibility. 

It's a commitment to strive towards a life that reflects the divine source of that faith, a life characterized by love, compassion, and a genuine desire to serve others. 

Anything less is a betrayal of that commitment and a disservice to both oneself and the faith one professes.

Saturday, 15 February 2025

A Crime is a Crime, Justice should not be blind.

Justice is meant to be fair and impartial, yet time and again, we see that this ideal is often compromised. 

A crime, regardless of who commits it, should be met with appropriate punishment. 

However, in reality, the scales of justice are frequently tipped in favor of those with power, status, or connections. 

This discrepancy erodes public trust in the legal system and creates an environment where the privileged can evade consequences while the less fortunate suffer the full weight of the law.

The Principle of Justice

At its core, justice should operate on a simple principle, if an individual is found guilty of a crime, they must face the corresponding punishment. 

The law exists to maintain order, deter wrongdoing, and protect society. Whether someone steals a loaf of bread or embezzles millions, the standard should remain the same criminal actions warrant legal repercussions.

The expectation is that laws apply equally to all, but history and current events repeatedly show that this is not the case. 

Justice, as it stands, is often more accessible to those who can afford high-powered lawyers, manipulate loopholes, or use their influence to escape accountability.

Privilege and Legal Leniency

One of the most frustrating aspects of modern legal systems is how individuals with high status or connections receive leniency. 

There are countless instances where wealthy or influential figures commit crimes yet face reduced sentences, are granted bail easily, or have charges dismissed altogether. 

This favoritism comes in several forms:

1. Connections in High Places If an individual has ties to government officials, law enforcement, or powerful organizations, they can often have cases dismissed, evidence suppressed, or legal procedures delayed indefinitely. Political favors and backroom deals make it easier for the privileged to walk free.

2. Expensive Legal Representation– The average person cannot afford a high-profile defense team. Those with financial power can hire the best lawyers who know how to exploit technicalities, negotiate favorable plea deals, or manipulate the legal system to their advantage.

3. Media and Public Perception – Public figures often use their status to shape the narrative around their crimes, turning themselves into victims or using distractions to divert attention. In contrast, those without such influence are vilified and punished swiftly.

Disparities in Sentencing

A glaring example of this inequality is the difference in sentencing between the rich and the poor.

For instance, minor drug offenses often result in lengthy prison sentences for low-income individuals, whereas corporate fraud cases where millions are stolen may end with minimal prison time or fines that barely impact the perpetrator’s wealth.

Similarly, the treatment of white-collar criminals versus blue-collar criminals is starkly different. 

A teenager caught shoplifting may face a harsher punishment than a corporate executive who commits large-scale fraud. 

The reasoning? The executive can afford a legal defense team that negotiates plea bargains and settlements, while the teenager may rely on an overburdened public defender.

The Need for True Justice

For a society to function fairly, justice must be consistent and impartial. 

Laws should apply to everyone equally, regardless of wealth, social standing, or political influence. 

The legal system must take steps to eliminate biases, such as:

Stronger Accountability for the Powerful.

There should be stricter penalties for those who use their status to evade justice. No individual should be above the law.

Fair Legal Representation for All The right to a competent defense should not be reserved for the wealthy. 

Public defenders should be well-funded and given resources to effectively represent those who cannot afford expensive lawyers.

Transparency in Legal Proceedings

The public should have access to information about how cases are handled, particularly when they involve high-profile figures, to ensure fairness.

Judicial Independence

Courts must remain free from political and financial influence, ensuring that rulings are based on law, not personal connections.

A crime is a crime, no matter who commits it., justice should not be a privilege reserved for the wealthy and powerful, while the underprivileged bear the brunt of the law’s full force. 

Until the legal system truly upholds the principle of equality before the law, public trust will continue to erode. 

Society must demand fairness, accountability, and true justice for all.

Beauty, Age, and Public Perception: Redefining Timeless Elegance


In a world captivated by youth and perfection, beauty is often seen as something fleeting.

Society has long dictated attractiveness, equating it with youthfulness, smooth skin, and an idealized physique. 

But is this the only form of beauty? As we explore the relationship between age, perception, and self-worth, it becomes clear that true beauty defies a singular definition.

The Changing Face of Beauty Standards

Throughout history, beauty ideals have evolved dramatically. 

In ancient times, fuller figures signified prosperity, while the Renaissance celebrated fair skin and delicate features. 

The 20th century brought an obsession with thinness, which later morphed into today’s digitally enhanced perfection seen across social media. Yet, one constant remain society’s hesitation to embrace aging as an aspect of beauty.

The Influence of Public Perception

Aging is frequently portrayed as something to combat rather than embrace. 

Wrinkles are labeled as imperfections, gray hair is masked, and cosmetic procedures thrive on the fear of appearing "old." 

This narrative fosters insecurity and isolates those who do not conform to youthful beauty standards. 

However, public perception is not static what we choose to celebrate and acknowledge can redefine our cultural understanding of beauty.

Aging and the Power of Timeless Elegance

True beauty extends beyond physical attributes. It is found in confidence, wisdom, kindness, and the ability to embrace one’s journey. 

Some individuals exemplify the allure of aging, demonstrating that self-assurance and grace can be even more captivating than youth.

Fortunately, perceptions are shifting. 

More brands now feature older models, and discussions around body positivity and age inclusivity are influencing societal expectations. 

However, the most profound change starts from within how we perceive ourselves and others as we grow older.

Embracing Authentic Beauty

Breaking away from ageist beauty standards begins with embracing authenticity. 

Instead of pursuing an unattainable ideal, we should celebrate the uniqueness that comes with age laugh lines that tell stories, silver hair that symbolizes experience, and the unwavering confidence that only time can bring.

Beauty is not about resisting age; it is about welcoming it. 

True elegance radiates from within, emerging through self-love, acceptance, and the courage to define beauty on our own terms. 

When we shift our perspective, we create a world where beauty is not dictated by age but enriched by the wisdom and experiences that come with it.

Beauty, Age, and Public Perception: Rethinking the Definition of Elegance


In a world obsessed with youth and perfection, beauty often feels like a fleeting currency.

 Society has long dictated what is considered attractive, often equating beauty with youth, smooth skin, and a sculpted physique. 

But is that truly the only form of beauty? As we navigate the intricacies of age, perception, and self-worth, it becomes evident that beauty is not confined to a singular definition.

The Evolution of Beauty Standards

Historically, beauty ideals have shifted dramatically. 

In ancient times, fuller figures represented prosperity, while in the Renaissance era, fair skin and delicate features symbolized grace.

The 20th century brought an obsession with slimness, followed by the modern era’s curated, filtered perfection seen across social media. 

Yet, one common theme persists society’s reluctance to embrace aging as a facet of beauty.

The Impact of Public Perception

Aging has often been framed as something to be “fought” rather than embraced.

Wrinkles are considered flaws, gray hair is covered, and cosmetic procedures thrive on the fear of looking “old.” 

This narrative fosters insecurity and alienates individuals who deviate from youthful beauty norms. 

But public perception is a malleable force what we celebrate and uplift can redefine the way beauty is perceived.

Aging and Timeless Elegance

True beauty transcends physical attributes, It manifests in confidence, wisdom, kindness, and the ability to own one’s journey. 

Some natural Celebrities exemplify the elegance of aging, proving that confidence and grace can be more alluring than youth alone.

The shift in perception is slow but promising.

More brands now feature mature models, and conversations around body positivity and age inclusivity are reshaping societal expectations.

 However, the real change begins within how we view ourselves and others as we age.

Redefining Beauty on Our Own Terms

The key to dismantling ageist beauty standards lies in embracing authenticity. 

Rather than chasing an unattainable version of beauty, we should celebrate the uniqueness that comes with age the laugh lines that tell stories, the silver strands that symbolize experience, and the unwavering self-assurance that only time can bring.

Beauty is not about defying age; it is about embracing it.

True elegance comes from within, radiating through self-love, acceptance, and the courage to define beauty on our own terms. 

When we shift our perspective, we open doors to a world where beauty is not bound by time but elevated by experience and wisdom.