
Tuesday 2 July 2024

Using Hurricanes and Weathering Systems as Weapons of Warfare.

I'm a very sensitive individual who observes, monitors, and analyzes everything, and what I can say is that hurricanes and weathering elements are being used on people as weapons of warfare.

Hurricanes are laced with the same components that the Chemtrails have in them, the same chemicals that are being used with the sun to push extremely high volumes of invisible rays on the people, the same chemicals that are being propelled from some kind of machinery off the coast of Africa and other designated and called Saharan dust or a dust cloud or haze.

Toxic chemicals are being pushed through the atmosphere to make a base stage that manufactures, heightens, strengthens, and manipulates weathering elements to make them destructive tools.

During such happening I would place myself in a directive position to observe, monitor, and analyze, and I've gained an understanding to know that they are operating with the same components. 

The burning of the skin, stinging tongue, feeling nauseated, the toxic smell, the sudden uncomfortable stinging heat that's embedded and blows in the wind, and the burning of eyes, all happen during these events.

What people don't understand is that the same hunter planes that are checking the hurricane could be the same planes that are also being used to intensify the cyclone.

Everyone has witnessed how hurricanes lose their strength but then happen to automatically gain full speed ahead, just out of the blue, there is a reason for it, they are being fueled with components to make them grow in size and be more destructive.

I must also add, that when I feel, sense, and say something I'm never wrong, it does come to light eventually. 

Just think about it, what better way to push a high volume of hazardous chemicalized chemicals on the people, a way that can reach far and wide, than in a manufactured hurricane and other weathering elements? 

And that's exactly what they are doing, look at the skies after the hurricane or another weathering element, and you'll see a disposition of a chemicalized hazy atmosphere, the same hazy disposition when the sun is shining that burns, the same hazy atmosphere that shows when they say the Saharan dust is passing, which is not Saharan dust at all, but hazardous chemicals being pushed in the atmosphere off the coast of Africa and other designated places.

What happened to the bright blue skies, what happened to the refreshing wind, what happened to the rain that individuals like to enjoy, what happened to the bright sun that sent rays to energize? 

Going outside seems like a crime, it feels like the elements are out to get us, and it does not feel natural or normal at all. 

I know that it's not natural, and people need to understand that when you're aligned with the Creator and nature, you can see, hear, smell, taste, and feel when it is a natural happening or when it is man-made.

You will be able to sense nature's ways when they feel suffocated, and poisoned by things that are not part of its natural elemental way.

People are part of nature, and they have senses that have been given to them by the Creator as a knowing mechanism, and very few are awakened to know themselves and know nature naturally.

As to know what's real and what's fake, they are just running with what they are being told deceptively.