Make Genuine Love the foundation life is here to enjoy in the most positive ways not to copy others but to be the original of you, the gratitude of self is to adhere to your True genuine being
We are living in a time where we have to balance ourselves and remain strong, fearless, grounded, and take authority in what is Truly right, the authentic ways of love and light.
As some nation leaders that walk with haughtiness are trying to change what we all know as good into bad, and clearly by now everyone should know where it's all coming from.
They are trying to lavish themselves with wayward trinkets of devious ventures, avenues,s, and events.
Some Societies of the world had become tainted by the hands of wicked governments, who try to offload uncouth haughty, and arrogant maneuvers on the people.
Some individuals walk unawares, naive individuals whose hearts, minds, and souls can be easily manipulated.
The convulsing acts of which some individuals are falling for, the sick twisted, and evil mentalities performances, that are being pushed at them.
They are just brainwashing and manipulating schemes to try to change people from the good that they know.
To be reformed by a monstrosity of devious doctrines of wayward living and evil contents crafted by evil itself.
Governments are corrupt and there is a chainlink of a preferred sexual presence that they all carry as everyone can see, no longer is it hidden, as the evil strains are trying to envelop the people of nations worldwide.
The Pride push propaganda can clearly be seen as a chain-linked sexual preference that all those trying to push the agenda are actively doing in their lives.
Their sexual preference is not hidden as it is broadcast for everyone to see.
And through the despicable and wayward activities that they perform, they are trying to push it and used it as a united front, with a false doctrine base on pride.
We must all continue to reject the wayward and embrace what has been layered as a foundation of true living ways.
In Genesis 2:22 God made a woman and brought her unto a man, Adam was the man, and Eve the woman.
God did not bring forth a man for Adam and God did not bring forth a woman for Eve.
It is twisted, its blasphemy, lying whispering spirits that continue to manipulate the minds, hearts, souls, and bodies of individuals.
Ephesians 6:12-20
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
God sealed his promise with a rainbow in the sky amid the devastation from the flood of judgment there was a beautiful rainbow symbolizing God's gracious promise.
So why is evil copying what's rightfully created for promising to turn it into a twisted and evil-based agenda? Many individuals should be asking this question among themselves.
So if the rainbow is created as a significant gesture of a promised hope to be gathered why should individuals embrace a false indoctrinated twisted agenda that's seeded and rooted under from spirit of Levithian?
Pride and all its wayward accessories are fused under the spirit of Livithian, the evil serpent that tries to twist and change well into bad.
The promoter of confusion and kiosk, arrogance, etc the whispering evil spirit that spits twisted dialogue into the hearts, minds, and hearts of the naive individuals of unawares.
James 4-6-7 God opposed the proud and give grace to the humble.
So clearly it can be seen that the enemy is trying to use the good factors, we have all been accustomed to and know for good and reliable self-growth of living into a copy and tyranny of uncouth ways.
Proverbs 11 When pride comes then comes disgrace.
Proverbs 16-18 Pride goes before destruction, a haughty before a fall.
So right now we are in fact seeing the spirit of Leviathan trying to push and parade itself on a world stage.
And as all things must come to an end, we know that the ever-trying conquest of the world of societies by the spirit of Leviathan will come to an end.
As it states in Psalm 74: 12-14 For God is my King of old, working salvation in the midst of the earth.
Thou didst divide the sea by thy strength, though brakest the heads of the dragons in the waters.
Thou brakest the heads of Leviathan in pieces, and gavest him to be meat to the people inhabiting the wilderness.