The drug cartels push drugs daily, drugs that cause damage to man, and the drugs that are being pushed do not in no way have any attributes to heal.
We know of the cartel as drugmakers, dealers, and pushers, but what about the big pharma industry of big pharma and the government health industry that caters to drugs are those not drugs that would be considered the drug trade?
There is a governmental way that drugs are distributed to individuals that can be considered a "drug trade".
And that is from the governmental health industry and the linked pharmaceutical industry, which can also be called drug dealers and pushers.
The medical field consists of some doctors that continue to push prescription drugs at individuals every day, can we not clarify them as drug dealers or pushers, or are they too hidden behind governmental seals to take that title?
The way I look at it, I see some doctors and governments as drug pushers, the ones writing daily perscriptions drugs for big pharma the cartel of it all.
The people are not getting any better, just being induced with mild biohazards, etc that will cause them more harm than good.
When last did taking a prescribed drug make anyone heal? Never! All prescription drugs do is soothe for a little while, there is never a healing cure, but a consistent recurring pain and visits to get more prescriptions, which is a diplomatic form of drug pushing to the people.
Look around at the people that take prescribed drugs, that are recommended for them to take their whole life, aren't drugs supposed to heal and give individuals a better chance at living?
Why the constant repeat of drugs that do not heal, if they are not healing what are they really doing?
By now we can say that individuals are addicted to prescription drugs and the constant notion of "I have to get my prescription filled, or I have to get another prescription from the doctor tells the tale.
It's as plain as day, as we are seeing in the health industry individuals that are addicts, people pushed into addiction by a governmental health system that is linked to big pharma that continues to launder drugs.
The pharmaceutical industry seemed to be growing and some individuals are dying, millions of dollars are being made, and still no healing cures for the people.
Governmental and pharmaceutical drug pushing is what we see in the health industry, the business is getting rich and the people are getting sicker with some passing away.
There is not much difference between the hardcore drug cartels governmental drug pushers and big pharma.
All of them are doing the same thing, and that is trading drugs to individuals that cannot help them heal, only slowly damaging and destroying their bodies to then cause premature deaths.
Prescribed medication keeps the people on a high, and just numb aches and pain until a few minutes or hours, the people then find themselves taking more, just like hardcore drugs.
Hardcore drugs work faster and prescribed drugs work slowly in doing their aid.
So when you think of drug pushers, don't just think of the hardcore drug cartels that are pushing drugs north, east, south, and west.
Think of the governmental health industry that's linked to big pharma that's pushing useless drugs that do not heal or cure.
Medical drugs just give a few minutes or hours of soothing to numb the pain, just like hardcore drugs.
Basically, there is no difference between the two, other than the violence and weaponry.
The prescribed drugs are pushed to individuals and they have no true benefits, the addiction of the people is evident as the call to get more prescriptions repeats continues to go on, throughout the individual's life.
What are the benefits of pushing drugs into your system that do not heal or cure, what are they really made of? If they are not curing what are they really doing?
The governmental health industry and linked big pharma are the drug pushers, the drug cartel, with a political pass.
The need to control, suppress, be depressed, and never heal or cure is their agenda.
All the years that medications have been, why haven't we seen millions of people healed and cured of illnesses?
Unfortunately, that is not the case, big pharma is just in it for the money healing or cures are never involved.
Big pharma cannot make money off of individuals that are not sick, they have to keep the people sick to keep them coming back for more, so more medication is pushed, more made and more money to gain.
So they are keeping the people in a field of sickness to harvest the money.
No one is getting cured or healed, just addicted. controlled and string along.