
Wednesday, 29 June 2022

A Look Into View-Discrimination!

This is a look into discrimination, especially when dealing with color, it's about the way mankind treats their own individuals that are made up of children,  mothers' sister brother friends, and fathers

It is about the biased way that some individuals go about treating each other because of their skin color.

Being prejudiced against anyone is just an individual that is not comfortable or loves themselves.

If they had been they would, in fact, be comfortable with everyone else despite what color shape, or form they might come in.

The hate of some individuals that are living in this world comes with much envy towards one another.

And it's a prejudiced way that individuals don't show each other care.

Just because someone is not the same color or looks like you, doesn't mean that they are different and if cut will bleed the blood of yellow-orange or blue.

You see! They will bleed the same red blood that is running through your veins because just like you, they are called mankind with a build-up that is the same.

And the ignorant ways that crept through an individual's mind and heart of doors must and should not be allowed to enter in, everyone should be treated equally and in this world, they should be able to live peacefully and safely.

Hearts should never be cold, hearts are made to show love care, and appreciation to everyone, whether your skin is white pink black, or brown.

Too much hate is growing too much pain is showing too many souls are crying, mankind on mother earth needs massive healing.

Mankind's False Interpretation of Love and knowing it's True Value

 There are but a few in society who don't know the value, description, and meaning of the word love and its authenticity. 

To some, it's just a mere mock-up of the word and they used it as an unidentified and unworthy cause.

Some say,  ‘‘ I love you" but behind that, it shows hate, treason, envy, deceit, and hate.

It is being used as a mere gimmick and a trial in an undignified way, but why?

Why are so many using it and not saying it in truth?

It's because they don't know or care to appreciate and embrace the meaning, value, and true existence of the word in actions. 

‘‘ I love you" now flows from mankind's mouth like a trend, a despicable, unedifying mockery, not to be shown for appreciation but for treason.

Not showing the genuineness of its meaning but to be used as a ‘‘what you need to hear’’ word. 

It is being said without clarity, with no definition of its meaning, no reliance, no attitude, and no limit.

Anyone who knows the truthful meaning of Love, its appearance, and its nature, would appreciate its usage. 

And immediately will identify and know when it's just being showcased by others or said out of content as mere ignorance, lust, or appetite.

When one has lustful love, it makes them want to get what they need in sight and mind. 

This is not real love but just a mere means of illusional ways. 

Intimidated by the mind's interpretation of its unqualified needs. 

‘‘ Lying love’’ which falls under the category of ignorance and lust, comes about when one tells someone what one needs to hear. 

To get what one wants and it's a mere means of deceiving the other in a nullified diplomatic way with a straight face,  delusional devious mind, and a tainted heart. 

And then there is when love is used as an appetizer. 

lots of people seem to like this one, ‘‘ I love you", they would say and their minds and heart hold a grudge of hatred towards you. 

It's just being said as a ‘‘ Save Face’’ in an egoistic way by others who try to manipulate things for their selfish needs to fill the appetite. 

One must understand and be able to define this four-letter word,  it's a weapon of intrigue. 

It's a way, a perfection, an evolving substance, that was originated and generated from the Father's hand and heart. 

It's a feeling, a truth, a living matter and it can not be copied, it's put in place to be truly showered, shown, and shared. Saying "I love you" with no meaning makes it dry, dark, hallow, and Yes! False. 

And anyone that knows its true way will know when it's just said to be displayed. 

Yet so many seem to use it daily without emphasizing its truth, it has now become a trend, a by-word, a part of everyday false speech. 

It has now become a trending mere aspect of society's way of manipulating each other.

I observed people who say it to others, even to me, and you know what?

I not only realized but I felt and knew that it was all fake. 

It concerns me to see how it just easily flows from individual's mouths' without truthful thinking and meaning of its value.

A lot is going on in the world, the enemy is using mankind in so many ways to try to pollute every good way. 

By trying to turn things around from what good they are supposed to be, and trying to channel and copy every aspect of ways by turning them into repulsive and wicked behaviors. 

I am a human who appreciates real genuine Love for its conception, its worth, its appearance, and its foundation. 

When someone says it and means it you feel it, the excitement, the joy, the gratitude, its worth. 

And you have an appreciation as you feel the substance of the word for its true meaning, and your heart accepts, accompanies, and embraces it. 

When it is not truthful, the heart rejects it, you don't feel it because it's not said in truth and is not being spoken with true intentions.

‘‘ The Heart is the Instrument of Love it Refutes Lies and Embraces LOVE’’

And so the one that says it without meaning, makes the vulnerable unconscious one that hears it, hear it with the ear, the mind then interprets it as they make and puts it into a false need. 

Love is just a four-letter word, it's a small word but its value is great and greater than anything. 

 Only the true conscious can comprehend its existence, its nature, and its an exhibition, as it's bigger than you and I. 

No one will know the depths of genuine love until they find out and know it's a true value, its true original distributor and maker. 

And as some continue to look at love from a different perspective, some see love as a mere fast way. 

Of getting or having sex with as many people as possible, for the appetite. 

And some use it as a form of ego, and others used it as a way of showing maturity. 

And yet again so many fail to look at love and to see it for what it really means, and that is for reliance, education, commitment, help care, and edification. 

When you say "l love you" it should not be used for one's selfish gain, by interpreting it as something different than what it is meant, by misusing venerable people for self-enjoyment and appetite.  

Love should be about appreciation and care as it makes an impact on someone or their lives to help them in the most positive ways. 

It should be about being true to yourself, so that you can be true to others, and appreciate the commitment that is truly shown showered, and shared. 

Love is a precious gem, it's all about the heart, real and authentic in being and substance. 

Yet again so many fail to identify and understand it, they fail to see the velocity of its nature, and some fail to embrace it and show it. 

Love can not be measured because it's an ever-growing essence of the matter. 

The more love you share with others, the more the heart will bring, put in place for mankind to use, to get them through each day. 

But some ignore it, misuse it, forget it, copy it, and with no hope, get lost along the way.

Love is a guide, an instrument of perfection, made and transfer from the father's heart and hand. 

It is here and put in motion to be showed,  showered, and shared, in one's life and to always play a part. 

Why say it if you don't mean it? Why say it without edification if you can't say it truthfully why say anything at all?

Monday, 20 June 2022

The Government's Entanglements with lies

The entangled hearts, hands, and minds of some Americans are trying to push for a new world order with puppeteered nation leaders trying to push for the same. 

A world of nations of people that will not benefit from the cause.

America is trying to be that global power but it has lost its ranks. It use to be the land of the free now it has been disclosed that it means the land of the freemasons.

Reality is fabricated, the actors are freemasons the directors are the scientist and space troops that scan and manipulate space knowledge, and the world is the stage.

It is supposed to be the land of the free, so what is happening now and what happened to the years of slavery, robbery-murder, etc, that the people went through, with the lies and cloaked deception through things?

They think that freedom will be fabricated into the minds of individuals when they hear it pronounced, but there was never freedom in America, there was always the freemason, they just hide the masons at the end so that it would not be so into view. 

America is being pushed back on the back burner and new nations are rising to help themselves.

That is why America is pushing for their new world order governance and a world health treaty, etc because they want all nations to bow at their feet so that they can be in control.

It's not going to happen, America has lost its edge over nations that it once controlled, and it will stay on the back burner in idle-ship as it watches other nations succeed and grow to their true potential.

Bullying can only go as far as it's allowed, and now the people have spoken they are speaking, and the people have their say and willfully actioned movement that will help them in the end.

America's wicked governing bodies try to coordinate chaos and use it to push their agendas, and man-made methods of destruction to try to bring nations to their knees with disabling effects.

They will then pretend to help, to throw a lifeline at said nations, a line that is not to help but to set up, a line that is laced with trickery to take control and rule.

The resistance has grown to millions in size and they do have a say in the morphing world of devious intents that have been thrown on the people in nations of the world. 

The people make up the majority, and the devious make up the minoriy, it's just that they are playing with hard cash always to bribe.

I think by now everyone's eyes have opened to see how huge the resistance is by the millions that walked in protests against agendas that weren't benefiting them in good ways, they do have a voice and they will make themselves know when they have to.

And it is only fair that they do stand up for what is right for themselves.

The bias and wicked agendas of the governments and parties of corporations of friends of friends of friends cannot stand, it can't stand against the resistance.

The wicked might try to go back to the drawing board but by then the time will be up.

When you give people so many push and leverage titles they somehow think that they are a god to the people, but they are not and they will never be, they are just mere men and women seated on wood, metal, and cloth chairs, not mighty thrones, a universal throne is what they need if they want to play God, and that they can not do if they don't have the essential power and attributes of God.

I don't think that a one-world order will automatically make them a god, it does not work like that.

The new strategy for the climate change is the hoax which is part of their agenda because they have to create and push a false narrative to try to control everyone, they think that when they cause chaos they will have an upper hand on everyone, and they will try to step in take over and rule.

They are just trying to usher in global governance and are just trying to make their manmade method of destruction an excuse to get what they want.

Global climate modifications are what threaten the earth and the people in it, I don't think that after all these years an earthly realm will manufacture a climate to harm itself or its inhabitants after years of not doing so.

For anything threatening to happen there are always hands that push for the cause.

They are trying to push for a fast change, but the people need to find out if those changes are of good intentions that will help them or just bad directives that will keep them at bay and under strict political structural democracy.

The more catastrophes individuals go through the higher the prices go how is it possible, why are prices going up with individuals' demise and environmental damages?

The wicked are trying to cash in on individuals' fear and turmoil through their network of friends of friends of friends through governments and corporations etc.

When last did something of a natural occurrence happen? All we are seeing are man-made manipulated influences.

We must not be ignorant of truths, of what is happening in societies of nations in the world that we all live in.

We know, we feel and we can sense that recent storms hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, tsunamis, the lightning and thunder storms that hits with over 4,700 strikes in less than an hour, and volcano eruptions are not natural triggers, they are being propelled and controlled by manmade machinery and manipulated to be destructive

The severe sahara dust clouds that blindly blanket nations, and still not a speck of dust grain can be found.

I just have this feeling that there are some kind of weather lab with manipulated machinery off Africa where all storm etc originates from. 

As far as we know, the coast of Africa, the  cape verde islands could be infact part of the wicked weather manipulation playing ground.

Don't forget that they were always in Africa doing all types of scientific works.

Maybe they found a direct land position that would enable them to push manipulated weather at choice nations, so their put their machinery into play mode.

When since mother nature's earthly elements gave us anything strange, freaky, eerie, weird, fake unnatural, etc, mother nature balances itself and every possible thing that is attributed to mother nature always brings a piece of calm, soothing, productivity, a new. renewal, birth, blossoming, etc, what part is ever destructive?

The wicked man has found a way to use the weather as a weapon and they are trying to use it as a way to get an upper hand on nations of the world.

If they want something they can easily flood or destroy nations and then easily walk in pretending to be soldiers or unions of help, but they just go in and take what they


If the nation is in the proximity of something that they have their eyes on then they will inhabit the nation, it's as easy as the eyes can see and the mind can comprehend.

We must never be blind to truths because truths are right in our faces we just need to look at them and acknowledge them.

Mankind is supposed to be connected and they have senses, to hear, smell, touch and see and understand just like animals do. We are all creations exiting through souls, and we should all know that mother natures elements are all about birth, renewal, life, soothing, calming, refreshing, making new, growing, blooming, warning, etc not damaging.

When you need to relax etc you go and listen to nature, you go to be a part of nature to unwind renew focus, etc, there is no damaging, destroying, or manipulating, you just go to renew yourself, and you always find peace with mother nature's elements, etc.

I know that every wicked individual who put forth their hand, mind, and heart to cause conflict, chaos, hurt, pain, disruptions panic, etc on the people of the nations of the world will be gradually dealt with.

Enough is enough and it's time that the suffering end, the suffering that wicked men and women that are infiltrated by higher beings to disrupt habitations of civilization to benefit their agendas.

It will come to an end once and for all the wicked perpetrators etc must go and they will.

The deadline was hammered down and it's their time to go, justice will be served for the people of the earthly realm called earth.