
Saturday, 26 February 2022

Man is the enemy of themselves

The evil intent of man is to push destruction and poverty on others.

In societies of individuals living in the world, so many times have we seen men and women; turn to devious connections that push harm and death on others.

The world and mother nature is not killing anyone, man is doing it all by themselves because man is the enemy of themselves.

The manufacturing of deadly weapons of mass destruction, the manipulation of weather, the fusing of body-harming elements into food to cause harm. the sprucing of bodily built-up to cause greater harm than good.

The killing of the innocent, the raping of the earth, and the removal of elements that help to function the earth.

The digging, excavation, contaminating of forest and other fields that animals, etc call home.

The earth is slowly becoming a shell.

Why is so many among you so lucent in destroying others and the earth?

Why the constant need to demonstrate evil intents on individuals and the earth as we know it?

The playing with the lives of the innocent for status control and financial gain needs to stop.

Wednesday, 23 February 2022

Scientist and Pharmaceutical Companies-Network of treason and deception.


A society that keeps cures a secret so that they can continue to sell medicine for a huge profit, is not a society but a huge asylum~Dr Sebi

As individuals living in societies all over the world, we have seen, heard, and know of so many breakthroughs of natural medicines that came to the forefront, natural herbs of medicinal breakthroughs that were immediately censored, removed, banned, or shut down.

And in some instances, the ones that brought forth the knowledge of the natural healing medicinal herbs, and plants, all of a sudden just pass on. 

You don't have to be blind, to not notice that they are in fact trying to put every existing natural herb and plant base matter that has natural medicinal healing, out of the people's hands.

They just don't want the people to acquire the knowledge to help themselves, because they want the money to keep flowing to their bank accounts. 

We are in fact living in societies with individuals in the science and pharmaceutical fields, that are basing everything on money, as they continue to try to make a profit off medicines etc that do not cure but just bring more destruction, more ailments, and more deaths.

All artificial chemical-based medicines etc that only function as minute and hour suppressants, then after the time is up, the pain, etc returns or worst the individual pass on.

Look around at the clinics, hospitals, etc, the prescription that continues to be filled over and over again without end.

Don't you think that through the years that those scientists, pharmaceutical companies, and medications were in circulation, cures should have been found and delivered to the people?

The people behind pharmaceutical companies, science, the shareholders, and investors will try to keep everyone are bay when it comes to finding cures because for them it's a business, and if a cure is found that would mean that there would be no more sales, no more profit no more investors, etc, they cannot make money on the healthy only the sickly.

And if you want sickly people what would be the measures of getting everyone sick?

The measures will be to make them sick.

And that is exactly what is happening to the people in societies worldwide, they are being made sick so that the pharmaceutical businesses can survive, and the shareholders, friends of friends, etc can have a big bank account.

It's not about healing, curing,, and helping the people, but about gaining a big bank account of the people.

.All types of harmful chemicals etc are showing up in the food supplies, food supplies that millions of individuals put in their bodies daily.

The people involved in carrying out the hidden agenda of lacing food with harmful chemicals and solutions that are causing a rise in sicknesses to the people are also on the payroll of those pharmaceutical companies that are pushing out the artificial medicines.

They are always focused on the gained aspects, of trying to make millions off the people, instead of trying to truly heal the world's population with real natural herb-based cures.

In fact, if the herbs and plant bases are used, they are diluted, manipulated, and added with harmful solutions.

Solutions that cause more harm to the body than good.

Each and every one of us knows that there is Truth to the natural healing world of herbs and plant matter.

We can go back as far as the bible to the notion of the fact that it is recorded there, we can also notion the fact that our forefathers were all-natural doctors in the process of identifying the healing herbs and plants and putting them to great use.

As children growing up, how many of us had grandparents that always knew what to give and for what ailment.

They always got that temperature down, the soreness remove from joints after a fall, the wound healed and the coughs of colds removed.

Our forefathers' used herbs and plant matter as natural healing medicine and the knowledge has been passed on to those that know what the herbs and plants can really do, the true benefits that they all have to heal the body naturally.

In fact, when you check some manmade medicines, you will find that there is the usage of some herds to make them, but many unnatural elements have been blended into the herbs, and in so doing, the healing process will not be maintained because some added substances actually cause more harm than good.

So now it's up to the people to help themselves achieve true healing from the same natural medicinal herbs and plants that our forefathers used.

Scientists have failed us, science is being used to create biological weapons, all elements to cause harm, there is never a sequence to procure for healing but a sickening or killing effect.

Every speck, sample, gene, specimen, fossil, etc, whatever they can get their hands on that is out of the ordinary, they are always trying to used to do more harm than good.

Whatever discovery they have made is always aligned to push some evil intent, their values for seeing or making something good are never in their view.

It always has to make money, exist without a cure, to catch the highest bidder.

It is not hard to see how scientists, pharmaceutical companies, etc are operating, they are not for the people, but for themselves, shareholders, investors, and their dirty hand minons. 

Tuesday, 1 February 2022

Feed The Sheep-Help The People-The Masses.


Feeding the sheep is helping the people, the masses of individuals.

And it should always come in good ways it's not about hurting anyone bullying them or giving them sad days.

Feeding the sheep is protecting your brotherman, as you feed them with a true heart of willing hands.

And it should not be a demand or your own agenda to use anyone in any way.

It's directing them in a conscious way to always show love and truthful care.

It's making someone that had a bad day feel good, even if it's good words of motivation from you that can be understood.

You know! Everyone is pushed to help but sometimes it's not what they are willing to do.

And after they are finished they say that it isn't for them to do.

And I say, to feed the sheep is a willing way that you keep it is a way with passion inside, that brings a sparkle to your heart soul and eyes when you can input to make someone happy and they can make a real genuine smile.

You ask for nothing and you take nothing in return.

All that you want to know and see is that the individual is consciously aware and standing on strong feet.

You know! I do have a passion and the passages my life lead me to was what I am always willing to do and that is to help my brotherman, motivate them and help them up by hand.

And when I met two separate individuals in an area of helping passages and they looked at me and told me that I can not save everyone.

It just shows me the entity inside the individual that I see doesn't have a truthful heart soul of hand, just a way of business to make fast cash with a camouflage plan.

You see! Yes! I can save everyone even if it's a word, a touch, a hug, or telling them how I Love them so much.

I know that they would know, that good is out there and bad is not the way to go.

And yes! A good change will come and a will from them to do such, I am not in this for games and I'm not in it for fast cash.

And I will tell everyone! That anyone that has a will passion for helping will try to save everyone.

No one should be telling you that you cannot save everyone unless they don't have caring ways, as most likely their intentions are not to help but to finish off the individual's days.

‘‘To Genuinely Help Is Always A Willing Passion If you want to do the "Help Factor" make sure that you are doing it, to Genuinely help and not for, fame or favors.

Will you be willing to help feed the sheep, the helpless individuals that may come your way the ones that hurt so bad that their eyes reflect what they want to say before you meet?

Will you care will you share will you put the truth always out there?

Will you help your brother man by a true directional heart soul of hand and not by a greedy self-benefit controlling plan?

Will you help guide them into truths to let them know the positive ways of aspects of things to do?

Will, you genuinely Love them will you take up a stand to be willing to help your brother man?

Feed the sheep is what I promise to do and I hope that everyone can see truths and feed them on the right to do.

Don't let the sheep wander in aimless careless ways, help show them true directions that will help make their way.

Black /White What Is The Difference ?

Black white what is the difference doesn't a heartbeat within?

Doesn't each individual carry a heart and the breath of life that gives them wind?

Love sees no color it only sees the heart Yes! The mechanism of the body where true wares will part.

A contrast of difference is around but by no means should anyone let it affect their thinking of truthful heart ways of themselves as to let it get them down.

Racism is at the table of those who are ignorant to the fact, that mankind is the same it's just that true Love some of them lack.

No color can change mankind's habitual thinking of how they know they should present themselves in a truthful way of the heart.

No bias ignorant individuals can stop them in life from taking part.

The diversity of individuals that try to put a mandate on the movement of individuals of what they call different color is just ignorance displayed, and they really need to know the true Loving way.

Anyone can excel it's just their motives of what and how they want to present themselves in life.

How far do they want to go if they want to settle down get a family with a husband or wife?

Some want to do more and some less, some want to cut corners and some want to go the truly straight and narrow way and do everything at their best.

Any individual that has his or her heart set on achieving what they have to achieve to help themselves in a meaningful way will get there.

And no one can stop them if they are flowing with a truthful heart of wares no matter what any ignorant individual tries to do or say.

Racism is used by individuals who try to control others but in days of today, it is not possible that is why an awakening was called.

To show up the errors of ways and break them off once and for all.