A society that keeps cures a secret so that they can continue to sell medicine for a huge profit, is not a society but a huge asylum~Dr Sebi
As individuals living in societies all over the world, we have seen, heard, and know of so many breakthroughs of natural medicines that came to the forefront, natural herbs of medicinal breakthroughs that were immediately censored, removed, banned, or shut down.
And in some instances, the ones that brought forth the knowledge of the natural healing medicinal herbs, and plants, all of a sudden just pass on.
You don't have to be blind, to not notice that they are in fact trying to put every existing natural herb and plant base matter that has natural medicinal healing, out of the people's hands.
They just don't want the people to acquire the knowledge to help themselves, because they want the money to keep flowing to their bank accounts.
We are in fact living in societies with individuals in the science and pharmaceutical fields, that are basing everything on money, as they continue to try to make a profit off medicines etc that do not cure but just bring more destruction, more ailments, and more deaths.
All artificial chemical-based medicines etc that only function as minute and hour suppressants, then after the time is up, the pain, etc returns or worst the individual pass on.
Look around at the clinics, hospitals, etc, the prescription that continues to be filled over and over again without end.
Don't you think that through the years that those scientists, pharmaceutical companies, and medications were in circulation, cures should have been found and delivered to the people?
The people behind pharmaceutical companies, science, the shareholders, and investors will try to keep everyone are bay when it comes to finding cures because for them it's a business, and if a cure is found that would mean that there would be no more sales, no more profit no more investors, etc, they cannot make money on the healthy only the sickly.
And if you want sickly people what would be the measures of getting everyone sick?
The measures will be to make them sick.
And that is exactly what is happening to the people in societies worldwide, they are being made sick so that the pharmaceutical businesses can survive, and the shareholders, friends of friends, etc can have a big bank account.
It's not about healing, curing,, and helping the people, but about gaining a big bank account of the people.
.All types of harmful chemicals etc are showing up in the food supplies, food supplies that millions of individuals put in their bodies daily.
The people involved in carrying out the hidden agenda of lacing food with harmful chemicals and solutions that are causing a rise in sicknesses to the people are also on the payroll of those pharmaceutical companies that are pushing out the artificial medicines.
They are always focused on the gained aspects, of trying to make millions off the people, instead of trying to truly heal the world's population with real natural herb-based cures.
In fact, if the herbs and plant bases are used, they are diluted, manipulated, and added with harmful solutions.
Solutions that cause more harm to the body than good.
Each and every one of us knows that there is Truth to the natural healing world of herbs and plant matter.
We can go back as far as the bible to the notion of the fact that it is recorded there, we can also notion the fact that our forefathers were all-natural doctors in the process of identifying the healing herbs and plants and putting them to great use.
As children growing up, how many of us had grandparents that always knew what to give and for what ailment.
They always got that temperature down, the soreness remove from joints after a fall, the wound healed and the coughs of colds removed.
Our forefathers' used herbs and plant matter as natural healing medicine and the knowledge has been passed on to those that know what the herbs and plants can really do, the true benefits that they all have to heal the body naturally.
In fact, when you check some manmade medicines, you will find that there is the usage of some herds to make them, but many unnatural elements have been blended into the herbs, and in so doing, the healing process will not be maintained because some added substances actually cause more harm than good.
So now it's up to the people to help themselves achieve true healing from the same natural medicinal herbs and plants that our forefathers used.
Scientists have failed us, science is being used to create biological weapons, all elements to cause harm, there is never a sequence to procure for healing but a sickening or killing effect.
Every speck, sample, gene, specimen, fossil, etc, whatever they can get their hands on that is out of the ordinary, they are always trying to used to do more harm than good.
Whatever discovery they have made is always aligned to push some evil intent, their values for seeing or making something good are never in their view.
It always has to make money, exist without a cure, to catch the highest bidder.
It is not hard to see how scientists, pharmaceutical companies, etc are operating, they are not for the people, but for themselves, shareholders, investors, and their dirty hand minons.