
Monday, 25 January 2021

AGGRESSION- The Prolong indecent suits that some individuals wear

In a world of societies that all live in, some individuals do not know how to understand because too much aggression is feeding everyone, and Truth does not have a space to lay.

The listening factor for some individuals is lacking in many ways, as their ears and mental state that should be understanding, refuses to listen to apply, it just backs pedals and do a direct bashing with weaponized aggression.

It's sad to see that so many individuals are dumb to Truths and only use aggression as speaking tools.

You understand when it's understood, and you gain entry into many understanding and ways.

Understanding is only understood when one is willing to understand, and the requirement for many to sit on a true understanding structure has been blinded by shades of aggression and mind push tendencies that do not compute.

Slow minds do not accumulate knowledge it's always a beating around the bush and still, nothing gets compute.

Every structure for understanding is out for knowledge to be showcased, applied, and used in workmanships as a benefactor of good reasoning and meaningful works.

The fast push of weaponized aggressions is not needed when Truth is the bearer to seal the deal.

To get all reasoning aspects on the table, for all to identify acknowledge, and come to terms with.

The prolonged aggressive time table of uncharted tongue bashing roads should not be utilized, to cause a confusing ripple that would only try to corrupt good proceeding to come forth, from applications that were applied to the scenes.

Self-control can be so easily managed, it is up to the individual as a true participant, and if they are willing to participate in a worthy cause of construction.


What structure of issues can be documented?

I am a very high intellectual individual that likes to put reasoning etc on the table to show up the errors that some individuals try to push at me or others in an undignified way.

I am not a judge and I am not being judgmental, I just work in a capacity to overlook viewings to always get a clarified form.

I challenge, I do in-depth works of magnification, as I look to analyze and monitor situations people, etc around me that try to do things that need in-depth questioning.

I am not dumb, I am not hurting from anything, etc, I just do reasoning in order to get full clarity of what is being done.

I am not a woman that is hurt,  I am in full control of myself, no one hurt me, I have no scars that can be easily opened up to bleed.

I am an individual that is fully awakened to everything that is knowledgable, with wisdom and an understanding to enter into the world of secrecy, etc to show up whatever needs to be shown up.

I go for structure and construction, foundations for good workmanship that can be achieved at the end to get good results.

Things are never done without reason, there is always a string attached that someone wants to, or manage, whether it is in public or secret a string is attached.

Some individuals just do things and they think they should be overlooked, as they try to play and throw the blinding segments to others, they keep playing games, in a marriage, in a relationship, and life matters and they do not want to be questioned of slick and sticky areas that make no sense, as to be questioned for clarity.

Some of their causes are never justified to plainly follow, all causes should be put on the table to analyze and never follow, only to pull out the discrepancy of what lingers in, and bring out the truth of clarity to the forefront.


Expectations- The Challenge Within

It is good to expect more of yourself and less from others, that way you would not have to be living in the shadow of hurt when they let you down in disappointment.

The expectation from others to help could be so damaging when they do not come through.

Expectations do hurt as others always pull in the knowledge that something is coming, and when it does not the pain is very pronounced as disappointment then gets aired.

It is good to expect help from the self within you, your true structure for understanding, that you can be a true candidate and guardian to self, it should always be base on true and clarified knowledge to help you stand.

Trust can only be gathered if it is planted, and the trust of self must be always aligned to help self, achieved with the umbrella of the love of self that makes the covering complete 

No one is defiant from knowledge, no one is stopped or blocked from giving self a push or helping hand, true self-positioning must always mandatory.

The emotional factor that comes from bad unexpected turns could be stopped, as not to be a hindrance to self.

Expecting more from yourself should always be the focus, it should be the tool that helps nail the foundation into place.

Self Love should be n place also as the benefactor for all-cause,
not a pride puff up love but a love of self to appreciate and understand self to maneuver on passages to help self.
Emotions are the build-up of active elements that produce the phenomenon, of seeded movements,  and they can produce a strain on self.

One must be confident in self to go forward and help self achieve, instead of looking for the  help expectation  from others,

Confidence is easy to gather, individuals just need to settle themselves,  it is the framework that can help put self on achieving ground.


Acting like a fool-The Conclusion

When you get on like a fool, you are treated like a fool, that is the momentum of what it is.

The fool and good function do not work together, the fool just acts like a dumb class clown, and good function gets the work done.

Why act like a fool when you can function with good reasoning?

The only imagery that comes from someone acting like a fool is dumb basements, their foundation to start with real and truthful reasoning gets thrown off the table and neglect by many.

There is always an overthrown when a fool is in the mix, they are never taken seriously by anyone, their voice for communication gets pushed back on back burners, it is never frontline to show light.

The correspondence for some individuals to find their true voice and the ability to communicate on a higher level of understanding with others seems to be lacking in terms of insufficient respondents.

Some ways need deciphering, as some individuals have mixed ways with many discrepancies and voids, of their speech communication recognition and the ability to get things put out for others to understand as good intellectual communication unto forwarding fields.

The structure for understanding cannot be embedded by false values, it should always be of good content for understanding, good knowledge that is always aligned.

A voice is not a voice until it has a truthful element behind it, the true foundation for clarified reasoning.

A voice must always be heard and the element it is pushed with must always be or truthful and recognizable content.

It is the essence that is behind truthful voice clergy, not the nuisance of a dumb clown class act.


TRUTH and only TRUTH

Truth what is it, what do individuals decipher as Truth?

Truth growth standing is a true sturdy and strong foundation.


Truth is a tangible tool if used daily it can get a lot done, follow truths and truths will always lead.

Truth is the framework of good reasoning it is the key that opens lock fake doors, it is the rhythmic knowledge that gets things done in areas in the right positioning. 

Not everyone wants to hear the truth, some individuals prefer to be entwined in false and fake words and movements.

The structure for understanding cannot be embedded by false values, it should always be of good content for understanding, good knowledge that is always aligned.

A voice is not a voice until it has a truthful element behind it, the true foundation for clarified reasoning.

Does Truth hurts, does it cut some like a knife?

Truth does not hurt what hurts is the release of the false ways that were being attached in the first place.

The release hurts not the truth, it just moves in reasoning to make all things clear. thus releasing the tie on attachments of false ways that were causing damage to being.

Always be a truthful leader etc that will lead a gathering of individuals or an individual to better ground



Titles Verses Idols

Removing old things does make way for new to be established but the concept of which old is removed and new is built upon should be a relevant gesture and never proposed as ignorance as to hamper any future directions and proceedings of works.

Everyone wants to be recognized as an idol but no one is willing to share that constituency of themselves in making a true allegiance in helping others up, like the weak and needy, etc.

" The relevance from ignorance can not be compared to diligence ".

No one is willing to truly stand and build a permanent helping base regime to help the people out, it is always an "Own Agenda" and " Give me Something In Return" base theory whenever their help is applied, "what is a help when it only comes with a try of depleting a true way?

" Admiration does not surround depleting oneself etc".

Some places should be as they are, why change the branded names of true paths to name them after individuals that do not portray a significant base for a state or its people?

When branding one should always let the branding represent what the works deliver as a helping regime for a people and a nation as a whole.

Idolizing idols does not portray as a helping regime of significant individuals that move for a true cause.

The helpfulness should always be at the forefront, the frontline, the highlight that has relevance and not ignorance.