Living life in some structures whether it is family, workmanship, or others the base for some individuals to appreciate others, and what they are doing, have done, and continued to do seem to be lacking in the appreciation and gratefulness factor.
With some individuals it is like they just want to feed off of some individuals good and helpful nature of what they bring to the table or them, they just want to use the individual's every existence to gain something from them, and when that person is no longer able to continue with proceedings they can be easily turned on like a pack of wolves on an innocent lamb.
But why, why does the fast change happen, why can't others appreciate someone for the sacrifice that they make and continue to make to help in some way shape, or form?
I find greed is always present it is always the limelight that pushes those people on to a fake attachment that is not real at all.
In families, some members will turn on others in the blink of an eye, and the family bloodline does not stand as a peacemaker to let them see that it is family and they should heed.
In workmanship fields of employment, the same thing happens, employees are pushed in trades with hard work, and after there is np appreciation from the boss or others, it always seems to be a dim light when showing appreciation is a concern,.
It is like everyone is just out to use, they just do not appreciate what others do for help through helpful passages, they only know others for what they can do for them, and after that, the harsh words or neglects, or belittlement will come.
I have experienced as I witness genuine loving parents who raised children and sacrifice many things in their life to give their children a safe, secure, and better life. home and structure as they keep them on a helpful family base.
I have also witnessed some of those same children turn on their parents and guardians like wild dogs, they just did not seem to appreciate the parents or guardians who help brought them through.
Where is the appreciation when it is needed, where is the heart, the compassion, the conscience, and understanding mind to see, for the children and others to know, feel and understand what parents and guardians have to go through and sacrifice to keep their children in a safe home healthy, and secure base?
It's upsetting to see how children can be raised with good-hearted helpful parents, and they see the sacrifices and struggle that some parents go through to get to where they are and want to be for themselves and their children, but yet the compassion and appreciation is not present at the end.
I am not saying that it should help you help me I am saying that respect and appreciation should be due to all kind-hearted helpful individuals that help children and others to get through. some children just do not appreciate their parents, guardians, etc enough.
In work establishments the same thing seems to happen with good and hardworking employees, they just are not appreciated enough for their hard work and distribution to the work field to which they apply themself.
Hard-working employees with much dedication that show much commitment and responsibility, but yet at the end of the day they are treated like dirt, they are not appreciated for what they brought to the table for the business company.
An appreciating gesture or thank you is sometimes never heard or seen, it's sad and sickening to see how others are being treated, good-hearted and kind individuals who would do anything to help others and themselves out.
It's like some people are just trying to change the good hearts of people into hard instruments of hate and angry hollow grounds that will not produce good works.
I am a genuine good-hearted loving person, and I too have experienced all that was mentions in topic lines, but at the end of the day, if the way people try to treat me does not coincide with my worth of good works that I have delivered will not change me from being the genuine and loving helpful person that I am in heart and being, I do know how to exit myself from such unwanted actions.
Yes, it may hurt a little especially to see it coming from bloodline family members, but my good works of nature can't be overthrown and pushed aside by deliberate acts, I just would not the actions to penetrate my loving heart.
All that would happen is that it would make me a more cautious and aware individual, who would not put trust in anyone so easily, not that I do, but the base for me putting trust on someone will be going on a probation act, whereas I will plant the seed of trust and see if it grows.
I am always aware of the greedy and unappreciative people who are just all about themselves, I have met so many and I have met good genuine people also, and they are some who had trials that try to change their good nature of helpfulness.
Genuine good-hearted helpful individuals need to know that they should not let individuals' spitefulness, ungrateful motives, or negative aspects, stop their positive outlook, being, and structural works to be helpful in passages they can identify.
We cannot change the unappreciative people, but we can change the environment in which we sometimes placed ourselves, the people that we meet, and the passages that we direct our helpfulness.
If the change can't come from the people being helped, it can come from the good ones giving the help, to be more focused and aware of the immediate acts and some red flags that highlight themself.
Everyday proceedings of help regimes can be monitored and analyzed to see how responsive others can be, in identifying someone with good helpfulness of heart and how they treat them.
If help is not truly needed on the direct feed of which we somehow apply ourselves, then we must try to limit ourselves in some areas and just feed the needy and not the greedy, help the needy and not the lazy.
We must find a more comfortable passage where we are needed with much appreciation from true hearts.
To all the true kind-hearted people I say to you, do not ever give up or give in to the greed and untamed tongues of others, that do not appreciate your worth of the true and genuine loving you of helpfulness.
Tainting self is never allowed when you have a genuine and helpful heart of nature.