
Monday, 25 December 2017

The True Structure.

The structure of everyone's being of the soul has elements of truths and can identify a true or a false way. 

Being in perspective is nothing charming as the alliance of a mandatory element of full true and direct speech will make an individual know as to understand what is and what isn't, Yes! What are just false tales of fables and directions in passages of events in societies in a world that they live in? 

The base for all true understanding lays within the vortex of the being, the soul the true alignment structure that leads to many places and things. 

Everyone does have this structure but it's for each and every individual to hear, sense, acknowledge, understand and lead as to take the directions and go as they adapt to their true way on a conscious level. 

The mandatory element is the being of soul and will always be as it's the channel, a doorway for diverse conversation, directions, entries, and exits of channeling ways. 

The refusal of some individuals not identifying this being of a true structure just leaves them in limbo as they try to figure out who to follow, what is right, what is wrong and what really is going on, Yes! some continue to be puppets on multiple strings. 

As I said, everyone does have a true base for understanding but when they don't even know that the base exists, they are just mere toys up for grabs by forces of alliances that can play with them at any time. 

The structure of individuals living on this earthly realm must be established for individuals to know and have a true passage of way, as they should be able to understand a mandatory element of truth way passage that is inside of them, Yes! The truthful alliance and intercessor. 

Sunday, 24 December 2017

That's Government -A Sight For Sore Eyes.

The dysfunctional aspects of ways that the government continues to build and discard buildings do not show a government with a building attitude of disposition. 

As it only shows a government with money-wasting properties that do not know how to evolve from the old to new and they don't know what they are doing. 

They don't know how to rebuild on those discarded buildings for helping themselves, the people and the needy out, as they just continue to waste the state's money and then start complaining to everybody that they reserves are running out and they don't have any money. 

So many buildings are standing like eyesores with mold, moss and the elements as their tenants, some are falling apart because of the long neglect of a government that decides to remove themselves from a structure to go to new. 

Why aren't the old buildings renovated to fit another area of representation of passages to inhabit a different area than the government does? 

Why all the wasteful money and still the government doesn't seem to be helping anybody? 

And as far as the eye can see many of the structures are good and strong and all they need is some renovating to get them up and operating. 

So why does a government institution continues to discard some buildings and properties? 

Why do governments continue to buy and build on new when they can renovate the old and continue to hold the sole proprietorship that they will be able to grow on?   

Instead of buying new and in a short space of time they are selling off properties that are relatively new to foreign hands? 

The dysfunctional way and the unnecessary spending that a governmental alliance keeps throwing the states and people's money away is nothing but mismanaging. 

The state of governmental affairs is so clear that individuals should be able to comprehend, as it's always in full view of how a governmental regime continues to overspend. 

They go on a spending spree with the state's money and continue to let foreign companies invest in homelands and after a few months government just places everything into the foreign hands. 

A governmental structure should always be in charge, in the disposition of ownership and in a state of true consciousness of knowing. 

Owning most of the subsidiaries and knowing how and where to lead their companies and the people, the ones that have the needs. 

Now all governmental alliances seemed to be doing is buying and selling and trading for nothing and it just doesn't make sense. 

Government is selling off and throwing away their true foundations of growth and reliance away ignorantly. 

And anyone looking in can clearly see the discrepancies that a government is making. 

There are so many in governmental leadership that don't know what they are doing, I can assure you if they did instead of falling and failing institutions there would be all strongly standing. 

The effectiveness of a government does not at all qualify and all they are doing is making false promises and continue to lie right in front everyone's eyes. 

Sunday, 10 December 2017


2018 is dressed in fine wear and it's awaiting the time of a new changing year, 

2018 is about to arise and everyone is going to be up and awaiting 2018 of living meaningful productive lives. 

 To walk out of 2017 and leap into 2018 to see what 2018 has in store in all meaningful passages wherever they may go. 

So let this year bring you hope, peace, and joy and don't get burden by anything, always let your inner being be happy and allow your heart to sing. 

Don't let anyone or anything on you do the intimidating act, be bold, courageous and loving and don't tie any meaningless aspect on your heart, mind, shoulders or back. 

Always know the true passages that you are destined to go, and please don't ignore the still voice inside of you when it's warning you not to go. 

Always be focus conscious and aware, and know what those around you really say when on you they put things up in the atmosphere. 

Let 2018 bring you peacefulness and clarity, let it open your hearts to more Love as you see everybody. 

Let it bring you calm to enjoy life and know not to go anywhere with anyone that is not good for you that just wants to cause you harm. 

Be always true to yourself and continue to keep the faith of hope, don't play with your life because it's not a silly joke. 

Greet everyone in a peaceful way, even those that show you no care. 

Always know your worth, know why you are here at this time and why you came through a special birth. 

You are always protected, you will always be secure, you will always see meaningful and good things happening to you as you continue to walk through each yearly intended positive door. 

2018 will bring the goodness of great multitude, that will overshadow anything that is not meant for you, nothing or no one could never harm you. 

As you are secured and always protected in your Creator Father's Loving Sovereign arms :) 

Thursday, 7 December 2017

Naturally Ripen Fruit

All over the world, all kinds of fruit is distributed daily, and the consistency of a real fruit to mature naturally for consumption is minimal as most of them don't get a chance to mature the right way and that is the ripening process of fruit that ripens from the inside out naturally. 

All kinds of solutions are put on fruit to make them grow bigger, faster and give them a ripen look, and those chemicals aren't helping anybody all they are doing is destroying what was supposed to be. 

Artificial premature ripening that ripens the fruit from the outside in only gives the fruit a false launch to maturity and makes the fruit taste blunt. 

When a fruit ripens from the inside naturally the elements for nutritional elements are held within the fruit as the process of natural ripening guarantees a better taste, natural development, look and a true fusion of vitamins for natural growth. 

Artificial ripening just stops the true natural process as the fruit does not evolve naturally to the true matured structure of itself. 

And the taste of the fruit will not be consistent with a fruit that is ripened naturally. 

As the artificial ripening only trigger a motion that will stop the fruit from producing natural sugar, vitamins etc for a better taste. 

That is why artificial ripen fruit has a watered taste as no sugar was produce inside the fruit to balance out the fusion because the fruit had no time to omit the sugar in itself naturally. 

Artificial ripening fruits is not beneficial to the body as all the body will intake is tampered fruit that lost it's consistency, with elements inside that did not have time to mature and balance out itself naturally, and you wouldn't get a balance nutritional state of intake. 

Wednesday, 6 December 2017

There Should Always Be A True Higher Base To Understand What Is.

The conclusion of some theories has a rippling effect that sometimes puts individuals at a base to see, but the clarity isn't efficient and some don't understand as to comprehend the multitude of the verse. 

Some see it as mandatory because it's said by some important body but the base for understanding lays within oneself to be conscious enough to know the true depiction of verse. 

Religion has its own base for understanding its what the individual is putting their faith to believe. 

Science is a mere means of mankind's infatuation of a knowing, to find out what else is out there, what more can be done, how to do it, and with what. 

I would not say that without religion science is blind because it's the base for a mutual understanding for the individual or individuals to understand what is before them, it's just a means of understanding to depict what they see, know, hear, and feel to portray it in a lucent voice of conversation and identity for others and themselves to understand. 

So much is quired about religion and so much is quired about science, but the most depicted part of alliances is to understand what is true. 

What is actually a living organism and presence, a truth that is standing before you. 

Experiences all play a part in this monopoly of change as without experience what would mankind know? What would they feel? What would they sense and see? 

Religion does not come into play as what you understand will lay on you the individual accepting what is, in a term of understanding. 

Religion is a base of titles, dates, and deeds a concept that does not apply in this vocalized theory aspect.

Monday, 4 December 2017

What Is This Independence Of Way?

What Is this way that most states of societies address each year? 

The cutting off of linkage the old colonialistic ways, the dropping of procedures that some inherited with the old ways throughout the days of years. 

The structure of not being controlled but to heed to a call to use a will of your own. 

To go unto passages as you identify new, with alignment ways and experiences that would make a new better you with conscious views. 

The mandate to never have an apprentice just an independent way for you to follow as you walk in passages consciously awake, not to be tagging along on another but to be able to get and handle what is at stake. 

To never have a show of what you once held, but to be able to maneuver in avenues of passages that will keep a straight strong lift of shoulders with a meaningful and determined understanding head. 

A way that should only make you to consciously know and build yourself up positively and securely where ever you may go. 

What Is All This Wishing About?

I don't have any genie in a bottle, nor do I do magic or have foreign elements in glass balls or a fancy dish, I have full faith in my creator and his promise to me to know that I'm not doing a wish. 

I don't do wishes or wishing, I do hope, blessing, and favor, I hope for good and better things to come, I am blessed beyond measures and I have the faith of hope to know what's good for me and my life of elemental ways and the procedures to apply. 

Wishing comes with mystery, wishing does not have any clarity all wishing does is employ, deeds of magic and witchery ways that are hidden on pathways on every man, woman, girl, and boy. 

Individuals wish upon stars and anxiously look for it to deliver, but stars all align to give light to let you see what is above you. 

Mankind does not understand words that they say and if they did they wouldn't say them at all, why wish on things and used a word that does not have a true elemental base at all? 

Mankind wish on a merry Christmas, they wish on happy birthdays, they wish on everyday living and don't put or have the faith or hope in any of those wishing days. 

If Christmas is so merry why put a wish on that day unless it's not flowing with true elemental ways? Why do so many wishes have to be put on that day? 

And birthdays, mankind wish this day with each other, Yes! They wish someone have a happy birthday, please note the happy a true element aspect and wishing should not be applied. 

Again! If it's already a happy day how does happy align with wishing or wishful magical ways?  

And I'm going to ask once again, why the wish? The happy in birthday should always have its way that's if its true base has and comes with true elemental wears, why does the wish have to come in, why do elements of magic have to be aligned with this greeting and nearly everything that mankind is saying? 

And as everyday wear mankind wish someone to have a good or great day, hmm! There goes that word again, mankind is wishing, just using magic to try to stop a day of rain. 

You see! The elemental aspects of some words can never be denied and when they come with treason of lies, they should never be used as they are just manipulating false words that just have foreign ties. 

Nearly everyone wakes up out of their beds each morning and breathes a breath of fresh air, so why are some of you wishing that you wake up, are you wishing for a new day to get up? 

True aspects of words always flow in true passages of conversation when you are constantly talking, so why is mankind doing the wishing theme, a word that comes with anxiety, a plea bargain and unconsciously going on begging knees? 

Hmm! It's just another mind manipulating tool and as you see and hear it, it's generated like the words that mankind once copied when they were written on a chalkboard in a base of elementary school. 

And now nearly everything has a wishing button, a program, Yes! Another manipulating tool. 

Natural true elements of words that has true alignment always feel like they belong, not like a wish that you have to search out all day long. 

Mankind should have faith to know, they should hope for better things to come, they should know that they are blessed beyond measures and good things will flow on them, much favour is given to them and it's a promise and it's guaranteed, so why the wishing, why the down on knees cover up begging using the magic wishing themes? 

Why does everyone continue with these wishes that only put them as bullseye with a lot of misses? 

Why do they continue with this devious trend, that has no true base of elemental wear, just a word that flows with a false base to secretly beg? 

I hear this wishful word and it sounds so wrong, why is nearly everyone using that way, why is everyone whispering this wish, wishing and wishful words to nearly everybody every day? 

These words are not based on elements that are true, so why do wish, wishing and wishful ways of themes always coming from mankind, Yes! You!  

Individuals are blessed beyond measures and some don't even know, and they just continue to wish with magic instead of seeing the blessings behind the open flowing promised doors. 

When your purpose in life is guaranteed why wish?