
Friday, 2 December 2016

A Boss Of A Contractor That Will Forget You And His Work.

You know! I'm speaking on the business side and in this world amongst societies of individuals that we live in,everyone wants to be a boss.
Not that I'm bashing anyone, as being your own boss is a wonderful thing.
Being your own boss takes responsibilities knowledge and a heart to help to with- stand and present your business well.
What I can say based on my experienced and believe you me when I say that a lot of experiences dealing with individuals on this title base I did.

You see! There are a lot of individuals owning businesses without the business heart or heart,some have the finances to open a business and they do, some do it for fun while there are others that open a business to impress someone or others.

This blog is based on one of my experiences and this one is dealing with a contractor that did minor renovations to my apartment building.

What I can say is that I had the worst experience ever as I found myself having to remind the contractor what has to be done.

This is my experience dealing with an individual that don't have a business head,not that I'm being bias or anything but as a business person it's about maintaining your business,making sure that your business is being run in a very professional manner,the staff is up to par and the jobs are being done on time with efficiency.

Well, none of these descriptions was implemented in the business as everything was just a big mess of disorganization with staff issues and a lot of forgetfulness and never team- work,and this is a business that belongs to a contractor.

First, the problem started with lies and a double tongue as the time stated for the renovations were nothing near the due date and it was a constant tale of I didn't mean this week I meant the other week of which was a constant replay.

From the rudely staff that doesn't seem to understand individual's privacy of peace to loud music being played ,the smoking of weed, constant abusive language and the disagreements amongst themselves and the boss.

Disorganization and no team- work or communication as the employee didn't seem to have a clue what to do or what was going on,which resulted in half work being done with 
much delay of work,and materials never available to do the needed work.

Work was being done and it was left undone as no one had the thought of checking to see if they had finished work.

With a double work between the workers and dismantling already done work because no communication was in effect.

No one knew that the elements weren't put in place on the finished work as it was just a constant disagreement with staff.

Which came down to me finishing off long-standing unfinished work myself, as the team- work was not efficient or present with the employees or employer.

As always I watched as I analyzed and then I voiced my opinion about the matter.

I told the owner that if he was doing a job elsewhere he would have been sued and that he was the worst constructor of a businessman that I ever met and I give him a big zero .

My question is! How could a self-claimed contractor that contracts employees for a business do not know what is going on,on the job site, if the work is finished,done properly or at a stand still?

If all work has all their elements of systems in place and there is a finished product of work.

Number one priorities are making sure all work is done on time in good works and a finished work is presented.

As always it was about the money as everyone made it clear,slow work,no experience, and selfishness.

These are the aspects of ways that this contractor carries along with some of his employees in his business.

A question I ask him and anyone like him is “How are these individuals 
 Still, in a business with these kinds of mismanagement ways and with a cold heart a double tongue and just sees dollar signs?